MRBA Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope y’all are doing well. I’m celebrating World Cancer Day by just drawing breath.


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51 Responses to MRBA Free-For-All

  1. cluckyrn says:

    Good morning, y’all. I spent the latter half of yesterday at Dr. Hotty’s office yesterday. More PT for my neck (yes, more than 2 years after surgery….) and will be getting some other stuff checked out. Joy. The fun parts were getting in and out of my Matchbox car. That’s sarcasm.

    Today, an old schoolmate will be having surgery to remove a malignant melanoma and surrounding lymph nodes. It hasn’t spread any further (Yay!) but she will still be going to MD Anderson for chemo just in case. Prayers up for Connie Herrington Copeland!

    Chicklette has band tryouts this afternoon. This determines if she will again make black band (the one that competes at state concert contest that she was in last year) or will go back to gold band (the other half of the band that works on fundamentals). The whole concert band performs at the end of the year together and makes beautiful music that just takes your breath away.

    Today is also the first practice for the drama club. She’s very excited! Welcome to high school, chickadee!

    I hope y’all have a good day!

  2. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    everyone have a great day!

  3. cardinallady says:

    Good gray Tuesday morning! My redbirds were chirping at my window this morning. They were also on the ground taking in the chicken scratch (that’s not my writing, but a type of food) I pitched out yesterday.

    Clucky, you sent me that beautiful picture of the cardinals on a tree with the little saying. They are tiled on my computer screen now as 15 little pictures and I have what they mean written out below a red bordered picture of them above my computer on my metal cabinet door. You just don’t know how special that is to me sister.

    There is a dear lady in my life that I worked with in these walls for 18 of the 24 and a half years I’ve been here. God will take her Home through the effects of liver cancer. Very soon. She turned 86 today. I just pray she has an easy crossing … and the red cardinals will continue to comfort my soul with their friendly chirp and bright red hues.

  4. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    Coming to you LIVE from Centerville,Tx.

    Cold and wet here.

    An oilfield buddy that I’ve been friends with since the early 80’s died suddenly this past weekend. I had just talked to him last week. Probably won’t make the memorial service due to work. His family understands that part very well. Still, a sad week of phone calls.

  5. DWB810 says:

    Hello Everyone!

    So sorry for your loss Blues. Prayers for his family and friends.

  6. Airwolf says:

    Evening folks. I was a pallbearer for a long time friend and coworker. She was the wife of my high school coach! Lovely lady and dear friend. She was 81. Weather was not very good for a funeral, rain, fog and wind.

  7. Molly says:

    Mornin. Hate to hear about all of the illness and deaths of your friends.
    Didn’t even have a chance to check in yesterday. Maybe today will be a bit quieter.
    Clucky, how did band tryouts go? Sounds like Chicklette is going to have a busy high school career.

  8. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    hope everyone has a good day! first of the month so been busy around here.

  9. cardinallady says:

    What day is it? tell me! tell me! Heh heh, HUMP DAY.

    Now there is your camel visual for the day. Thank God the newspaper is out and now the 7800 proof readers can tell us what we did wrong.

    Talk to you later!

  10. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    it be cold out!

    everyone have a great day!

  11. cardinallady says:

    She went HOME today. My dear friend Mildred Taylor won her rest with Jesus this morning at sunrise. How appropriate. At the dawning of the day she stepped into that forever day.

  12. parrotmom says:

    Hi everyone, Late Thursday evening. Prayers for you friend CLady.

    HOpe you all are staying well.

  13. Clucky says:

    Almost midnight Thursday night. Days and nights are getting confused again :/

  14. Clucky says:

    We had snow flurries this afternoon. Mercy. Can Spring just come on already?!?
    Chicklette made Black Band! Yay!

  15. msblondie says:

    Happy Friday gang!

    yeah for Chicklette! i know you are proud of her clucky.

    everyone have a great day!

  16. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    First day of sunshine in a week.

  17. Clucky says:

    Chicklette and I made a turn around trip to Brookhaven today for a prom dress. I didn’t realize I could get there in 2 hours! The dress is beautiful and M is happy :)

  18. parrotmom says:

    Happy Sunday afternoon. The sun is shining and it sure can make a person feel better.

    woohoo for Chicklette making Black band. That is fantastic.

    Hope everyone is well and enjoying this fine day.

  19. cardinallady says:

    Hi everybody!!! Sun? It’s sunny? Heh. That’s the difference a couple of hundred miles can make. We’ve been cloudy all day. I just came to the office. Editor just checked in too.We are going to get as many pages together as possible.
    Expecting one to 3 inches of snow here tomorrow night into Tuesday, so this news will be tucked in tight quickly.

  20. parrotmom says:

    Morning and happy Monday to you all. Prayers to all of you in the path of this frozen winter stuff. Take care and try and stay warm.

  21. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    ok yes it is still morning. it has been a busy busy one.

    hope everyone has a great day!

  22. cardinallady says:

    Pecking in for a minute. Getting paper to bed. Almost done, actually. A couple of more news pages and then all the obituaries. One full page and more than two half pages.

    We have milk, bread, oatmeal, hot chocolate, chicken, salt and plans to make little snowmen tomorrow. Looking forward to our time in the snow.

  23. Legal Eagle says:

    Monday, February 10, 2014, 5:18 p.m.

    I got invited to play with the Flowood bridge group today and when we came out of Corner Bakery, it had gotten colder than a well digger’s butt in Montana with a steady freezing drizzle. Bbbbrrrrrrrrr!

    I was hoping to have the MRBA picnic in April again this year, but at this rate there may still be snow on the ground.

    I hope ceramics class doesn’t get frozen out in the morning because the frog I painted last month was about the cutest thing I’ve seen lately and I’m ready to paint something else.

    We’re hungry and have nothing thawed out to eat, so I guess we are going to venture out in this mess in search of food.

  24. msblondie says:

    Happy Tuesday gang!

    Everyone have a great day!

  25. cardinallady says:

    Hi how are all of you on this lovely dusting of a snow day? We got some snow. I ate a snowball at 4:30 this morning. Was fun. Added some more wood to the coals so the fire would crackle up again then went back to bed with the dogs.

  26. parrotmom says:

    Afternoon everyone here. It’s cold and dreary looking, but I have so much to be thankful for. Every in take care.

    CLady I think it’s cool you got up to enjoy the snow and have a snowball at 4:30.

  27. Molly says:

    Mornin. (It’s not afternoon just yet, PM, though I’m ready for 5:00) I took a sick day yesterday – first one of those I’ve had in a couple of years. Went to the doc and got a couple of prescriptions for theses sinuses of mine. Actually, my throat and ears hurt more than anything. Feel a lot better today, but could use a nap. Maybe at lunch…

  28. Airwolf says:

    Afternoon! We had some snow and ice! Round two is headed in. Everyone stay warm .

  29. cluckyrn says:

    Waiting for the peas to get ready and supper will be ready. Just popping in to say hi! Looks like a winter wonderland up your way, AW.

    One of the managers where I used to work died suddenly this morning. He was planning to retire this year after 45 years with the company. It’s been a tough day for Mr. Fab and company.

  30. msblondie says:

    morning gang! not sure how long I will be at work. My throat is bothering me today.
    Can’t get sick or I can’t be around the baby.

    well everyone have a great day!

  31. Molly says:

    Mornin. That sore throat is going around, MsB. Doctor says she has been seeing a lot of ear problems, especially in adults. Mine was throat and ears. Left ear still hurts.
    Kiddo found out yesterday that she will be graduating with high honors! Don’t know how in the world that happened, but she seems to have a 3.8 GPA.

  32. blues4you says:

    Good wednesday morning.

    Congratulations to Kiddo! Well done!

    Cold and wet here. Barely missed icing over. Hope to be home late thursday or friday.

  33. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Wet and cold up here. So far we have dodged the bullet. I hope it holds.

    I had cataracts removed from my left eye last Thursday and the lens replaced! I can now see colors that I haven’t seen in years. I’ll have my right eye done on February 20.

    Congratulations to kiddo!

    Blues be careful on your way home.

  34. Molly says:

    Thanks, Blues and AW. Blues, you should be coming home to some nicer weather. We missed icing over in Rankin County, too. I was a little worried last night because Kiddo was at a concert at the Coliseum until 11:00 p.m. She rode with a friend, but left from the friend’s house in Brandon. I was afraid the roads would be bad by the time she got back to her car to head on to the Rez, but all was clear. I didn’t sleep any until she wandered in at midnight, though.
    AW, congrats on seeing in color again.

  35. Clucky says:

    AW, glad your surgery was a success!

    Our pup we adopted with the help of MsRamona has developed cataracts in both eyes, rendering her completely blind in her right eye and having only peripheral vision in the left, so for all purposes blind. She got outside yesterday when my brother accidentally left the door open a bit, and it took a while to find her. She was wet, cold and shaking, but so happy when I picked her up! The little love big hasn’t left my side since then. I was worried sick about her.

    Our cat that broke her leg still has the pin in and it seems this one has come loose as well. The pin keeps her able to walk, but I’m afraid she may require an amputation. We can’t afford anything else to be done right now. I just don’t know what we’re going to do.

    Y’all stay toasty! Be safe driving home, Blues! And congrats on your girl Mollie! Yay!! We have FBLA competition tomorrow, so Miss Thang gets to dress up and go to EC. She’s excited because she’ll get to hang out with Thing 1 for a while.

  36. Clucky says:


  37. Legal Eagle says:

    Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 11:00 p.m. I hope all of you are feeling better and your furry kids too. Congratulations to Kiddo for her great scholastic record!

  38. Cardinallady says:

    Evenin. It’s 11 pm we’d nite. We were one of the few churches that had prayer meeting tonite afterward Jon and I came home and ate ci. Amon toast with hot chocolate We have to get up early tomorrow. He has school for the first day this week. It has been nice to have him home. He will be back shortly after noon Friday we didn’t get to play in the snow like we wanted but we can’t control the weather so we must be content

    Good to hear from y’all blues be careful brother. And legal once this weather breaks spring will be here. Tem

  39. parrotmom says:

    Good Thursday morning!! Congrats to Kiddo that is really great.

    AW glad your eye surgery was a success.

    Blues safe travels home and enjoy yourself while there.

    CLady take care and stay warm.

    Clucky sorry to hear about your fur babies.

    Prayers and hugs to you all.

  40. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    i hope everyone has a great day!

  41. Airwolf says:

    That was a strange weather system. Cities east in Alabama got 10 inches, people to the west got snow, people to the north got snow, meteorologists had a really hard time with this storm.

    There is a large orange orb in the sky this morning, I’m not sure what it is.

  42. cardinallady says:

    Blue skies, Blue skies I’m talkin’ about blue skies! Halleljuah! Even if it is only for one day. And the temperatures will be 50 degreees. It is hard for me to sit in this office. Believe me, I will be spending my lunch hour OUTSIDE soaking in the sunshine.

  43. parrotmom says:

    Happy Valentines day to y’all. Hope your day is funtastic.
    Prayers and hugs.

  44. msblondie says:

    Happy Friday and Happy Valentine’s Day gang!

    Everyone have a great day!

  45. Airwolf says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day everybody!!

    Waiting on the rain to move in but it’s better than ice and snow.

    I hope everyone has a great day and an even better weekend.

  46. blues4you says:

    Home Sweet Home!

  47. Legal Eagle says:

    Picnic dates?

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