Fit2Fat2Fit Blog: Day 16

bear-crawlI left it on the court today —  “It” being my sweat. I can’t remember sweating that much since, well, since last summer’s PLS workouts. If sweat is your fat crying, mine threw a hissy fit.

I’ve always been mildly amused (and grossed out) by the saying, “if you have to eat several frogs, eat the biggest one first.” I think that is a folksy way of saying, if you have to do something you dread, tackle the worst first. I did that in Leonard’s station: I attacked chips and salsa first. (and ended up doing it twice, but that is OK.) I tried to lean into the rest of the exercises, too.  We then moved to the W drills with Wayne. One of them involved bear crawls. I used to dread bear crawls.  Now I attack them, too. We did a box drill with Austin (we were sprinting, shuffling and backpedaling without resting). And then we ran sprints (with a jogging lap in between).  I was kind of slow to begin with on the sprints but ended up winning the 8th one (I think we did eight). I finished strong because I was able to recover. (Remember that blog about recovery?) By the time we went into the spin bikes, we were winded.

It was a running-intense day. A good day to build the cardiovascular system.

There was a powerful life lesson in today’s workout (particularly my time with the chips and salsa trays) — if you lean into your workout, you get more out of it. And that goes for life, too.  Don’t passively sit around and wait for things to happen. Make life come to you. Attack it. It makes all the difference in the world. Because there’s a big difference between being alive and living. So live.

That’s how you get to the next level.



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