Friday Free-For-All

Will be at the Mississippi Children’s Museum tomorrow from 9:30 a.m. until 11.  Then it’s RADIO time!

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60 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. pncpnthr says:

    Morning! First? Really? Yeah! Looks like it’s going to be a wonderful weekend. Can’t wait to get it started. Hope everyone has a good FRIDAY!!

  2. Mrs. H says:

    I bought some flower sets to put in my grandmother’s concrete boxes on my front porch. That’s my project for the day. AND I don’t think my eldest has any plans (finally!) so I can spend the day with her.

  3. parrotmom says:

    Good Friday morning to you all. MrsH I hope you and the eldest has some quality time together. It’s 5:55 am Time to get moving. Dang I could use an extra hour of sleep though :(

  4. dhcoop says:

    Mornin! Glad it’s Friday.

  5. Mrs. H says:

    MR must have written this post yesterday, because he’s at the Children’s Museum today.

  6. parrotmom says:

    Almost ready for work it is now time to wake up the rest of my world. The kittie girls had a sleep out last night. Tinker is at the door now ready for breakfast. I am sure Itty Bitty is on the roof top and will be coming down soon.

  7. parrotmom says:

    I hope Marshall has a good turn out at the museum today.

  8. parrotmom says:

    I will try and check in later. Hope everyone has a great day and safe travels to OB as he takes the grands back home today. Happy Trails to you, until we meet again. Happy trails to you!!!!

  9. OldBopper says:

    Thanks PM, we won’t leave until mid afternoon. Will meet daughter in Batesville for the hand off. Saves us a little drive time.

    If pine pollen was real gold dust, I could learn to like it.

    • CornPop says:

      My dad is suffering real bad from allergies to everything that’s blooming here, OB. He’s had allergies for as long as I can remember (& I get mine from him) and since they just moved down here the end of this past summer, he’s having to adjust to all new flora & fauna around here. He’s been wheezing so bad that his doctor has given him two different inhalers to help – has me real worried!

      Orville and I leave after work today…Bristol bound! It’s going to be a great, long birthday weekend for him (& us). Much-needed and well-deserved time away from it all!

  10. CornPop says:

    Happy birthday wishes going out to AW’s Bear!

    We took Kernal to Cerami’s for dinner last night and everyone was in agreement – that was one of the best Italian meals we’ve had in a long time! Great place to eat and the ambiance is perfect! And, she loves her new name, BTW!

  11. bpman says:

    Happy friday to all. I’ll be leaving for Columbia, driving right past an exit for Mexico today, for the usual friday drive. Mexico and Columbia, Missouri :)
    I really hope my boy finishes up with the flu today, so by tomorrow we can head over to the sporting goods store for a new baseball glove, cleets and batting gloves. Snow on the ground beginning of this week, then record 83 degrees yesterday, we are all sooooo ready for Spring to prove its here to stay!

  12. Airwolf says:

    Morning! We’re headed to the Buffalo Park with Bear. 9 years old, where does time go?

  13. OldBopper says:

    Happy Birthday to Bear!

    CornPop, we like Cerami’s too. Good food, huge portions.

    Huge, gigantic air show at Keesler this weekend. Sure would like to see it. They had to get a bill passed earlier this year in the Mississippi Legislature to allow buses from the schools to be used in helping to transport visitors from parking lots to the base. You can read about it in the SunHerald.

    I see where the NY Times is going to a pay for view format at the end of the month. Ouch! I depend on them for most of my national news. Sure can’t depend on the crippled Clarion Ledger. They will allow free reading for up to 20 articles per month.

  14. Ann Onimous says:

    Good morning, everybody: happy Friday, and happy birthday to Bear! I understand about wondering where the time went: our son will be 13 (THIRTEEN!) in May, and our daughter will be 12 in June. Actually, right now she’s 11 going on 30…

  15. dhcoop says:

    Happy Birthday Bear!

  16. msblondie says:

    morning gang! glad it is friday! my allergies are giving me fits. I walk outside and my eyes swell… if people didn’t know better that would swear hubby hit me. BUT HE DIDN’T and WOULD NOT!.

    everyone have a great day!

  17. parrotmom says:

    Cornpop, I hope you and Orville have a blast this weekend. Lord knows you need it. So glad Kernal likes her name and that you all had a great time last night. Safe travels.

  18. parrotmom says:

    hello bpman! glad to see you.

    Happy birthday to Bear today and to Orville tomorrow.

  19. parrotmom says:

    Coop great story about the moon. On my way home I think Wednesday I was facing east and saw the moon against the blue skies and was amazed on how large it was.

  20. parrotmom says:

    I can’t decide what lunch willl be? Lots of folks heading out for lunch, but no invites as ussual. Stuck with the cafeteria and my desk.

  21. parrotmom says:

    Lunch is 2 helpings mac n cheese, baked beans, and 2 chicken strips.

  22. parrotmom says:

    where is tank. is she on vacation and I forgot?
    4 in a row.

  23. parrotmom says:

    5 in a row. I may not make back till late, but will try.

  24. Barb says:

    Happy birthday to Bear.

    CornPop, hope you and Orville have a great trip with all the popcorn you want!!! Hope he has a great birthday!!

    • CornPop says:

      You’ve got that right, Barb (…buttered popcorn)! I can guarantee that I’ll do my very best to make sure he has GREAT birthday! ;-)

  25. parrotmom says:

    all by myself… here I am alone again naturally!!!

  26. cardinallady says:

    Hi yall, it’s almost 1 p.m. we have had customer appreciation day today and it has been a busy one. We still have an hour left of it. I’ve been out taking pictures. I came in to give the girl who has manned the office a break from the inside. it is BEAUTIFUL out there today. I feel like I’ve gotten my vitamen D today.I just should have opted to wear a LIGHT colored shirt. this black shirt is heating me up.

    Oh well, must get back at it. I wish I had some shorts.

  27. parrotmom says:

    hi Barb, my screen had noy updated.

  28. dhcoop says:

    MrsH, you talk about some of the strange calls/requests you get at work. I just got a call from a co-worker who had gone home and discovered a snake on his patio. “You know snakes, don’t you?”. My response, “Yes”. he described a black snake with yellow stripes down the sides of his back. I reassured him that it was a harmless (helpful) grass snake. He isn’t going to kill it.

    • Ann Onimous says:

      That sounds familiar… We were leaving work one night, and there was a snake in the middle of the road. I got out of the car to see what kind it was. (I love snakes.)

      It was a copperhead.

      I got back in the car and told IG, “You can hit that one if you wanna.”

      He didn’t. :D

  29. OldBopper says:

    What is in the two buildings on the east side of I55 north of Madison. We see cars there 24/7.

    Headed north to meet daughter.

  30. msblondie says:

    just look at the clock saw it was only 3pm… this afternoon is dragging by slowly. I have been busy just thought the day was moving on.. especially since I actually left for lunch today.

    OB: I believe one of those buildings is the CHASE building that you are refering too.. not 100% positive.. the other not sure.

  31. Airwolf says:

    Bear said thanks for the birthday wishes.

    Ann, I hate snakes-dead snake is a good snake.

  32. Mrs. H says:

    AW, I’m with you in regards to snakes. They are all (in my mind, anyway) copper-headed water rattlers that need to be speedily dispatched to a non-living state.

    Hello, bpman. Good to have you aboard the MRBA express. Don’t be a stranger. Get well wishes to your boy. Would he be bpboy? or possibly bpjr?

    At some point you’ll have to let us know if you’ve been lurking a while or decided to jump right in on your first visit. Anyway, we’re glad you’re here.

  33. Mrs. H says:

    Oh, my eldest just left with Em (in my car) headed to the mall to look at Easter dresses. Handing over my keys is a small price to pay for keeping me away from the mall.

    OB, check your FB.

  34. parrotmom says:

    yea, I am home!!!

  35. dhcoop says:

    Evenin! Looking forward to playing in the yard tomorrow.
    Welcome bpman!

  36. dhcoop says:

    I’m looking for a pineapple salsa recipe. We are doing porkchops on the grill tomorrow and I want a pineapple salsa with the pork.

  37. parrotmom says:

    hello Coop!!!!

    PD called his son a little a bit ago and he wanted to talk to me. I hung up and then called back a few minutes later and told him to tell his wife hello and we loved her. He said hold on you tell her yourself, then he came back and said he would tell her. She has never replied to any of my emails or private messages on FB. I am very sad :(

  38. dhcoop says:

    PM, why hang up if she wanted to talk to you?

  39. OldBopper says:

    Welcome bpman! Hang around if you like. We are like a big family in many respects.

    The boys made it back alright. Ahhh, the peace that surrounds us…..fantastic.

    Think we are going to try to make the air show on Sunday. Doubt I will be able to get reservations at Keesler for Saturday night, but I’m going to try.

  40. dhcoop says:

    I’m sorta watching Fringe, but am thinking about doing a bit of a housework blitz since I plan to be gone all weekend. We’ll see…

  41. parrotmom says:

    AAHHHH!!! the whirlpool tub in G-town is calling your name? :)

  42. parrotmom says:

    OB good luck on getting a room. I hope it all works out for you :~)

  43. parrotmom says:

    Nite lite is on!!!! I am loosing my kittie girls with the warm weather, but I am ok with that.

  44. dhcoop says:

    Just talked to my friend in Canada. She’s adopting a five year old long haired Siamese! Bless her! So few people adopt older cats.

  45. dhcoop says:

    Nte yall!

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