Monday MRBA Free-For-All

Rough weather predicted for this afternoon and evening. Stay safe — and remember this is what Saturday looked like!


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62 Responses to Monday MRBA Free-For-All

  1. Molly says:

    AW and CL, I hope you two can check in soon. I see that it is really rough up your way.

  2. cardinallady says:

    Here and accounted for. spent time in basement, news from Tupelo is heartbreaking.

    HOw are all of you now in your area. This has certainly been a day for prayers.

  3. Marshall Ramsey says:

    Hope Legal is OK. If you hear from her, let me know.

  4. Cardinallady says:

    Pray for clucky she is under the gun

  5. Airwolf says:

    What a day yesterday! I hope today is calm. I trust everyone is okay.

  6. Molly says:

    Whew! What a night! Anybody heard from OB? It was rough in his neck of the woods.

  7. DWB810 says:

    Hello Everyone! Rough night here but we are good. Trees down but the tornados went a bit north and south of us. Praying for all of those affected.

  8. msblondie says:

    Morning – Got hairy in my area yesterday just as I was getting home. Have a few limbs down and a tree up the street was hit by lighting. Spent time in the tub in our middle bath – the Moo didn’t like it, he didn’t understand, just was scare. We did lose power for about 3 hours or so. It was like half the town had power or partial power and the rest had none.

    I do hope everyone made it through safe and sound. Looks like another round this afternoon. M made is safe in the Delta. They are good about keeping the kids informed and safe.

    Everyone have a great day!

  9. cardinallady says:

    Um I hate to ask this, but being a reporter I just have to dive in and ask. How did Pearl Park fare?

  10. Molly says:

    Haven’t heard anything about Pearl Park, CL. As far as I know, that part of Pearl is fine.

  11. CornPop says:

    Prayers and thoughts to all of those effected by the horrible storms and tornadoes. My heart goes out to everyone that suffered losses.

    I’m assuming we’re still on for Saturday? Orville and I are looking forward to the pic-a-nic. I thought I’d make a big pan of baked beans, if that’s OK.

  12. dhcoop says:

    Evenin! Glad to hear everyone made it through the storms.

    I’m popping in to say I’m planning on seeing everyone Saturday!I’m planning on bringing some burgers and hotdogs.

    Looking forward to the weekend!!

  13. dhcoop says:

    Just heard from MickyMouselover and Crystalbutterfly that they are not going to be able to come this year. We will certainly miss them!

    They have done the banner for the past few years (and Mr. MML did the grilling) But, we will prevail. We may not have a banner, but I can handle the grilling!

  14. CornPop says:

    :) @ Coop!

  15. Cardinallady says:

    Bout time I saw my favorite froggie lady. Perhaps I can put something together for a banner if no one else wants to. I sure will miss not getting to see those two. I’m going to bed now. TIRED

  16. parrotmom says:

    Good Thursday Morning. Only a couple more days. Can’t wait to see everyone. Hate to hear Crystal Butterfly, Mickey Mouse Lover, and mr MML will not be able to be present.
    All those traveling be careful and see you on Saturday.

    By the way what time do we have the pavilion?

  17. Molly says:

    Mornin. PM, I think Legal said we have the pavilion starting at 10. Anybody heard from Legal lately? Last I heard, she was without power after the storms.

  18. parrotmom says:

    Thanks Molly that’s what I thought.

    Not sure I’ve seen her on FB since them either. We do know at times she reverts back to Feable Eagle—just kidding!

  19. Clucky says:


    Mr. Fab has been working in Winston Co. since the storms. They have flat worn him out. I look so forward to seeing my “other family” Saturday! SQUEE!!!

    I’m “stickin’ it to The Man” (The Man being MS Power) by hangin out the laundry-at least the linens, towels and such. Our washer has been giving us fits. For a Maytag, it’s about a POS. We’ve put enough in repairs to buy a good used one, and it’s still not fixed. >:(. It’s not spinning worth a flip, and I’d rather hang them out than run the dryer for hours on end. CLady is ahead of the curve on me with this one. I wish I had been doing it longer! (Except the pollen that is sticking to these clothes may kill me!)

    Still no luck on the job front. We’re just doing the best we can with what we have. What’s the old Johnny Paycheck song say “My take home pay won’t take me home!” Everything has gone up but the pay. Something is sad wrong with that picture…

    Thing 1 will finish up this semester next week, and Thing 2 started a new job Monday. YAY! Chicklette’s grades have amazed us this year! She’ll be busy as a bee the rest of the year. Not sure if she’ll be common with us or not, but if you have FB, you’ve seen how much she’s grown up. Braces will be off by mid-July! Yay!

    Love y’all…lemme get back to work on this house. The weather is absolutely perfect for having the windows up!!

  20. blues4you says:

    Welp. I don’t think I’m going to make it. it’s only fitting for how things have been going for me lately. I was so looking forward to seeing everyone. It looks like saturday will be my travel home day. I’m sorry.

  21. Molly says:

    Oh, Blues! I was looking forward to seeing you, too. Think they would notice if you snuck out tomorrow?
    Tomorrow is kiddo’s last full day of high school. She will have to go back for 2 classes next week. Her dual credit English Comp class needs a couple more class periods to finish up. Graduation is 2 weeks from today.

    • blues4you says:

      No way. I have to be “released” by the operator(that”s the oil company drilling the well). Then there is a ticket to be signed by said operator before I leave. Then i have to call my boss and arrange a truck to come pick up my lab. So no, can’t sneak off from here.

  22. parrotmom says:

    Molly time is so flying by.

    Blues keep the faith. Amazing things can always happen. Although it may seem that Murphy’s law takes over more than not.

    Clucky dry the clothes on the line them through in dryer in hopes it sucks the pollen out? Maybe?

    I will make it back by the store for the mayo, mustard, ketchup, and pickles. If someone already has this covered I want worry about it.

  23. cardinallady says:

    The picnic banner is coming together nicely. I will bring it.

  24. cardinallady says:

    I’m also bringing pretzels and something else, don’t know yet. I can bring some things to turn the hamburgers with and my chef son.

  25. parrotmom says:

    Safe travels to all of you that will be traveling from long distances. Even gor those of us that have shorter distances. We couldn’t have asked for better weather. Can’t wait to see all if you. Make it a great Friday and take care.

  26. DWB810 says:

    Hello Everyone! I am traveling to Pearl today. Just for clarification. What time is the festivities 9 or 10?

    • Molly says:

      According to the Facebook page, we have the pavilion starting at 9:00. I don’t plan to be there that early, though.

  27. Marshall Ramsey says:

    I won’t be able to be there tomorrow. It’s for a pretty important reason why. But that doesn’t mean I won’t miss y’all. Wrote a note on the blog why.

  28. parrotmom says:

    We will miss you Marshall, but so glad you are bring there for your sister.

  29. DWB810 says:

    Thanks Molly. Marshall, I see how you are. I am coming for the first pic-a-nic and you don’t show. All kidding aside tell your sister we are walking with you both in spirit. Be there for sister and your brother in law. Respect his life. You are amazing.

  30. dhcoop says:


    Looking forward to seeing y’all tomorrow!! Marshall, you know we support you 100%! I hate we won’t get to see you, but completely understand. You need to be there for your sister. We’ll take lots of pictures and tell you all about it!

    See y’all tomorrow!!

  31. dhcoop says:

    Btw, Dwb810, I can’t wait to meet you!!! Can’t believe you are finally getting to join us!

  32. Airwolf says:

    We won’t be able to make it tomorrow! I really planned on coming. But there’s just too much happening up here with the storm recovery and everything else.

    Will miss seeing you guys.

  33. blues4you says:

    I’m still at work. Will probably finished sunday. Home monday. Some one who has my phone number please send me some pics. Send them as a txt please. Please.

  34. parrotmom says:

    I’m heading to Pearl

  35. Clucky says:

    Wow, where did everyone go??

  36. msblondie says:

    afternoon gang! I really was planning on being there Saturday, but got called into work. One of these years I am gonna make to one.

    everyone have a great day!

  37. Molly says:

    I’m here, Clucky. Sweating, but I’m here. A/C is not working well at my house…freezes up every little while…and not working AT ALL at the office. I have the door and a window open at work and can breathe, but barely. I may sleep in my car tonight — it cools quite well.
    We played with Kiddo’s new camera a bit more over the weekend. She’s really going to like it. And, if not, I will really like it!
    Just ordered a little Nikon waterproof camera for our beach trip. They plan to swim with dolphins so we need a good camera for that and certainly won’t take the big Canon out on a boat or anywhere near water. Hope the Nikon works well.

  38. cardinallady says:

    My weekend vacation turned into a Monday vacation too. Got to Meridian and oil hand started jumping, stopped and put more oil in, made it to Scooba, went flat line. Spent Sunday night in scooba and ALL day yesterday getting home. Had to call a wrecker service to come get us. Was great to see Pontotoc. I slept HARD last night. Now I’ve gotta get to work.

  39. parrotmom says:

    Had a fantastic time Saturday. Was great seeing everyone that could attend.

    Molly hope you have AC today. Not fun without. Although, I still haven’t turned mine on at home and at work still wearing a jacket and have a small heater going.

    CLady so glad you finally made it home prayers that your vehicle can be repaired.

    Blues I’m guessing you are at home.

    Everyone have a great day.

  40. Molly says:

    Mornin. I typed a long comment yesterday and it disappeared. Didn’t have time to re-do it and now I don’t remember what I said.
    A/C is fixed at the office. Needed a new compressor.
    We had our last ever awards night for high school last night. Kiddo got a certificate for all A’s. A week from tomorrow, she will be a high school graduate. That’s so hard to believe!
    CLady, sorry about your car problems. That is so frustrating! Hope it won’t bankrupt you to get it fixed!

  41. Clucky says:

    Happy Nurses/Teachers Day! My reward? Found out yesterday that my sister’s second son and his wife are expecting! SQUEE!

    Sorry you had car trouble, CL. Hope it’s nothing too serious!

    Last night was our band concert. Man, those kids are good. Molly, your girl is so pretty :) I noticed that new Canon at the picnic ;) So glad y’all are getting your beach trip after all. I’m with you on the a/c-I can’t take this heat. PM, I don’t see how you are using a heater!!

    Lots to do, woke up taking Excedrin this morning more for my leg pain than headache. It’s working, so I better get moving. Y’all have a great day!

    • Molly says:

      Thanks, Clucky. The Canon was her graduation present. She had been wanting one for a while.
      Happy Nurse’s Day to you!

  42. msblondie says:

    morning gang! sorry I have kinda been MIA – but work has been just so busy. and at night i have been working on my niece’s blanket for graduation.(It won’t be done by the 19th, but hope by her birthday in july).
    M will be home from school this weekend – hard to believe my baby is finishing her second year of college.

    everyone have a great day! Oh tomorrow I will be MIA at the Canton Flea market – so ready and got my mad money ready to spend :) (yeah hubby just cringed when i said i was going)

  43. Clucky says:

    I’ve never been to the flea market. Nope, not in this heat!!

  44. Molly says:

    Mornin. I’ve never been to the May Flea Market. I have been to the one in October a few times…but not for a long, long time.

  45. Molly says:

    Been awake since 3:30. Neighbor slammed a car door and woke me up and I could never get back to sleep. Finally got up at 5:30 and went to Walmart to get some things we’ll need for our beach trip. It’s gonna be a long day.

  46. Cardinallady says:

    Evening been busy at work finishing up magazine project. Started on graduation section today.
    Got the happy news last night from my mechanic that my car is a giant black toasted marshmallow. Jon has been generous with his truck so ill be car shopping. I would like to get another Jeep. Red. Will see what God provides. He has it all in control. Bless His Name!

    Good night dear friends. I love you all

  47. msblondie says:

    morning gang! I had a great time at the flea market yesterday with my niece. We were too tired ladies yesterday afternoon.

    CL – sorry about the news on your car.

    Well I guess I need to work on getting through all of these emails from yesterday. fun fun.. not. :)

    everyone have a great Friday!

  48. Molly says:

    Sorry about the car, CLady!
    This rainy, dreary weather is not helping me wake up! Sure could use a nap….but that’s not happening.

  49. cardinallady says:

    Flitting through. Typical gray pretty day in May here in North Mississippi.

    Airowolf, how is storm clean up coming in your area?

  50. Clucky says:

    Band banquet was tonight. Good food and good company does my heart good.

  51. DWB810 says:

    Hello Everyone!

    Cardinallady, I truly feel your pain. Here I am unemployed and my Tahoe died a very quick death. One moment it was running fine and the next it is on the side of the road. Horrible timing but it is all good, My mom can get in and out of the Ford easier and the gas mileage is better. I really miss my Tahoe but …………

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