Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning. What’s up? I’m talking to a class at Ole Miss tonight and will broadcast the show from Oxford today.

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101 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. pncpnthr says:

    Morning! Isn’t it just Super Fantastic to have something to look forward to??!!

  2. Barb says:

    Super fantastic!!!

  3. dhcoop says:


    I say we should all have a Super Fantastic day!

    5:55 am

  4. parrotmom says:

    Good Tuesday morning and a Super Fantastic day too!

    Now can I roll over and go back to sleep?

  5. parrotmom says:

    The time now is 6:00 a.m.

  6. parrotmom says:

    Time to feed the kittie girls and then get the house to stirring.

  7. Airwolf says:

    Morning friends. Cool on my hill and more rain coming. My dogwoods are beautiful.

    6:46 am

  8. blues4you says:

    Howdy folks.

  9. Sheila Gold says:

    I’m all for a Super Fantastic Day!

  10. parrotmom says:

    Hi Ho!! Hi Ho!!! It’s off to torture I go :)

  11. Ann Onimous says:

    I’m at work, and already having a SUPER FANTASTIC day! :D

    Love you guys! (runs through the thread, passing out hugs, chocolate, flowers, coffee…)

  12. msblondie says:

    morning gang! actually gettign to peak in before taking M to school and heading in to work.

    hope everyone has a great day!

  13. Molly says:

    Mornin. I took Kiddo and a friend for donuts this morning. Anyone want a cream filled?

  14. cardinallady says:

    Morning everybody!!!!! I wish it was a tat warmer. Some of the towns we drove through Sunday had a 90 degree reading so it was a SHARP contrast coming in to 40 degrees. It seems like WINTER again.

    but I guess we need this weather to sweeten the dew berries. I saw some of them blooming already.

    aright Ive got to scrape up some news and put it in the paper. It is truly a FAMINE news wise this week and we have enough space to float a whale in. :(

  15. Airwolf says:

    This happened about a mile from my house. Mr. House was a retired Church of Christ minister and a fine man. They we killed by a 29 year old neighbor while he tried to rob them. He is in custody charged with capital murder.


  16. The Real JB says:

    You are all NUTS with your pretend donuts…absolutely nuts.

  17. msblondie says:

    aaah a latte and donut sounds good.. but I will be good and just have my fruit and yogurt parfaie. This one came from Kroger. and it is really good. It has strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries in it.. with vanilla yogurt topped with granola.

    figuring out which stack to start in today…

  18. Clucky says:

    Got Thing 1 moved into Mom’s house yesterday. I could almost feel her smiling down on us :)

    • cardinallady says:

      Oh Clucky … I’m so glad he has a place and it is close to you and it will help with closure and smiles. The hardest thing for me to do is to step back inside my grandmother’s house. I’m glad my cousin bought it and changed it up so it wouldn’t be a shrine.

  19. parrotmom says:

    dang I missed out on the donuts :( I don’t know about latte’s never had one and I don’t like coffee, although it smells good.

  20. The Real JB says:

    Came in early today in hopes of leaving early to go watch my son play baseball this afternoon. Makes me mad. They play a lot of their baseball games at 4 or 5. Makes it hard on a working man.

  21. OldBopper says:

    Wishing everybody a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!

  22. Molly says:

    Just read the stories about the House murders. So horrible! My dad is a retired Church of Christ preacher, too. I need to ask if he knew them.

  23. dhcoop says:

    What’s for lunch? I’m going to have a big ol salad from Room Service!

  24. msblondie says:

    lunch was a turkey sandwich.

    lots to do and feel like i am a chicken with its head cut off…

  25. Barb says:

    Coop, you are a woman after my own heart…a mocha and a chocolate covered, cream filled donut is the only way to go!!

  26. Barb says:

    AW, it sounds like the Houses were wonderful people. What a horrible end!! Also, why did the witness not check on them?!! Maybe they could have been saved? It’s just awful!!

  27. Ann Onimous says:

    I have a headache. And I’m out of painkillers.

    I need a hug.

  28. Ann Onimous says:

    Friday morning, I am going to Shipley’s and getting two chocolate filled donuts and a container of milk.

  29. cardinallady says:

    You are all killing me with donuts. That is flinging a craving on me as Jerry Clower would say. Tank did you go to the marker dedication they had for Jerry in Liberty at his home place? He is officially on some tour now of famous Mississippians.

    I haven’t read the story on the preacher yet. Got to pluck up the courage.

  30. Ann Onimous says:

    I love Jerry Clower. That man gave a mean bear hug.

  31. dhcoop says:

    Evenin! Just got in and am hearing thunder rumbling.

    7:25 pm

  32. Airwolf says:

    Clucky check your mail.

  33. parrotmom says:

    7:36 pm we have enough rain to make the concrete wet. The kittie girls were in the house but wanted back out.

    I emailed Tank today to see what was going on. Her internet is out at the house again and like me worried about using work stuff to join in. She and I decided we needed a vacation any suggestions?

  34. parrotmom says:

    I am hearing thunder off at a distance I do have the other tv on with radar. who would think 55 inch Samsung on HD Dish receiver and 43 inch Hitachi showing local with HD converter in the same room. Amazing you can still see the fire place :) I have wood ready to start but it hasn’t dropped below 60 degrees yet.

  35. parrotmom says:

    I love my job, but it has certain drawbacks. This is end of quarter and when an email comes out saying those that can help those in need and you get no help. It will take the wind out of your sales. It makes you feel like the worst person on the face of this earth.

    AW prayers for the House family their troubles are so much worse than the way I feel. So sorry the neighbor was not thinking trouble at the time. It could have been the first type of that trouble in that area and why be suspicious?

  36. parrotmom says:

    I hope JB was able to make it to his son’s game? Remember his son had hurt his collar bone or something like that the week before the season was to start. So glad he he is getting to play.

  37. parrotmom says:

    AnnO I hope the hug helped and that you are feeling better. You do a great job in making me smile. I know I still have your pet carrier and need to get it back to you.

  38. parrotmom says:

    that was too funny. Tinker Bell was pullling the little rug that I put here food bowl and water bowl on and Itty Bitty was chasing it down. It was so funny.

    No rain here yet!! just enough to damped the concrete and grass. I hear thunder to the east!

  39. dhcoop says:

    Big storm here now. Shaking the house.

    I’m so worried about TJ. I really thought a good storm would send him home. It hasn’t. My little fetcher may be gone for good.

  40. Barb says:


    Raining hard here and we had hail for a few minutes!

  41. dhcoop says:

    9:27 pm

    Still thundering and raining like all get out!

  42. parrotmom says:

    9:46 I think he st0rm is residing….. good nite too all!!1

  43. parrotmom says:

    10:09 rain is over both kittie girls are in..

  44. Barb says:

    Sweet dreams to all!

  45. Clucky says:

    I had to go get Thing 1 from Philadelphia. He got off work and headed home. Only made it a mile and the wiper motor quit working. Sent him to hide in a carwash during the heavy stuff and once it passed, I went after him. Mr Fab will take him to get the truck in the morning after he gets Chicklette to school. I have an early meeting in Forest this morning (it’s 1224am), so I gotta hit the hay again so I can be on the road by 7. Sweet dreams, and hoping no one got squished or blown away in this storm system!

  46. Clucky says:

    130am and it’s still thundering. Methinks Banjo is having a bad night :(

  47. dhcoop says:


  48. parrotmom says:

    Good morning at 7:05 I needed an extra hour. just now getting up. Rains last night caused the water to back up in the tub again. I best get busy.

  49. OldBopper says:

    Morning! OK Dudes and Dudettes, I think we have had enough rain for a 24 hour period. Yessir, lots of heavy rain accompanied by a symphony of thunder topped off with nearby lightning strikes. Now THAT was a heavy thunderstorm!

    I feel for those who get excited during thunderstorms. You didn’t get much rest last night. I kept getting awakened by the roaring thunder myself.

    Y’all be safe driving in this morning. I’m staying here and watching the Capitol Gang on the internet.

    Oh yes, for reference purposes it is 7:06 a.m. on Wednesday.

  50. dhcoop says:

    Drove in to town in sloppy conditions. Did my due on the treadmill, now to shower and get ready for work. It’s still thundering and lightning and raining here in downtown Jtown. 7:20 a.m.

  51. dhcoop says:

    Oh, and lets all have a Super Fantastic day!

  52. blues4you says:

    Good morning gang.

    Cold and damp in E.Tex this morning. Just got a little rain. Will have to check on Mrs.Blues in a little while. Hope there was no hail damage. To the coffee.

  53. Ann Onimous says:

    PM, the hug definitely helped yesterday. And we’re in no hurry for the pet carrier: next time we’ll need it will be if we have to board both animals, and I’ll need some Kevlar gloves or tranquilizers for the Cat. :)

    I got some incredible sleep last night! IG had the window open, and the rain was coming down, and it was thundering and lightning… oh, it was awesome! I woke up this morning and listened to some beautiful music: I’m having breakfast, had my devotional, and now I’m ready to get to work! Nice short day today, comparatively speaking, because it will be a normal 8 hours.

    Will check back in later! Love and hugs to everybody – God is good!

  54. OldBopper says:

    Great report AnnO! Hope your day continues on it’s upward path.

  55. dhcoop says:

    I may have to become an advocate for workplace workout facilities. If I didn’t have this, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing. :)

    Eating my oatmeal and ready to start the day!

    7:57 a.m.

  56. parrotmom says:

    When I went out to feed the kittie girls, Itty Bitty had a little mouse for a pet. That cat would not put the mouse down long enough to even eat. She would put it down for second or two then pick it back up. She was so funny.

  57. Molly says:

    Mornin. Blues, I’m not so chipper this morning either. Maybe later. Right now, I need a nap. And I slept well last night. One big clap of thunder woke me at 1:45, but otherwise, I slept.

  58. Ann Onimous says:

    For all my cat loving friends: here’s a must-read webcomic. It updates M-W-F.


  59. dhcoop says:

    New blog!

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