Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! And that’s not an April fool’s joke.

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45 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    Hello to all our MRBAERS’ !!!!!! Thank goodness Friday has arrrived at 5:57 am :)

  2. parrotmom says:

    Marshall, I am enjoying your drawings for the CL. You are doing a wonderful job as always!!!

  3. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Finally found all the pieces of the legislation I was looking for. Thanks to word search and a little time. Now comparing it against last year and I’ll be done for the week.

    Since it is April Fool’s Day, I have to tell you about the best joke I remember. When we lived in the Memphis area, a local disc jockey ran a news item that said Texas was suing Tennessee over their use of orange in their athletic program. He went on to say that Texas used it before Tennessee and they had secured an injunction to prohibit further use by Tennessee. He let the news simmer for about a half hour before confessing the fake news. It was a great hoax that sounded real at the time. The nice part was no harm was done and no one was embarassed.

  4. parrotmom says:

    Really Cute OB :) thanks for sharing.

  5. dhcoop says:

    OK, so I try to get to the office extra early to get in a little extra exercise, and caught a freaking train. Now I’m sitting in my truck IN MY JAMMIES as it comes to a complete stop. Must find a way around!

  6. parrotmom says:

    I hope you all have a SUPER FANTASTIC day. Love and hugs to all!!

  7. msblondie says:

    morning gang! been up a while… having to cook for our pot luck today. Coop I am doing your rotel squares – they have the house smelling yummy.

    I am glad it is friday as well.. has been a very long week. Hope everyone has a great day!

  8. dhcoop says:

    Ok, so I made it to the office and got a half mile in. Yay.

    I’m really excited about having a sleepover with my Baby Girl tonight!! I know I’ll get to see Peanut. Hoping the Bug will be there also. All my girls!!

  9. The Real JB says:

    Power to the People!!!

  10. The Real JB says:

    They shut down the chicken plant that my mom and dad have been growing for. USDA shut them down. Doesn’t look like it is reopening. They were already going into bankruptcy. They don’t know what they are going to do with the chickens they have now. Euthenizing them is an option.

    • blues4you says:

      Wow, jb. I’ve had family in the business all my life and I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this. Is there any chance of another processor taking them? What a predicament.

      • The Real JB says:

        There is possible talks of Tyson taking over this bunch but to move to another company would probably mean having to upgrade their houses. Each company has a certain set up that they want.

  11. cardinallady says:

    Morning! flitting through. Now off to the elementary school. I thought I was going to have a packed day. Have to ease it a little. My hip is telling me I might be older than 18.

  12. parrotmom says:

    I have had such a bad week and had a meltdown Tuesday afternoon I just can not seem to focus or care how much I get accomplished today.

  13. parrotmom says:

    CLady sorry for the rough day.

    JB I hope things work out for your folks and thr chickens.

  14. parrotmom says:

    thanks for the hug AnnO it sure felt good :)

    I did accomplish one thing so far today. Yep, check book is balanced.

  15. parrotmom says:

    not sure if I want a bacon cheese burger or taco salad for lunch.

  16. The Real JB says:

    Anybody get you on April Fool’s this morning. I got my daughter with the whole trying to kill the spider on her back routine. I was taken in by Stacey’s fb last night when she announced the Queen of England had died. She had gotten duped too. I just got sucked in.

  17. dhcoop says:

    WHY do I have the song “I’m the Happiest Christmas Tree” running through my head?!?

  18. Barb says:

    PM and CLady, sorry ya’ll are having a bad day. Hugs to you both.

    JB, I hope things work out for your folks and the chickens.

  19. Mrs. H says:

    We had a wonderful time at the Gulf, even though it rained and was not really warm. Our Mission Trip had to resort to Plan C. (Mexico was Plan A, free water and hair wraps at the beach was Plan B) We ended up making salvation bracelets and passing them out at the outlet mall in Foley. We figured that there were other folks there for Spring Break and if the beach is nasty, they’d do the same thing we had planned: shopping!! Mark’s #1 rule for mission trips is “Be Flexible” so we flexed!

    • Mrs. H says:

      I just keep thinking about the date….

      • cardinallady says:

        yeah Mrs. H I keep thinking of the day too. If you will recall, the REAL name of the day is All Fool’s Day. :)

    • cardinallady says:

      MY FAVORITE quote from this article. Made me laugh out loud!!!!!

      “Haley called to tell Phil what he was up to,” an unnamed Bryant staffer told the JFP. “I heard cussing and crashing, and Phil did some real damage to his office. Suffice to say that the lieutenant governor was calling on God, the devil and the Tea Party to make ole’ Haley come back to his right mind.”

  20. Clucky says:

    Checkin in. CLady, thank u so much for the prayers. Yes there are more things going on in my life than I share. I don’t want to be considered a whiner, and if I need to vent, well, that’s what my professional help is being paid to listen to. Best thing I have ever done; I should have gone years ago.
    JB, I am sure ur folks are all kinds of upset. Mr Fab has heard about birds having to be put down due to illness, and it makes him upset. That’s folks livelihoods.
    Been on the road all day, but about to point this little matchbox car to N and should get back on home turf at 5.
    Been listening to KLOVE today-what great music. It really does change the way you look at the world and others.
    It’s 3:20. Hang in there, folks!!

  21. cardinallady says:

    Limping in but chipper. I picked some yellow star flowers this afternoon along with some wild daisies and purple vetch and have them sitting in my rainbow cup on my desk. They sure do cheer up the place.
    Parrotmom, I WISH I could send some to you, if you find some little wild waxy looking bright yellow flowers growing around, pick them and put them beside your bed. You will be surprised how much they can brighten the night and your morning. I’m sorry for your meltdown. My little ole’ hip is nothing compared to the troubling spirit I feel coming from you.

    “Dear Lord, Please wrap your arms of love around Parrotmom and show her that life is only here for a short while. Remind her of the words to that great hymn, ‘Sometimes ‘mid scenes of deepest gloom, Sometimes where Eden’s bowers bloom, By waters calm o’er troubled sea, Still ’tis HIS hand that leadeth me.’ During this troubled time please surround her with Your special presence. Just as the rainbow needs the dark blue as well as the bright yellow, so life is made of deep shades of sorrow and bright colors of joy. Just as you trace Your bright bow across the sky after the tears of rain are gone, please trace your love, joy and comfort across her heart through this difficult time. We will be careful to give You the praise and thanks for it. And Lord, if more than Parrotmom needs this special touch from you, I know You will be there to give it. Draw all my dear friends to YOUR great heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

    • parrotmom says:

      Oh sweet of prayer for me. Thank you so much CardinalLady. I had a long talk with my manager yesterday and he understood really well. If he would have been there and had hands on the situation never would have happened, but boy did I feel like the red-headed step child for several days.

  22. parrotmom says:

    Clucky so glad you checked in today.

  23. Ann Onimous says:

    Hi, everybody! I’ve been in and out all day, but we’ve been too busy to come in. We all went to Sonic for breakfast and all five of us got sick afterwards. There’s nothing worse than 5 people fighting for 2 bathrooms. UGH.

    I’ve got a big job move to consider this weekend,, so please keep me in your prayers that I make the right decision. It will be the same company but a different position.

    • parrotmom says:

      So sorry AnnO that you all were made sick. Thank goodness I stopped at Chik a fila for a chicken biscuit this morning. I had Sonic yesterday.

      Prayers for the possible new position I hope you make the best choice.

  24. parrotmom says:

    I sure hope Coop is having a grand time at her Baby Girl’s and getting to visit with Bug and Peanut. At Bug’s age she may have had other plans.

  25. Clucky says:

    If I knew where Coop lived, I would sneak over there and steal that flamingo on her porch for April Fools’ Day!

    I spoke w/JB earlier. It was good to hear his voice, even if it was under crappy circumstances :( Praying it will work out for the best.

    Home at last. Ahhhhhh.

  26. Clucky says:

    Hang in there, PM. Things do get better, and the light at the end of the tunnel ain’t necessarily a train. (((PM)))

  27. OldBopper says:

    (((((Hugs to all))))) Hope things get better. Tomorrow will be a super fantastic day around here.

  28. Barb says:

    Well, back to work tomorrow, so I am calling it a night. Sweet dreams and may God keep you all in His care.

  29. parrotmom says:

    nite lite is on. Thank you al for the well wishes!!! nite to all!!

  30. blues4you says:

    Mornin’ everybody.

  31. Mrs. H says:

    Morning, Blues.
    I made crab cakes for dinner last night. Turned out pretty tasty.
    Going to look at a bike (Yamaha FZ6R) today. Thanks, OB, for the “heads up”

  32. dhcoop says:


    Had a great time last night visiting with my girls. I did get to see Bug for a bit before she went off to a sleepover.

    Going to play in the yard this morning. After coffee.

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