What I’ve learned from working retail


The last few years, I’ve gone from working the “8-hour day with a long lunch” model to more of a retail one. It has changed how I approach my workflow and structure my day. If I’m not hustling, my family is not eating.

Today, I’ll be at Mistletoe Marketplace, one of my favorite events of the year. I’m joining my friend Rachel Betts Ravenstein in the Interior Spaces booth and selling my books and prints. This year is no different. I’ve been out there talking to customers and selling books and prints. It has been an education — almost as good as the Marketing degree I earned so many years ago.

Here are ten things I’ve learned from retail.

1. You hustle. And then you hustle some more.
2. If you take a break, you miss a sale.
3. It’s all about engagement. You have to find out what the customer needs and serve that need.
4. Talking to the customer is your greatest source of marketing information.
5. You can’t fall in love with your product. If it doesn’t sell, find something that does.
6. ABN: Always Be Nice. A smile, eye contact and a friendly hello go a long way in a crazy world.
7. You have to create an experience for customers. They can buy somewhere else — and probably for cheaper.
8. Wear comfortable shoes. Concrete is not your friend.
9. There is no guaranteed check at the end of the day. You have to go out and hunt to bring home your supper.
10. It’s a great way to meet new friends.

My mission is to create a great experience for all my customers and the allow them to take a little piece of that experience home with them. It can be a Banjo book, a set of notecards, picture or even just a smile.

I want to say thank you to Rachel, her staff and the Junior League of Jackson. Mistletoe Marketplace is run so well and is amazing experience. I’m very proud to be part of it. And I’m thankful for how it has made me appreciate everyone who sells for a living.

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