A little sun after a gloomy week

Good morning. What was that? Can’t hear you…. GOOD MORNING! Much better. See that big yellow thing up in the sky? Don’t stare at. Trust me, you don’t want to do that. It’s called the sun and it will BLIND you. The gloomy clouds have headed east on I-20 (sounds like me these days) and traveled on to the ATL.

Want some good news? It’s Friday — a crowd favorite. I hope you have a great weekend. You know, have fun and all that stuff. Me? Well thanks for asking. I’ll be tending to family stuff. I’ve aged and grown up a lot in the past few months because of that. And I’ve been a bit myopic and my posts have probably reflected that. Sorry. Too much navel gazing.

10915325_10155122283120721_5573171940013527640_nI will say, this has been a tough week for the world and the city of Jackson. Terror has reigned in Europe. And crime has festered like a tumor locally. We’ve lost good people in Jackson to senseless predators. Teenagers are killing people. Teenagers! The world has gone mad.

No, the world has been mad all along. What’s good — and what makes me think that there is hope for us after all — is seeing people stand up and say, “Um, no. We’re not going to live in fear.” Just look at the people marching in the streets of Paris. And Belhaven residents packing a police meetings. We have a problem and good people are willing to do more than just complain and whine — they’re doing what it takes to meet our problems head on.

People are remembering their purpose — and that purpose is helping others.

People still give a #$%#.

And that’s a little sunshine after a really gloomy week.

Happy Friday, y’all.



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