My five keys to success. What are yours?

On today’s radio show (10 a.m. on Mississippi Public Broadcasting), we’ll be talking about what it takes to be successful. Success is such a loaded term. It really doesn’t mean having bags of cash. I’ve seen rich men who are miserable and I’ve see poor men who are joyous.

I’ve been “successful” and I’ve “failed.” Both are in quotes because in hindsight I’m not sure I had succeeded or failed at the time. Five years ago, I was a the top of my game. But that crumbled. Since then, I’ve rebuilt so many things and watched some of them crumble again. But I’ve also rebuilt some parts of my life on a more firm foundation. Anyone in Central Mississippi knows about Yazoo Clay (and if you don’t, country yourself lucky.) If you don’t build on a solid foundation, everything will eventually break apart.

Success starts with how you define it. My view of it has changed considerably over the past 15 years. I once thought it was using my talents to achieve my dreams. Now I know it is for me to use my talents to help others reach theirs.

That’s a big difference.

So if you were ask me what my five keys to success are today, this would be my list:

1. Have a purpose: You have have a reason to live. I file this under faith. It’s what keeps you going when the chips are down.
2. Organization: My weakness but I’m working on it. You must plan to live and live your plan.
3. Follow through: You must finish what you start. I’ve struggled with it, to be honest. It’s your word. And it is precious.
4. Hard Work: A work ethic is like Bondo on a car — it will cover a lot of faults. This is probably what has saved me from myself more often than not.
5. Think “How can I help others today?”: I always have loved this quote from Yazoo City’s own Zig Ziglar. “If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want.”

Those are my five? What are yours?



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