Rhythmically, I can’t walk and chew gum. Musically, I’m lazy but can play piano by ear. I’m also a decent harmonica player — but no Fingers Taylor. But music is very important to me. I appreciate and, at times, idolize talented musicians.
I have two in my family. My oldest son is an excellent Baritone horn player. He has won awards and played regionally. I know music helps him mathematically (an area where he is very gifted.) My middle son also plays in the band. He’s a French Horn player and who’s also first-chair. I’ve watched band improve both his guitar playing and his discipline in the classroom.
Music matter. Music education makes a difference. But it needs your help.
The Mississippi Symphony Orchestra (a great organization) has a fun fundraiser. If you go their website and vote for me ($5 a vote) you can help guarantee a bright future for our budding musicians — young men and women like my kids.
Mississippi has the most talented children per capita in the U.S. Your vote will help develop that talented. And make me look goofy in front of a crowd! Thank you!
CLICK HERE —> www.msorchestra.com/vote/ballot.php