This post could refer to about anywhere. I’ve lived in Georgia, Texas, California, Tennessee and Mississippi. All have had great things about them that I’ve loved. And all have severely ticked me off at one time or the other.
Let me ask you a few questions:
Do you ever have days when you get frustrated and say, “This place will never change!!!”? Do you throw up your arms and think, “That’s it, I’m outta here!”? Do you lose hope when you look around and see people you think are idiots? Do you think the political leadership in inept?
Of course you do. Well, unless you think you live in Shangri-La (I know some do). But most likely you’re like the majority of us and you get frustrated. (I read your Facebook posts, I know you do).
Trust me, I do.
But instead of saying, “This place will never change,” I’ve started asking, “How will this place change me?” If for the good, I can become part of the solution. If for the bad, I can continue to complain.
P.S. This also works pretty well for impossible people, too.