Today we discussed the role of Social media in an emergency and the first two chapters of Michael Hyatt’s book, Platform.
Notes from Platform but Michael Hyatt.
Chapter One: Create a Compelling Product (Content).
- There are two critical parts to the success equation: A compelling product (the what) and a significant platform (the who). We will study the different platforms later. But right now, let’s focus on content – your product. Without compelling content, you won’t have an audience, a tribe or a platform.
- If you don’t have a compelling product, it doesn’t matter how good you are at Social Media.
- David Ogilvy (a marketing and advertising guru) “Great marketing only makes a bad product fail faster.”
- “It’s the product stupid.” Product is the key.
- Create Products you Would Personally Use. Write about something you are passionate about and provide social media content that you would find interesting. Produce content that makes a difference in people’s lives.
- Create Products that solve problems in unexpected ways.
You are Not So Smart — A blog by David McRaney From Hattiesburg. Describes ways your brain is deluding you.
Think “what would make this really cool?”
- Create products that exceed your customer’s expectations. We have become content with mediocrity. We aim low and execute even lower. If you want to create a social media platform, you have to have passion.
Chapter Two: Bake in the Wow.
- Blake Mycoskie: Created TOMS Shoes after a trip to Argentina (and saw kids without shoes.) For every pair of shoes sold, TOMS matches it – one for one –with a pair of new shoes given to a kid sin need. By Sept. 10, TOMS and given away one million pairs of shoes. Find a need and fill it. Be original. Be special. But be yourself.
- Must be able recognize what “Wow” is. Birth of a kid. First kiss. Flying for the first time.
- Each wow experience has some combination of the following ten elements: 1. Surprise. 2. Anticipation. (almost as good was the experience itself) 3. Resonance (touches the heart) 4. Transcendence (Connects you to something transcendent – you experience purpose, meaning or even God.) 5. Clarity. Helps see things clearer. 6. Presence – You are in the moment. 7. Universality. Nearly universal in their amazingness. Like the Grand Canyon, 8. Evangelism. Makes people become unpaid evangilists. (Facebook Likes or shares, for example. Twitter RT’s 9. Longevity. The experience never fades. 10. Privilege. You feel honored to share it.
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