Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Have a fantastic day.

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60 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. parrotmom says:

    good Wednesday morning!!

    I need another hour of sleep. The CST is 6:04.

  2. parrotmom says:

    Marshall, I love your 1st BP anniversary cartoon :) even that said what a pitty :(

  3. dhcoop says:


    Looks like north MS is going to get the worst of the storms today, but it won’t be as bad as last week.

    I’m headed to Jtown. Hope everyone is doing fine today.

  4. pncpnthr says:

    Morning. I’m running late. Can’t get off the phone with Big Sis. I’m ready for her to be here! Yeah, next week!!!

    Everyone have a good day!

  5. parrotmom says:

    I am so glad that all of you and being sisters are that close.

  6. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. PQ and I make a pathetic pair. She got her cast off yesterday and can use her fingers but she still can’t tie her shoe. So this morning I bent down to tie her shoes and whammo! the back stopped me about the time I grasped a shoelace. Soooo, I laid on my back on the floor for five minutes or so before I could get up.

    I tied her shoelaces while laying on the floor. Now I have the lumbar support on again. BUT, this time was not as bad as last time. Darn it! If I didn’t know better I’d think we were growing old.

    We are still mighty blessed and thankful for what we have. It’s gonna be a good day!

  7. parrotmom says:

    See you folks all later. May we just have rain and no tornado’s today. Prayers to all in need and if in a storm may you all be safe.

  8. parrotmom says:

    OB, how sweet of you :) so sorry for your back problem whamming you like that. Go buy her some sandles till she heals more.

  9. Ann Onimous says:

    Morning. I need coffee.

  10. LegalSec says:

    I need more sleep! Mom and I went to the huge metropolis of Goodman last night to see my nephew in choir concert at Holmes. There are some very talented kids in Mississippi! They put on a great show! However, my eyes are a little droopy this morning. Happy Hump Day everyone!

  11. Mrs. H says:

    Em and her cohorts in the SADD club are headed to Jackson tomorrow. They have to be at school at 4:15 a.m. She is having a few girls spend the night (one of whom can drive!!) so they can get to school together without my having to take them.

    WooHoo, just located a used tire that will fit our truck that we’ll use as a spare!

  12. Clucky says:

    I had a hard time going to sleep last night too, and it sure waa hard to drag myself outta that bed this morning.

    We’ve already had a little rain this morning.

    Can’t remember if I told y’all this past weekend, but it turns out we (or
    I) actually had the worst damage in town from Friday’s storms.
    Apparently one of those 80mph wind gusts hit the huge oak between my house and
    Mama’s and a limb bigger than a lot of trees snapped and fell almost straight down. There were a few limbs on the roof and the power line, so MS Power came out Monday to check it and gave us the go ahead to cut it down. So….I know what I’ll be doing Friday! We were blessed that we didn’t lose a shingle on either house.

    Ok, gotta get busy. But I have to ask-how did I miss that Leagle is getting shots IN HER EYE, and why???

  13. Mrs. H says:

    For any Doctor Who fans out there: Sarah Jane Smith (actress Elisabeth Sladen) has passed away. She was the traveling companion of The Doctor back in the 70’s when I first started watching it.

  14. msblondie says:

    morning gang! the next 2 days i will be a wreck… it is Prom time at THS.. yes M is going.. Momma having a hard time with this.

    ok everyone have a great day!

  15. Mrs. H says:

    Our prom is the same day as MSU graduation. Priorities had to be established. (Em is only in the 10th grade and she’s not dating the 12th grade friend that invited her {because his girlfriend is only a 9th grader and her parents said NO!}

  16. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks! Rough early morning on my hill. Power went out at about 3 and stayed out until 7 something. Looks like we’re about to get another downpour. I took Baby Darling to breakfast, we both love to eat.

    OB sorry about the back. I don’t have to really do anything to throw mine out either.

  17. Legal Eagle says:

    Clucky, I have a stopped up vein in my right eye and when I close my left eye, there is a cloud floating in front of my right eye, so I’m getting 6 shots in my right eye, one a month for 6 months.

    Here I go again today, off to play bridge with a storm coming up, and riding with another senior citizen. The adverture of it all! I guess we’re going to have to call our group “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” There’s a thought for your day, Coop. Yesterday I had Que Sera Sera as my brain thingy and sang it to myself all day.

    Y’all probably didn’t realize that the CVS that got robbed yesterday is right across the street from me. I liked what OB said about the brothers moving out and getting a new place to live – the Rankin County Jail.

  18. Legal Eagle says:

    And what is the name of that website where we can add our picture to our comments?

  19. tank says:

    hey folks.

  20. Mrs. H says:

    Thanks for the reminder Leagle. I wanted to change mine but forgot how and your question prodded me to look it up. I love a challenge.

  21. GrammarGirl says:

    Isn’t it funny how sometimes things happen to us as adults that leave us feeling like the last kid picked for the team at recess? It wasn’t a good feeling then and it’s not a good feeling now.
    *****feels down today

    • tank says:

      sorry gg. :( hope your day gets better.
      you can be proud that your school stomped us in baseball yesterday. we beat terry last week, called in the 5th on a ten run rule. so we were riding high. but y’all set us back a notch. we ended up second in the division so we’ll be in the playoffs at least.

      • GrammarGirl says:

        I was getting Facebook updates on that game from a dear friend. They had an exceptionally good game. :-)

  22. dhcoop says:


  23. Molly says:

    {{{{{{GG}}}}}}} It will get better…I PROMISE! BTW, I think you are GREAT!

    Hello all. Our open house thingy at the office was this morning. I ended up catering it. So, besides cooking and making punch, I had to straighten the office, set everything up, serve, and clean up. I’m whooped! And now I have 3 days worth of work that needs to be done by 5. Fun, fun.

  24. The Real JB says:

    Got approved yesterday to be a chaplain for the TN highway patrol. I look forward to serving in this capacity.

  25. OldBopper says:

    Congrats to JB!

  26. dhcoop says:

    jb, that is awesome!

  27. parrotmom says:

    GG so sorry for the sad day, hugs to you and hope you feel better now.

    JB that is awesome :) What a privilege.

    I know I have been home for a couple of hours but have been busy with busy stuff to do. No Yazoo this weekend. We get a half day off Friday. Will have tires rotated then come home and cut the front. Then plan to go to work on Saturday to hopefully get to a catch up point. Then off for Easter Sunday. Will piddle around the house.

  28. dhcoop says:


    Home watching AI. James Durban is freaking awesome! !

  29. Clucky says:

    At home wallowing in self-pity. I could have a party…

  30. dhcoop says:

    Oh, don’t do that Cluckerina!! It’ll all be okay, whatever it is!

  31. parrotmom says:

    So sorry I haven’t been around more. Work has me really bummed out and between that and home I feel very overwhelmed.

    Clucky prayers for you and anyone else in need.

  32. parrotmom says:

    nite lite is on!!!

    No one has asked Marshall when is a good weekend for him for a Picnic? he does have a family and a few jobs. Marshall when is a good weekend for you and where is a better place for you?

  33. cardinallady says:

    glad the light is on. Have been sturm chsin today. Finally quiet for awhile

  34. dhcoop says:

    I don’t like to use the word “hate”, so I’ll just say I strongly dislike privet. It’s in full bloom mode and seriously messing with my allergies.

  35. dhcoop says:

    Rain finally got here. Maybe the pollen will clear a bit.

    Porch lights are on. Good night.

  36. Airwolf says:

    We’ve had waves of heavy rain since about 3 with no end soon. Goodnight!

  37. parrotmom says:

    Coop, what is privet?

  38. parrotmom says:

    Goodnite to all!!! Nite lite is on :)

  39. parrotmom says:

    nite to you AW!! So glad you are all safe.

  40. blues4you says:

    dateline: 3:56am

    Good morning.

    Congratulations JB!

    my new work ours appear to be 3:00am to 6:00pm…..sigh….I can’t do this too much longer.

    Clucky…..I’m all in with your party….I’ll bring food….and ice.

  41. dhcoop says:


    Blues, that’s a long day dude!

    PM, privet is that shrub you see everywhere blooming tiny white, sickly sweet, flowers. It gets me every year. I know Tank likes the way it smells, but I can’t stand it. Probably because of how it makes me feel.

    5:24 am

    • blues4you says:

      3rd day in a row….looks to be this way for 3 or 4 more….I’m very thankful to have a job, but I don’t know how long I can do it at this pace. I reckon I’ll find out soon enough. There’s a good chance my paycheck will not see the extra time.

  42. Mrs. H says:

    Have you seen this picture:
    That’s the Chapel of Memories and Davis Wade Stadium on the horizon!

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