Good Friday-Free-All

Have a good Good Friday.

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64 Responses to Good Friday-Free-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    Good Friday morning! MrsH and MrH should be here in about an hour. They are bringing MrsH’s old bike to us. Then we’re gonna have breakfast before they depart again for South Mississippi.

  2. CornPop says:

    Good Friday to everyone!

    I spoke with CP a short while ago. Orville is in a room and they are waiting to talk to the doc. She’ll try to pop in later and give us an update when she knows something. She appreciates the prayers.

    OB, give MrsH a hug from me! You will enjoy your visit, I’m sure.

    8:10 a.m.

  3. dhcoop says:

    oops! LOL! Forgot that her login info was on this computer! Threw myself off there for a minute when her avatar popped up and I realized I had done it!

  4. parrotmom says:

    good Friday morning. Prayers for CP and Orville. We are open only half a day. I sure hope to have my dsl working when I get home. OB Enjoy your visit with the H’s.

    Hugs and prayers for the rest of us that are on need.

  5. Airwolf says:

    Morning gang.

    Happy Birthday Blues!

    • blues4you says:

      Tnaks, AW, I appreciate it.

    • cardinallady says:

      *clearing throat, raising red wings* All together now, let’s sing ….
      Haaaaaappy Biiirrrrrrrthday tooooooo yooouuuuuu
      Haaaaaappy Biiirrrrrrrthday tooooooo yooouuuuuu
      Haaaaaappy Biiirrrrrrrthday deeeaaaarrrr Bluuuuuuuueeeeeesssssss.
      Haaaaaaaaaappy Biiirrrrrrrthday toooooooooooo yooouuuuuu!

      Love you Blues!!

  6. Ann Onimous says:

    IG, LilO, Casper and I are sending much love and lots of prayers to CP and Orville.

    Bleesed Good Friday to all. We had a Maundy Thursday church service last night. I’m still feeling it this morning. The crucifixion and sacrifice of our Lord is weighing heavily on my mind and in my heart. But the most moving part of last night’s service was the silent communion: and being able to share that entire experience with our children just brought tears to my eyes. It’s the best feeling, knowing for sure that my whole family will someday be rejoicing in Heaven around the throne of God.

    I love you all.

  7. dhcoop says:

    I didn’t realize it was Blues’ birthday! Happy Birthday Blues!!!

    Sing it, AnnO!

  8. Ann Onimous says:

    Oh, no! It’s Blues’ birthday! I gotta dance: I gotta Sing!

    (pulls out guitar and starts strumming in a blues rhythm)

    Hippo, Birdie… (tap tap) Two Ewe:
    Hippo, Birdie… (tap tap) Two Ewe!
    Hippo, Birdie… (tap tap) Deer Bluuuuuuuuuuues….
    Hippo, Birdie… (tap tap) Two Ewe!

    Yeah, I got da Bluuuuuuuuuuues. :D

  9. dhcoop says:

    WOOHOO!!!!!! clap clap clap clap clap clap

    Good job AnnO!

  10. GrammarGirl says:

    Happy Birthday, Blues!!!!

  11. cardinallady says:

    Morning! flying through. Now gotta go take pictures of little kids hunting eggs and hug on my nephew. I haven’t seen him in a month! Praise God! He is FREE!

  12. parrotmom says:

    Happy Birthday to you Blues :) AnnO and CLady did an excellent job singing to you. I hope you were not up at 3.00am again.

  13. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope everyone has a great day!

    Happy Birthday Blues!

  14. Molly says:

    Happy Birthday, Blues!!
    For the first time ever I have Good Friday as a paid holiday. Sure is nice!
    Hope everybody has a fantastic day.

  15. Molly says:

    BTW, today is my hubby’s birthday, too.

    And my boss’ father tuns a young 97 today. He’s in the process of painting his house himself!

  16. Airwolf says:

    OB be careful with your new toy! We don’t bend like we once did.

    • cardinallady says:

      Bending is not a problem for OB Airwolf, It’s getting back straight. Hee Hee Sorry I couldn’t resist.

  17. Barb says:

    Happy Birthday to Blues and Mr. Molly!!

  18. cardinallady says:

    I just printed out my favorite picture of the dog that caught the Easter Bunny. It cracks me up EVERY year.

    Now along those lines, my DEAR sister sent me this picture of the old grandma driving her car, the dog in the seat beside her has this wide eyed horror stricken face and the caption reads “When to hang up the keys”. An additional remark from my sister … Now we know why Trixie (my favorite dog that went EVERYWHERE with me, even to church) used to lay down on the seat in Gina’s van. She didn’t want to look like this dog.

    Aren’t sisters SWEET? *polishing up my sling shot for our get together Sunday*

  19. parrotmom says:

    it turns out my modem died. They did go ahead and replace it. He also said I didn’t have a strong signal so he did something else to increase that. So I will have life again when I get home.

  20. parrotmom says:

    Happy Birthday to Mr Molly and Molly’s bosses Dad :)

    Only took 20 minutes maybe to get my tires rotated. I went a little sight seeing. The house that was turned upside down in the neighborhood beside us strangely enough the house on the right hand side I could not see any visible signs of damage at lest not to the front of it or the roof on the front.
    Clinton had 17 homes destroyed, 67 with major damage, one business destroyed (Bank Plus) and 7 others w/varying degees of damage.

  21. cardinallady says:

    Airwolf! I took some pictures today that you WILL be interested in getting. Is your email address still the same?

  22. msblondie says:

    If anyone saw Marshall’s post on facebook yesterday about the Brandon Firefighter that was fighting for his life from Melonima(?), Ochel Davidson. He is also a dear friend of mine. This morning he lost the fight. Please remember this family in prayers. He has a wife and daughter. I can say I know Ochel is with Our Lord on this Holy of Holy days… but his family here needs the comfort.


  23. blues4you says:

    Thanks again everyone for the birthday wishes. It really means alot. I’m awful homesick today but it’ll be alright soon. Happy Good Friday y’all.

    • cardinallady says:

      Blues, I do hope you have had a good day in spite of homesickness. Aren’t you tired yet? I’d already have to have two power naps by now if I’d been up as long as you have.

  24. Pncpnthr says:

    Happy Bday to all!!

  25. cardinallady says:

    Somebody please!!!!! Tell me I can go home! The last 15 minutes are the LOOOOONNNNGGGEESSTT. Town is dead, everybody else in the office has gone except for me and shelia. AND I AM SO READY to go after all the storms this past week. Oh well, I guess I can use this last bit of time to find out about next week’s weather. We are clouding up again.

    Yall have a BEAUTIFUL resurrection day!!!

  26. Ann Onimous says:

    I’m tired! We’re all packing up and moving desks. I have to go be with my new team! This is awesome! I will, however, sleep well tonight.

  27. dhcoop says:


    Happy Birthday to Mr. Molly and MolllyDad!

    I’m officially losing my voice. Dang privit.

    6:43 pm

    • Barb says:

      The first few years that I was married to my ex every time we came home from either the Coast or Florida I always seemed to come down with a bad cold and laryngitis! My ex-Mother-in-law would make me drink her homemade cold remedy. It was bourbon, lemon and the soft peppermints that melt. It worked. There may have been some honey in it also.

  28. OldBopper says:

    Evening Y’all! Blues hope you had as good a Birthday as you could without being at home.

    Had a great visit with MrsH and MrH this morning. Then to church. It was about 3:30 before I got some motorcycle time. Had company for a couple of hours and then a little more motorcycle time. Boy, got to put some miles under my belt before I feel like I can get out on the main roads.

  29. Legal Eagle says:

    Happy Birthday, Blues! And I hope Amanda’s dad is having a great one too. Make sure he does, Molly!

    I hope everyone has been having a great Good Friday. I’ve been totally lazy and swapped between playing computer games to reading. After reading a lot of Stephen Coonts books, I have now read a string of Ken Follett’s.

  30. Legal Eagle says:

    Yep, my picture looks just like it did on preview at gravatar. Aren’t I cute?

  31. dhcoop says:

    WTH Leagle?!? Are you trying to be the dark night or what?? I used to read a lot of Ken Follett, but it’s been years.

    I’m trying to watch Fringe, but its gotten so darn weird, I just don’t know if I want to continue to watch it.

    The chuck-will’s-widow is singing again. Another all-nighter I presume. It’s that time of year…

  32. parrotmom says:

    My girls had been missing, so I went in seach, no luck :) finally they showed back up. No interest in food.

    Nite lite is on!!! Hugs to all :)

  33. Legal Eagle says:

    There was the Grey Ghost during the Civil War. I guess I can be the Black Ghost.

  34. dhcoop says:

    I just saw the Burger Boy on WAPT singing a song he has written about the tornado taking his burger and fries. Wonder how long it will take before THAT ends up on the national news. Good grief…

    Leagle, I don’t know what’s up with the avatar situation, but we need to get your Eagle back! I miss seeing that!

  35. clucky says:

    Checking in finally…at 1216am. We were off work today, so I spent most of the day in bed-every Friday now when I get off work, I am asleep by 6pm, and sleep until somewhere between noon at 4pm. And y’all wonder why I take Adderall, and why I am going in the hospital to get answers. It will be nice to crawl out in the morning and finish the housework before we head south. We promised the girl a trip to the beach. As bad as I really want to go, I know I cannot take the heat. I know there will be a strong Gulf breeze, so maybe if I pick up a beach umbrella I can survive the heat as long as the sun isn’t beating down on me.
    OB, needless to say, nobody showed up for the Bring Your Own Chainsaw party. We tackled it about 4 this evening. Once we got the lower hanging limbs cut off, it just took cutting one thick limb and the whole big limb hit the ground. There is a pic on FB with the limb and Chicklette standing beside it to show just how big it is. We did manage to keep it from hitting the house, which is a blessing. I will have to get a new chain for my chainsaw; it is the same one it had on it when I bought it right after Katrina to cut up all the limbs we lost during the storm. Yep, I have a chainsaw, and I ain’t afraid to use it :)
    Happy Birthday, Blues. Sorry I was off the map yesterday. After finishing what I had to do in the office, including almost getting blown over while standing in the trailer of a tractor/trailer rig during the worst weather, I picked up Chicklette after school and took her to Magee with me. I had to take care of work stuff, then we went shopping. She racked up! Goodness, she can wear a small or XS in Juniors already. She has outgrown almost everything-she is eight inches taller than she was at the beginning of the school year, but still the same waist! Look up growth spurt, and there is her picture. LOL
    Goodnight, friends. Love you.

    Missing Mama a lot this weekend.

  36. dhcoop says:

    Mornin! 6:25 Saturday morning

    I haz a laryngitis.

  37. dhcoop says:

    LOL@Blues! No, no shout outs from me, anyway!

    I’m sitting here watching a squirrel hanging upside down eating on the ear of corn I put in the feeder yesterday afternoon. It’s so funny how they do that.

  38. Mrs. H says:

    good morning.
    Had a great day yesterday.
    sorry I missed your birthday, Blues. Hope you get a chance to celebrate soon.

    • blues4you says:

      That’s ok MrsH, Anno made up for it by singin’ me the birthday blues. Her guitar licks were the stuff of legend I tell you.

  39. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Had a great day yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed a visit by the H’s.

    LOL Eagle, guess you are “The Shadow”!

    Clucky, bet if you had started that party about 6 am, you would have had plenty of party crashers. Gal, I hope you get to feeling much better very soon.

    Wishing all of you a very pleasant day. Vroom, vroom, vroooooom!

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