Most of us didn’t win the Powerball. Our grand visions and lush dreams have fallen to the wayside. We woke up, got ready and went to our jobs. It’s just another day that ends with Y.
I didn’t buy a ticket this time around. Driving to Louisiana couldn’t quite squeeze into my Dayplanner, so the Ramsey family sat on the sidelines. Nothing ventured, nothing lost, I guess.
Amy and I had the same conversation most of you had. “What would we do with a few hundred million dollars?” It was a fun exercise. I’d still do a lot of what I do now. Maybe a few things would be very different but I wouldn’t buy an island or anything like that. We both figured that much money earned without hard work would expose every fault line we had in our lives.
And we’d make a lot of new friends.
This morning, I looked at her and said, “What’s stopping us from trying for those big dreams anyway?” I guess the easiest answer is “We don’t have a few hundred million dollars.” But I think the most honest answer is, “Us. That’s what’s stopping us from living the life we dream about.” We get tucked into our comfort zone and don’t risk anything. The odds of us succeeding like that are worse than winning the Powerball.
I would have loved a few hundred million dollars. Who wouldn’t? I could sit around in a pair of shorts and draw pictures all day (wait, I do that now). But maybe the big prize if possible after all. I just need to get busy and draw a few million more pictures.