An Ode to Mondays

When I was a kid, Garfield debuted. That was 1978 and believe it or not, it was actually kind of funny. I loved how he loved lasagna and hated Mondays. I could relate.

Now that I’m much, much older, Garfield isn’t as funny to me as it once was. Maybe because I discovered Calvin and Hobbes and the Far Side, but I think it also has to do with one simple truth:

I can no longer afford to hate Mondays.

Before you say, “C’mon Marshall, Monday’s suck!” Let me say this: I understand. Monday morning is the poster child of the need for caffeine. (Which I quit three weeks ago — grr) You’re coming off an awesome weekend of fun and frolic after going to the Hal St. Paddy’s parade. Maybe you ran a 5K or went Turkey hunting. Now, it’s back to the grind. The alarm clock going off is nothing short of rude (my dog gave me an eat poo look when mine went off this morning). It was hard prying myself from my warm bed to jump back into the grind.

But I did. And I was actually kind of excited about it. Today, I’m doing what I love. I’m visiting with folks on the radio. I am drawing a cartoon. Life is awesome.  Today is a fresh start. A new chance. A great opportunity.

Monday’s are 1/7 of our lives. I’m not going to hate 1/7th of my life.

So unlike America’s favorite lasagna-eating cat, I’m not going hate Mondays anymore.

Even without caffeine.

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One Response to An Ode to Mondays

  1. Chandler ?=^) says:

    Office desk phone rings.
    Caller: Yeah, that.
    Me: It’s just another day of the week! I love Mondays, just like I love Fridays.
    Caller: Well, ok then.

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