The dishes are clean and put away. The leftovers (what’s left of them) are safely in the refrigerator (for now). Several football games are watched. The guests are heading home, struggling from a tryptophan hangover.
Thanksgiving 2016 is in the books.
Just wanted to take a moment to say thanks for reading this page, my Twitter, Instagram and of course, my cartoons. I appreciate you listening to my Monday morning radio show and watching my television show Conversations. And if you’ve bought a book — well, my kids say thank you. They can now eat.
For 20 years I’ve had the privilege of being a cartoonist in Mississippi. Every morning, my work goes into thousands of homes. It’s a honor to be part of your morning routine. I’m blessed that my work has a loyal following. I know how lucky I am to still be doing what I love.
2016 hasn’t exactly been a bucket of chuckles. But you’ve made it a lot more bearable. I appreciate all the conversations we’ve had and all the great comments you’ve written. You’ve offered prayers and words of support when my dad died. I can’t tell you how much that meant to me.
As sit and watch my family, I realize one thing: My life is a cornucopia of blessings. And I’m one lucky guy.