Public speaking is Governor Phil Bryant’s superpower. He has a folksy gift of putting on his boots, jumping on the stump and delivering a homespun speech. This year’s State of the State was classic Phil. But as I listened, I wondered, “What would I say if I were governor?” Well first of all, there is NO danger of me EVER being governor. While living in a museum, having a state plane and big SUV at my disposal (and having smart-aleck cartoonists draw me) is inviting, I am terrible at raising money and can’t remember names. So no fear: RAMSEY 4 GUV ain’t happened. But still, to have that platform to shape policy is a siren’s song (that would drag me into rocks, of course) for anyone who loves Mississippi and wants to see it get better. So here’s my version of the State of the State. You’ll discover very quickly why I’d never be elected. Neither party would have me.
Thank you, Lt. Governor, for that warm introduction and for not calling me what you call me behind closed doors. (pause for laughter) Your leadership is appreciated — seriously. And good luck running for my seat. Next to me is a woman who has put up with my BS for the past 25 years. She doesn’t like crowds but is here anyway. For that, I am in her debt. To the legislators in the chamber, thanks for showing up. I know free coffee is a lure but I still appreciate you being here. And your leadership. We have a lots of work to do together. I enjoy working with you.
The good news? Employment is high. People in Mississippi are working! Right now the unemployment rate is hovering just below 5%. That is good. Very good. But my job, as your governor is to work to bring better jobs into the state. I’m also working with business leaders and educators to improve our workforce. And I don’t just mean just training, although our community colleges do a great job at that. No, I want our students to have the ability to think for themselves. That’s required in 21st century businesses. And while many Mississippians are working they are having to work two and three jobs to make ends meet. Better paying jobs and opportunities will improve that. If people have more time to be with their families instead of scraping by, imagine how that will make all aspects of society better.
Mississippi is a gem. Authors, writers, business people, athletes, musicians — you name it, we produce leaders in every field. My task as governor is to make sure that our children have the opportunities to become leaders HERE. For too long, our best and the brightest have felt like they’ve had to leave our state to make their dreams come true. Technology now allows people to work anywhere. So let’s make it Mississippi. As a government, we need to make sure we are providing the services that make our state enticing for people who want to get away from crowded cities and polluted states. Mississippi is a natural paradise. Our job is to invest in our infrastructure to make it world-class. Just like you’d spend money fixing your leaking roof instead of buying a jet ski.
Now, I know that government is a bad word. I’ve even bashed it to get elected. But the irony is not lost on me. I AM the government. And you, the people of Mississippi, elect a government that mirrors who you are. If your local school or government isn’t working, that’s a sign you need to get involved. I don’t believe the government is the answer to all our problems. But I also know you can’t burn the village to save it. I want students to know that they have to get involved. No longer can we just whine on Facebook about our problems. We all need to get busy.
And let me address topic of the media for a second. Yes, I am slightly biased because I used to a member of the Fourth Estate. But if someone came by your house and told you it was on fire, would you yell at her and tell her that only positive house is spoken here? Or scream “Fake Fire!”? Don’t get me wrong. I hate seeing my name drug through the news cycle. But I am a leader and I know that is part of leadership. I appreciate everyone who loves this state enough to work hard to reveal what we need to fix. That’s their job. Mine and your’s is to make that happen.
So much is going right in Mississippi. Our new history and civil rights museums tell a story that isn’t always sunshine and rainbows but is a powerful reminder: When we don’t hate each other, there is no mountain we can’t climb. We have some things to fix – together. I know that. You know that. Now, let’s go have dinner and then get busy.
God bless you. And God bless Mississippi.