A Change of Heart

Watching my career change faster than you can say, “newspaper,” I’ve learned a couple of things about change. One, it’s going to happen whether you like it or not. The second, is that like an orange, you discover what is inside of you when you are squeezed. I know. I have been fired (once) and made part-time (once) — neither were fun. I have fumbled, bumbled, succeeded and failed in the past eight years. I can tell you, though, that if you want change to be real, you can’t patch up things on the surface. You have to take a good look at your heart.

I don’t mean go to the cardiologist (although if you are my age, that’s not a bad idea). No, I mean, you need to really ask yourself what’s driving you. What’s your purpose? Are you doing it to serve yourself or others? Is fear driving you? Or love?

You just vomited, right? I know I gagged a little. But when I say love, I don’t mean the sappy crap you see on Valentine’s Days cards. No, I mean you should use your talent in ways that make those around you lives better — you know, showing your love by your actions.

For example: Do something today out of the blue that makes your spouse or partner’s life better. Do something extra that makes your boss’ life better. Do something randomly that makes a friend’s life better. That’s what I mean by changing your heart. Give your time, talent and treasure. That will change your world. And will make the bigger one that much better.

I’m writing this because I’m not trying to be Zig Ziglar. I am writing it because I am in the process of rethinking why I am doing what I am doing. Time is speeding up on me. I am sitting here deciding what’s the best way to use my time on Earth.

Have a great day today. Find some way to make a difference.

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3 Responses to A Change of Heart

  1. Please, please don’t stop your editorial cartoons It is such an amazing way to reach people. Whatever you do will be AMAZING.

  2. Pat Sebrell says:

    Love what you write. You amaze me and you inspire me too.Glad you do and say what you do. Don’t stop!

  3. Catherine Roper says:

    Life’s complicated. Thank you for taking the time to compilations your personal world in this crazy divided chapter we all are a part of. You are Stu’s young man The big 50 is a crunch in the gut. The big 60 is worse. That feeling hits hard when the children quickly go thru college and you start to physically change. It’s coming. It happens and then you wonder where the time went. Then, here come the grandchildren and you basically go back a few notches because your life has yet regrouped regardless of the efforts you made. Again…your pushing slowly towards 70. Your friends parents are pas away and so are your friends. Now it’s “one day at a time!” But you are the motivator, the survivor, the knowledge (and talent) the good Lord blessed you with is still there. And that’s what you hold on to. Please know we love you Marshall Ramsey. God must have broken the mold when he made Marshall Ramsey. Thanks for all you do and putting a smile on faces of people who you don’t even know exist.Catheri

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