Worthy of copying

Patrick is one of the managers of the Madison Fed-Ex/Kinkos locations. I go there to make copies and to occasionally ship things. I’m sure I could probably get my printing done somewhere else (I use that store for small-run orders). But talking to Patrick is a lure that gets me through the door. He’s solid. And based on our conversations, I respect him.

Patrick used to work for a big-name retail company in the loss/theft protection division. We talked about how much fraud there is out in there in the world and how so many people will just flat out steal from their company. He loved the job but it was a 24/7 all-consuming career. “It got to the point my son would pass me in the hall and I would hardly recognize him.” He’d travel Mississippi working on claims — and as soon as he’d get home, his phone would go off and he’d head back out.

He decided it was time for a change.

In the couple of times I’ve been in there, we’ve talked about kids, parenting, careers, dreams — you name it (it takes a few minutes for the printer to do its job and I come early in the morning when there are few if any customers.). He loves working for Fed-Ex because he can give 100% while at work and 100% to his family. “I’m just at the point in my life where I realize that’s what it important.” I said I agreed — your job won’t be holding your hand when you die after all. But there’s a shot your family will.

Patrick is extremely proud of his kids and for good reason. They both are in college and are about to chase their own dreams. It sounds like he has been a plugged-in, involved father.
As I was paying he told me about his his dream. He’s working on a Ribs/BBQ takeout restaurant in Flora. It will be open on the weekends — I’ll tell you more about it when it is open and I try his food. He told me he wanted something that was his own. Where he could put his sweat into his work and feel the pride of ownership.Why am I writing this? Because everyone has a story. Some stories are better than others but they are there. I am thankful Patrick shared his story with me and I hope he doesn’t mind me sharing a little bit of it to you. He’s a pro. And from what I can tell, Fed-Ex is lucky to have him.

The printing turned out great, btw. Not that I had any doubt.

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