Change your mind

What you feed your mind is as important as what you feed your body — both have a direct impact on your body and your health. If you consume conspiracies, negativity and seek out trauma, it’ll manifest and affect your “health.” I put health in quotes because mental and physical health are all just that — health. It’s all wrapped up in one big ol’ burrito called you. You can be strong physically and yet break down if you consume the wrong thoughts. So seek gratitude. Look for what is going right in your life so you can have the energy to fix what isn’t. That’s a much better strategy than harping on the negative all the time. While I understand complaining and worry can give you short-term hits of dopamine (like so many addictions, they aren’t a sustainable long-term strategy. Keep a small notebook and jot down three things that are going right in your life. Be grateful. Say thanks for them. Then move on from there. Exercise, stretch, pray, meditate — just do. And take that gratefulness out into the world. Give until you feel like you can’t anymore. Chase trauma from your body once and for all.

Change your mind and change your life.

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