Learning from Ben & Erin

Ben and Erin Napier, the stars of HGTV’s hit show Home Town, were on the stage last night, receiving a well-deserved award from the Community Foundation of Northwest Museum. If there is a line for Ben & Erin fans, I’d do my best to be toward the front. They are, as my grandmother would say, good folks. Sure, I like what they do on television — Home Town is a fun show to watch and their chemistry on screen is fantastic. But my admiration is deeper than just “cool, they are celebrities.” I like them as people and respect them professionally. Juggling a career, helping spark a town’s revival, keeping a marriage going and raising small children while being in a white-hot public spotlight is a Herculean task.

They do it well.

I got to say hello to them briefly while they were eating (for the record it is the second time I have interrupted them while eating — which makes me feel a little guilty.) There were over 1,000 people in the room last night and I’m sure all of them would have liked to have a minute of their time — so I tried to be brief. I introduced them to my wife Amy and my youngest son. A few months ago, I had the privilege of interviewing them; it was like talking to old friends.

There were a couple of things that they said in the interview and I think Ben repeated some of it last night reminded me why I respect them so much.

  1. Erin (in the interview) said you can complain about a problem or you can do something about it. I’d say, judging by Laurel’s incredible transformation, her word is good. She is a force of nature.
  2. Ben said that everything that they have achieved wasn’t part of the plan. I think that is important to remember — to pay attention and take the gifts life gives you and run with them. And do the work. (Their daily schedule is full!)
  3. Erin wrote a daily blog about the good things in her life — and in time, it led to a producer contacting them about doing the show. It’s a reminder to make gratitude a habit.

Watching the news is, at best, depressing. But last night reminded me that if you see a problem, don’t complain about it; do something to make it better. Remember to do the work and make the most out of opportunities that are handed to you. Make sure you take a little time everyday to be grateful for what you have. And leave your hometown a better place than you found it.

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