Banjo’s Dream 2: Saving Sam

Check back to this page as I work on my new children’s book. All text and images are copyright Marshall Ramsey 2024 ,

Cold fog wrapped the hanger like a wet blanket. Banjo sat alone, worried about his missing friend Sam.

Sam was overdue from a secret mission. Banjo’s mood was as dark as the cold fog.

Banjo’s gloom and doom was interrupted by a sing-song voice and a warm radiant glow. It was Banjo’s favorite niece Pip, who had arrived to spend the summer with her favorite uncle. 

Pip hugged Banjo. She looked forward to a fun summer at Camp Banjo!

Her hug was interrupted by knocking on a glass. Banjo saw his friend Finn the Cardinal sitting on the window seal.  His yellow beak held a scroll of paper!

Banjo unrolled the scroll from Finn. It was from Sam!  Banjo read it aloud, ”I have been captured by squirrels and my coordinates are…” Banjo stared angrily at the paper; he had to rescue his best friend.  A rage boiled inside of him. 

Banjo REALLY did not like squirrels.

As Banjo loaded his plane, Pip started to climb into the rear cockpit. Banjo shook his head no — this mission was too dangerous! Pip would stay at the hanger with his good friends Kobe and Gigi. Pip slumped her shoulders in disappointment.  

Banjo’s plane took off. It was time save Sam.

The Squirrel’s radar would be looking for Banjo’s plane. He had to fly fast and low.

Banjo lands safely at the Squirrel’s secret base. He’s not the only one to land undetected. 

Banjo grabbed his gear and started toward the giant tree in the distance. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice. Pip had stowed away!  Banjo hit forehead with his paw.  

Pip didn’t mind very well. 

Banjo prepared a frontal assault on the heavily guarded front entrance. As he readied his paws of fury, Pip point to a sign that read, “Unguarded Back Entrance.”  Banjo followed her around to the back of the spooky tree. Tiny beady eyes stared down on them.

Banjo typed in the secret entrance code. It didn’t work! He pulled out a charge to blow the hinges off the door. But before he could, Pip pulled a hair pin out of her fur and picked the lock. They were in! 

Banjo and Pip rode the elevator to the prison level and gift shop.  As they headed toward Sam’s cell, Banjo knew they were being watched. 

Suddenly a giant shadow fell over them. Banjo looked up and saw nothing but teeth.

ROAR!!!!! It was a giant 12-ft. alligator! 

Banjo tried to guard Pip the best he could. The alligator came closer and closer.

And then he smiled and handed Banjo a card. It read, “My name is Mr. ML. I’m sorry I scared you — it’s my job. Would you be my friend?” Mr. ML handed Pip a flower. 

Pip thanked Mr. ML and hugged her new friend. The giant alligator pointed to the cell where Sam was being held prisoner. Banjo left to go save his friend. 

As Banjo and Pip ran down the cell block, they had no idea they were being watched. 

When they arrived to Sam’s cell, what they saw broke their hearts:

Tell Banjo I’m sorry. 

 Banjo threw open the cell door and hugged his friend! He was so glad to see Sam! Pip, however, was not glad to see what she saw. 


Oh no! Evil squirrels surrounded Banjo, Sam, and Pip! How would they escape?

“Roar!” Mr. ML, tossing squirrels to the left and the right, arrived to save his new friends! 

Mr, ML’s heroism cleared a path for their escape. As our heroes headed to the plane, Pip saw the gift shop. Hurry up, Pip!

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