Knowing when to let go

Back when the I-55 YMCA was more than a source of copper wire for vandals, I’d stop at the front desk to chat with the person there before I’d work out. One day, I noticed a male cardinal beating his head against his reflection in the window. He’d bang his beak against the bird he saw over and over again until he was nearly unconscious. Then, after a brief break, he’d get back up do it all over again. So would his opponent.

Of course, he was fighting his own reflection. But that didn’t stop him. He was fighting a battle to the death against himself.

Sometimes I’ve felt like that. I’d fight something over and over again when maybe “surrender” was the best option. I am stubborn and I don’t believe in quitting. And I tend to use the same tools that I’ve alway use — hard work and determination. But in hindsight, I now know there are times, I should have just let go.

I’m sure the cardinal would agree — it would have saved a lot of headaches.

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