My Aircraft Paintings (and a few ships)

Growing up in the flight path of Lockheed Martin — Georgia, I was always looking skyward. When the TV show Black Sheep Squadron (starring Robert Conrad) debuted in the 1970’s, I was hooked on Corsairs and drawing airplanes. When I moderated a WW2 aviation panel for the Mississippi Book Festival, I painted two paintings for the authors James M. Scott and Kevin Maurer. That launched a new phase of my “drawing planes” career — painting planes. Here is a collection of my work so far.

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2 Responses to My Aircraft Paintings (and a few ships)

  1. Jo Ann Welch says:

    These are wonderful. Bryan Zemek’s brother was my neighbor until about 8 months ago. So sad. I looked at each plane, ship and copter. Your talent is unbounded. Thank you, Marshall for sharing yourself with us.

  2. Jerry Goldman says:

    How can I purchase one of your paintings? Is this done on line or is there a store where I can purchase one?

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