Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! I’m headed to Indianola.

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60 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    Have fun at the museum today, MR!

    I’m headed to work. Hope everyone has a great Friday!

  2. Mrs. H says:

    OB, I can just picture you going up to Blondes at the ball park and introducing yourself: “Excuse me, Ma’am. I’m Old Bopper. Are you Ms.Blondie?” That makes me smile!

    Dry Ice experiments today! Mark is super excited.

    Yesterday, I was explaining to the kids that when you twirl the corrugated tube (smaller swimming pool stuff, this time!) the air is sucked up from the bottom. I was putting a plastic bag over the bottom and blowing into the pipe to inflate the bag so that they could see the air deflate the bag when I whirled it. A 1st grader was watching intently, then spoke up: couldn’t you turn it upside down and whirl it to fill up the bag instead of blowing into it? I was stunned! Yes, you should be able to. I did. I wonder what thought process went through his mind? He understood exactly the physics of the process I was demonstrating! 1st GRADE! I made him a Mad Science badge and put it on an old lanyard of Mr. H’s. I also told his mama! That kid made my day!

    • OldBopper says:

      LOL! I told them,”I’m looking for a nice lady who volunteers to help veterans and told me she sits on this row during the games. She has blonde hair and that’s all I know. Do you volunteer to help veterans?”

      When they said they didn’t volunteer, I told them I am a veteran and just wanted to thank her for what she does. One lady’s husband thanked me for being a veteran!

  3. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. A beautiful morning out there. Hope this finds everybody doing better than yesterday.

    MrsH, that 1st grader was on the ball!

    I may have to put a second coat of paint on one wall. It has some dark splotches in it. It just may be the surface….I painted over paint which was painted over wall paper. Yeah, yeah, I know better but I really am hesitant to strip the paper from the wall. I’d probably have to put new sheetrock in the whole room.

  4. dhcoop says:

    Note to self: When you put too much hot water in your instant oatmeal, you can’t take it back. I have oatmeal soup.

    MrsH, that’s one sharp kid!

  5. Molly says:

    Mornin. I had to put down an armload of sleeping puppies so I could come to work. Sure hated to disturb their slumber, even though they don’t mind disturbing mine at 5 am. It’s 8:05 and I am all alone at the office. I’m not supposed to be alone. Today is Friday, not Saturday, right?

  6. tank says:

    question of the day: who are some of the most famous and best athletes of all time from each of the big three universities in the state?

  7. Airwolf says:

    Morning y’all!

  8. msblondie says:

    morning gang!!

    OB! That is funny. We didn’t go the game last night, instead we went to dinner for our Anniverary since it is today. A few of those in 103 do know me by actual name. I don’t know if we are going any this homestand a lot going on.

    everyone have a great day!

  9. Legal Eagle says:

    I smiled too when I pictured OB going up to the blond women at the ballpark.

    MrsH, one student wh0se thought processes work that way makes it all worth while.

    I’m going to see True Grit this afternoon, the modern version, which is showing free at our library. And we have a dance tonight with the same man and women who sang so well the last time. I would like to go to it.

  10. msblondie says:

    So I am just not in the mood to work today (ok I will do a little). MSU and Florida play at 11.. Why?? during the week put such a big game on so freaking early.. so yes i will be listening in a bit to it.

    LE : Blonde hair in general will turn green from chlorine pools. Mine use to do it every summer always started school with green tinted hair.

  11. dhcoop says:

    Happy Anniversary to Mr & Msblondie!

  12. cardinallady says:

    Morning! Anther busy day in the offing. One weekfrom today, though, I will be enjoying a slow morning under the trees. The picnic is just a week and a day away! :)

  13. parrotmom says:

    Hi all,
    OB glad you found some blonds last night just not the one you were looking for. LOL!!!

    Happy anniversary to MsB and and MrB.

    Good news my primary insurance refused that automatically put the other as primary and they accepted. Off to the hospital to get ready for the transfer. Yea!!!! insurance and red tape what joy!!!!

  14. Airwolf says:

    Happy Anniversary to MsB & MrB.

    Good news PM!!

  15. The Real JB says:

    Jeff Brantley, Former Major League Baseball Relief Pitcher, currently a commentator for the Cincinnati Reds.
    Will Clark, Former 1st Baseman for San Francisco Giants, Baltimore Orioles, St. Louis Cardinals, & Texas Rangers
    Keo Coleman, Former NFL Linebacker
    Johnie Cooks, Former NFL Star
    Hugh Critz, Notable 2nd Basemen for Cincinnati Reds (1920s) and the New York Giants (1930s)
    Erick Dampier, Dallas Mavericks Center
    Kevin Dockery – Cornerback for NFL New York Giants
    Sammy Ellis – Former Major League Baseball Pitcher – 7 seasons.
    Dave “Boo” Ferriss – Former Major League Baseball Player
    Joe Fortunato – Five-time Pro Bowler with the Chicago Bears.
    Steve Freeman – Former Buffalo Bills defensive back for 13 seasons and current NFL game official.
    Tom Goode – Former NFL Center. Super Bowl veteran.
    Alex Grammas, Major League infielder for the St. Louis Cardinals and Cincinnati Reds and manager of the Pittsburgh Pirates and Milwaukee Brewers
    Hoyle Granger – Former NFL Running Back.
    Justin Griffith – Fullback for the Oakland Raiders.
    Michael Haddix – Former NFL Running Back.
    Mario Haggan – NFL Denver Broncos linebacker
    Walt Harris – National Football League Defensive Back for the San Fransisco 49ers
    Ron Hill – Vice President of the National Football League
    Bailey Howell, NBA Hall of Famer
    Kent Hull, Former Buffalo Bills Pro Bowl center
    Tommy Kelly – National Football League Defensive lineman for Oakland Raiders
    D. D. Lewis – Former All-Star Linebacker Dallas Cowboys. Member of the College Football Hall of Fame.
    Paul Maholm – Major League Baseball Pitcher. 2003 first round draft pick (8th overall).
    Jeff Malone – NBA-former player from 1984–1996 with the Washington Bullets, Utah Jazz, Philadelphia 76ers, and Miami Heat. All-Star in 1986 and 1987.
    Fred McCrary – NFL Running back.
    Bo McKinnis – Sports agent.
    Brandon Medders – Major League Baseball Pitcher
    Mitch Moreland – Major League Baseball – Current First Baseball for the Texas Rangers
    Eric Moulds – NFL Pro Bowl wide receiver

    All Star Buddy MyerBuddy Myer – Major League Baseball 2-time All-Star second baseman
    Tom Neville – Former NFL Offensive Tackle – 14 seasons.
    Jerious Norwood – NFL running back for the Atlanta Falcons
    Rafael Palmeiro – Former Major League Baseball Player
    Jonathan Papelbon – Major League Baseball Pitcher
    Jackie Parker – Former All-Star Quarterbck CFL. Member of the College Football Hall of Fame.
    Jay Powell – Former Major League Baseball Relief Pitcher – 11 seasons, and World Series veteran.
    Buck Showalter, former baseball manager
    Barrin Simpson – National Football League linebacker
    Fred Smoot – National Football League cornerback for the Washington Redskins.
    David Stewart – National Football League Offensive tackle for the Tennessee Titans.
    Walter Suggs – Former All-Star Lineman for Houston Oilers.
    Bobby Thigpen Former Major League Baseball Relief Pitcher
    Del Unser – Major League Baseball former outfielder for the Washington Senators, Cleveland Indians, Philadelphia Phillies, New York Mets, and Montreal Expos. Won World Series with Phillies in 1980
    Jimmy Webb – Former NFL Defensive Lineman – 7 seasons.

  16. The Real JB says:

    And Jerry Clower went to MSU

  17. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    Ritz crackers w/creamy jiff and diet dr. pepper for lunch. Eatin’ good in the hood.
    We’re drilling in an “urban” area. Last night 2 thugs were caught wandering among our vehicles. The cops were NOT called. One left runnin’ and the other left limping w/one eye closed and numerous abrasions and contusions. We don’t call “roughnecks” for nothin’.

    Glad to hear some good news, PM

  18. dhcoop says:

    I just heard the strangest story that I must share. A co-worker has a mature, unfixed male yard cat. He showed up a few days ago with a kitten less than two weeks old. They have no idea where it came from. No females in the area they know of. The male cat plays with the little kitten and my friend’s wife and kids are bottle feeding it and othewise caring for it. He said his cat actually seems to be fond of the baby. I’ve never heard of such!

    • tank says:

      very peculiar.
      we had a dog that adopted two kittens after their mom was killed. she even let them nurse but I don’t think they actually got any milk.

  19. blues4you says:

    Great list, jb. I was at Sate during the Brantley,Palmero, Thigpen, Clark days…..what a team.

    And just as I read the list, some of my clients walk in and one of them is an old classmate! I had no idea where he was, or knew of the success he has achieved. My mind is officially blown.

    Happy anniversary msblondie and mrblondie!

    Glad to hear some good news, PM.

  20. blues4you says:

    Sorry for repeating myself there.

  21. Molly says:

    PM, somehow I missed your comment earlier. Congrats on getting approval to move PD. I hope this helps him immediately!

  22. OldBopper says:

    Happy Anniversary to Mr & MrsBlondie!!

    Good news on PD, keep it coming.

  23. Mrs. H says:

    El and a friend are watching Toddlers and Tiaras. What a strange world!! Those moms (and some dads) are so foreign to my life.

  24. cardinallady says:

    Flitting through again. Got relay for Life tonight. Will spend a little time there then have Jon stake my tomatoes, then we are going to a friends restaurant for a STEAK! Yummy!!

  25. parrotmom says:

    I will have to catch up when I make it back to the “Select”. PD is finally in. We have the weekend to get used to the place. I hope everyone has a wonderful Weekend, Love and hugs… :)

  26. Barb says:

    Happy Anniversary to the Blondies!!

    PM, great that your insurance came through and got PD transferred. Don’t for get to take of yourself too!!

  27. dhcoop says:


    Girl’s weekend ahead! Yahoo!

    PM, that’s great news!

    Gotta run and get some things together.

  28. parrotmom says:

    Coop emjoy your girls weekend. I hope you all have a blast.

    Blues sounds like some boys want be back anytime soon. Nice to have some rouhnecks around :)

  29. parrotmom says:

    PD left tje building about 2 today for his new destination. Now that his roitine is broken, I hope this does not cause him a rough night. He only attempted to leave the bed only one time last night. They do not allow to use the lower rails of the bed since this is considered as restraints. I think due to past history he has tried 4-5 times since this past Saturday. I think that is worth having then up.

  30. Ann Onimous says:

    Oh, wow! Another anniversary! I guess the baby hippos have to make another appearance… :)

    (ahem) LAAAAAAAAAA! *crash* Sorry about that!

    Hippo Nursery, Two Ewe:
    Hippo Nursery, Two Ewe!
    Hippo Nursery, Deer, MsBlondie and Dagwood…

    (passes around platter of very large sandwiches)

    Hippo Nursery, Two Ewe!

    Thank you! Don’t forget to tip your waiter!

    (tip, THUD)

  31. parrotmom says:

    nite lite is on!

    I hope AnneO is not buried under a pile if work. I don’t recall hearing from her this week. I also wonder what ever happened to SideTracked?

    oh good they were able to put the rail up on the oposite side than I will be on.u

  32. Ann Onimous says:

    PM, I do want you to know that even though posting anything lengthy has been impossible, we have been praying for you and PD. I’ve missed coming in here so much, and I miss you all terribly. I hope I can get back to posting on a regular basis very soon.

  33. parrotmom says:

    well it took me so long to type my last post that AnnO inburied herself to sing! what a great job, MsB and Dagwood will be pleased :)

  34. Ann Onimous says:

    Good Saturday morning, everybody! We’re Farmer’s Market bound! What are you all up to today?

  35. Mrs. H says:

    Mr. H is going to a free class on virtual music (loops and such) at Guitar Center this morning. Then stopping by Lowes to get stuff to start on our back patio. :) Fixed my girls some blueberry muffins (bisquik and some blueberries I found in the freezer.) Not to shabby!

    I’ll be cleaning out the inside of my car. Beach visits and VBS have left their mark! Taking Em and a friend up to MSU tomorrow for a week of Women in Science & Engineering Camp. Then, when Mr. H gets back, we’ll work on cleaning up the inside of HER truck.

  36. Clucky says:

    Checking in! Baby Girl is in Gulf Shores. We’ve been doing some fishing-bream should be bedding next weekend! Woot! Allergies are killing me, Mr Fab does NOT require back surgery, but back to PT and Pain Mgmt he goes.
    I’m thinking about making some changes. Big Ones. Will keep you posted as (if/when) they happen.

    Sports? How DARE you leave out Jerry Rice, Fred McAffee and Marcus Dupree???

    I’ll check in later. PM, I think Select is just what PD
    needs. Best wishes and prayers!

    PS Granny had her post-chemo PET Scan: ALL CLEAR!!! God is Great!!

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