Saturday Free-For-All

I slept late.  Guess I needed it.  How is your day?

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26 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. Legal Eagle says:

    First? That’s unusual.

    Good morning! One week to go till the pick-a-nick!

  2. dhcoop says:

    Mornin! With my sisters. All is well!

  3. clucky says:

    Ooops, I think more than a few of us posted on the Friday FFA. It’s 10am, laundry is going and about to tackle steam cleaning. I’d rather take a beating.

  4. Marshall Ramsey says:

    Last week was a bear. I was so tired driving home from Indianola last evening — but watching the sun go down over the Delta was worth the effort.

  5. clucky says:

    I second that emotion sir.

  6. OldBopper says:

    G’morning. Been at church helping to decorate for Pentecost Sunday. It’s always an unlifting joyous service followed by a covered dish lunch.

    I think I have everything I want for Boule except a cover. Still haven’t put the light bar on the front. That’s going to take some engineering. I think I know how it has to be done.

  7. OldBopper says:

    I’ve noted some of the printed political ads. I am amazed that elected Republican officials are endorsing a particular candidate in the Republican primary. That is something that used to be taboo. An elected official would endorse the party candidate after the primary but would never stick his nose in a primary race.

    It’s not against the law to endorse during a primary, but it is just not the right thing to do. It’s akin to bad manners.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      And it was against the ethics committee of the state bar for lawyers to advertise. They couldn’t even put their names in the phone book in bold print, much less place an ad.

  8. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone.

    Clucky great news for Granny :)

    It was “Sleepless in Seattle” last night I meant in Jackson. PD cannot get accustomed to the collar. I would hear him pulling a the velcro and say “D____ leave that alone!!” Then he was ready to go. Then they have him hooked up to an IV–saline solution that he wanted to cut the wire to it since it didn’t work anyway?
    They changed his blood pressure meds at CMMC from propranolol (Inderal) that he has taken ever since being diagosed now they have him on norvasc and and diuretic. They did this because his heart rate and blood pressure were staying high at night. Now we know that was due to the albuterol breathing treatments. They can barely find a vein on him which I think is because of the duretic and that is the reason now for the Saline solution. I hope Clucky checks back in to confirm my theory?

  9. parrotmom says:

    Everyone be careful out in the heat and stay hydrated. I actually fixed myself up not that PD will notice but it does make a woman feel good if she thinks she looks tolerable no matter that she feels worn to a frazale.

    I hope to check in later. Love and hugs.

  10. clucky says:

    PM, you are correct. Low sodium can also cause confusion, so hopefully he will be himself soon.

  11. parrotmom says:

    thanks for that comment Clucky. No sign of a doctor yet, but I know she will be around.

  12. parrotmom says:

    I had to go back to yesterdays ffa then click the next story or drawing to finally make it on here while ago.

  13. OldBopper says:

    Put a second coat of paint in the dining room. The upholstery material for the chairs will be in next week. We will have the grandsons the week after so will wait until they leave to put the new upholstry on.

    Hang in there PM. We’re rooting for you both.

  14. parrotmom says:

    Thanks, I just found out tonight that they had changed one of his pain meds to something else which may be causing the off/on confusion. The one they took him off of had never had any side affects before.

    OB, I agree with you and PQ wait till the grands are gone accidents can happen and this way if there is ice cream spilt on the new upholstery it will be your mistake and not theirs. LOL!!!

  15. Legal Eagle says:

    We went to the farmers’ market today and got some tomatoes from Lucedale. Those tomatoes probably watched MrsH and her family drive by every day cause they sure are good. We also got some sweet potatoes, butterbeans, an eggplant, and a watermelon. The sweet potatoes are actually supposed to be decorated and returned in a week or so to be put in a contest.

  16. Legal Eagle says:

    They came from Jay Pilgrim, who said he won the Mize Watermelon Festival the last two years. He must import his tomatoes.

    MrsH, I may be the only adult entered in this contest, but hopefully not. I guess if you can do mad science, I can figure out some little outfits for sweet potatoes. I could bring them to the pick-a-nick next Saturday and make it a community project. The woman from the Ag Commission just signed me up, gave me 3 sweet potatoes and a goody bag with an apron, pot holder, jar opener and recipes in it and said to decorate them and bring them back next week or the next for the judging.

    BE has gone fishing and I just fried some bacon for my first bacon and tomato sandwiches of the year. I fried enough for him too.

  17. Legal Eagle says:

    She mentioned something about some nice prizes. Hey, a trip to Gattytown wouldn’t be bad! She didn’t mention what the prizes are and I forgot to ask. I was already wondering what the heck I was going to do with them.

  18. Barb says:

    Evening, everyone!
    LEagle, decorating them is all I would ever do with sweet potatoes!!!
    PM, sorry PD is having a rough time adjusting to all the change, but it will get better! Keep your chin up!! Prayers for you both.

  19. Clucky says:

    Prayers, PM!

  20. Clucky says:

    PS Has anyone noticed the picture I put up on the fb page for the picnic? Heh. It’s a tongue in cheek reference to our present economy.

  21. Ann Onimous says:

    Tomorrow is a big day. Our kids graduate from the children’s program to youth group.

    I’M NOT READY!!!!!

  22. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’. Late church today and covered dish lunch. Looks like we will be late joining the MSU game in progress.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  23. Molly says:

    Mornin. That’s all I have to say.

  24. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks!!

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