Sunday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?

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35 Responses to Sunday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    I’m up, but only because lil sis doesn’t know how to sleep in.

    We’ve had a blast, but I could have slept later.

  2. Barb says:


  3. parrotmom says:

    Good Sunday morning to all :)

    PD and I had a better nights sleep. Although, from 2 to 3 am was rough, he woke numerous times wanting to leave and not being himself, but luckily each time I was able to calm him down. I hope since my plans is to try and attempt a full workday tomorrow that he has no relapses tonight.

  4. parrotmom says:

    Coop if it wasn’t for little sis waking you up it would have been your kittie kids. I am so glad that you have family to help bring you happiness.

  5. parrotmom says:

    The parrot has had his shower time to head back north and sit with PD till later.

  6. Ann Onimous says:

    Hi! If anyone finds my voice, would you please bring it back stat? Thanks!

  7. Legal Eagle says:

    Would anyone like to give a nice home to two beautiful kitty kids? I’ve stuck up for Hoodlum in spite of BE’s raves that she was going other places besides her litter box to do her business, but yesterday I woke up to the site of my big library tote bag containing 6 or 7 books with the top books covered in cat poop.

    And how is your day?

  8. dhcoop says:


    oops, Leagle! But, sorry, I can’t help you!

    AnnO, I haven’t seen it, but if I do, I’ll send it on home.

    PM, I hope PD makes it okay tonight. Keep us posted.

    We made it safely back to Gtown. lil sis headed on to KO and Big Sis and I are chillin. Had a really nice rain while ago. Now the sun is coming back out.

  9. dhcoop says:

    I just identified a bird I had never seen before. It’s a brown-crested flycatcher. I had seen them yesterday, but didn’t get a good enough look. Just had one perch close enough to the porch to get a good look. Beautiful!

  10. Ann Onimous says:

    Good thing I won’t need my voice to sing Hippo Birdie to Molly on Tuesday! Let me tell you, church is no fun when you can’t sing. The sermon was awesome, and the kiddos really loved youth group, but IG was able to make some jokes at my expense. Just wait til I get my voice back. He’s in a whole heap of trouble.

  11. dhcoop says:

    correction. After further research, I determined that it had to be a Great Crested Flycatcher because of the range. They look very much alike, but the Brown crested is a western version.

  12. Old Bopper says:

    Wonderful service this morning followed by an outstanding covered dish meal. I ate way, way too much. Watching State and keeping fingers crossed.

  13. Molly says:

    AnnO you better find your voice so you can sing Hippo Birdie to yourself Tuesday! Do you feel bad, or just silent?
    Had a little rain a few minutes ago. May still rain some more.
    Judging from Twitter and Facebook, I would say Kiddo is having a good time in Orange Beach. She hasn’t bothered to call and tell me, though.
    Hubby took me b’day shopping today and we came home with a new computer and a new tv for my bedroom. Trying to back up the old computer before unhooking it and putting the new one. Can’t get the tv to communicate with Uverse and have a tech guy coming tomorrow. So I have great toys that I can’t play with. Oh, well, it’s not my birthday yet.

  14. Molly says:

    Puppies decided that Hubby is their favorite person early on. (All dogs do!) But he popped their behinds when they wouldn’t stop chewing on a table leg. Now they are mad at him and won’t go near him. One is pouting in the crate and the other went under the couch. I see his nose starting to emerge. I wonder how long they hold a grudge.

  15. Ann Onimous says:

    Molly, I’m not sure what’s up. I have a sore throat, no voice, and a bunch of other strange stuff going on. It’s purty miserable, though. Maybe it’s my body reminding me how old I am.

    At least I won’t have a flag on my cake this year…

    • Molly says:

      Why no flag? My dad calls every year to tell me “Happy Flag Day.” I don’t remember the last time he said “Happy Birthday” to me.

      • Ann Onimous says:

        It was a running gag between my grandma and I. No matter how hard I begged or pleaded, I always had a flag on my cake. I wanted Barbie, Star Trek, Anything: but it was always a flag. She told me when I was little that the flags were out just for me. That was special.

  16. OldBopper says:

    Wow AnnO, your birthday is today! Happy Birthday!!! Wishing you lots of smiles and hugs on your special day.

  17. parrotmom says:

    AnnO I hope your voice returns soon.

    Coop glad you and your sisters had fun.

    Molly to funny with the pups.

  18. Molly says:

    One puppy held a grudge only until supper was served. Then he was all love and kisses. The other was not so forgiving. He kept his distance from Hubby for hours. They both like to sleep in Hubby’s lap together. The angry one, Connor, refused to go to him when the other puppy got in his lap. Connor came to me instead. He watched his brother a few minutes over in the other chair, but wouldn’t go. Finally, he fell asleep in my lap. After a while, I had to go check on the computer backup in another room and put Connor in the crate. He climbed out and walked ever so slowly to Hubby’s chair. He held back a little but it was obvious he REALLY wanted up there. I put him up there and he snuggled with his brother and went back to sleep. I guess all is forgiven now.

  19. parrotmom says:

    hellooo!!!! having to update my page.

  20. parrotmom says:

    awe how sweet Molly :)

    Both kittie girls showed up at the same time to the food bowl for supper. Then when I went out front to leave was the sound of a mad Mockingbird. The tabby was sitting under the tree cleaning herself as the bird would go for her back, she never budged. Then the calico was going to take up for her sister and went charging to protect her, only to stop in her tracts and ran back to the safety of the porch. the tabby just kept on taking care of business.

  21. Barb says:

    PM, I hope you and PD have a restful night.
    I need to ask for prayers for Mother again. She fell out by her tomato plants and could not get up. My niece showed up a little while later. She got her up, but Mother felt weak. Took her to the er. They don’t think it’s her heart and haven’t decided whether to admit her. They think it may have something to do with the antibiotics she’s been taking for a bad infection from a cat scratch!! Her doctor wanted to admit her Tuesday when she finally went to him. The scratch happened on Memorial Day. And, no, it was not done by our cats! I hope this makes sense…I seem to be rambling. Thanks in advance for the prayers. She will be 86 on Wed.

  22. Legal Eagle says:

    County Market wanted $9.00 for a small watermelon which I will pay when hell freezes over. We got a watermelon about that size at the farmers’ market yesterday for $5.00, left it in the refrigerator from the time we got home and cut it this afternoon. It was so good even though it was seedless.

    I had bacon and tomato sandwiches again today. BE forgot to get rye bread when he went in the bread store, but they’re fine on wheat bread until I can get some rye bread and by then get more tomatoes.

  23. dhcoop says:


    Sounds like the twins are establishing themselves mighty fine at the Molly household!

    Barb, I hate to hear that about your Mom. Prayers for her speedy recovery!

    Mom told me tonight that Dad has to work next Saturday so she’s hoping lil sis will be able to bring her to the Pick-a-nic. I’m sure she will.

    Marshall did confirm today that he’ll be there. YEAH!!

    We can get seriously into the menu/whosbringingwhat later this week. Regardless, it’ll be a fun time had by all!! We’ll have enough food to feed many more folks than we have, as usual.

    I’ll look forward to seeing everyone next weekend!

    Good night!

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