Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?

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38 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Hope this finds Barb’s Mom and PD doing better.

    Looking forward to Saturday. We need a watermelon for the seed spittin’ contest. AND let’s don’t forget to take a group picture this year.

  2. Molly says:

    Mornin. I am so NOT a morning person. These puppies are killing me.

  3. dhcoop says:


    Trying to wake up and get moving. OB, you are right. I’ll try to get my brain moving later and come up with a list of the things we need to get together for Saturday. I saw where you have the brownies covered!

    Hope we get a good report from PM and Barb later.

    Gotta get moving!

  4. parrotmom says:

    Barb prayers for your mother that they get her taken care of soon.

    PD had a good night no waking up with confusion. I am home getting ready for work at 6:
    30:00 am. Will go see him at lunch, he is about 5 minutes away 10 if lots of traffic.

    As much as I hate to say I it I will not be at the picnic by my choosing, PD has no knowledge of it and if he did he would probably tell me to go, but my place is with him. I know I am welcomed even if only for a short stay. Please take lots of pics and post.

  5. parrotmom says:

    The mockingbirds are already after my kitty girls.

  6. OldBopper says:

    PM, glad PD is doing better. We understand your need to be with PD during this time and will be thinking of you during the picnic. If he just happens to be doing well on Saturday, you might be able to come for lunch….maybe….maybe. I know you wouldn’t dare leave him alone if he’s not doing well.

    AnnO, has your voice found you again?

  7. Mrs. H says:

    Took Em and her friend to State yesterday for a week of Science and Engineering Camp. There were signs all over campus: Golf Camp, Tennis Camp, Baseball Camp, Bagley Engineering Camps. I guess it will be the Geeks vs. the Jocks in the cafeteria all week! (are golf and tennis athletes counted among the Jocks?)

    They come home Saturday, so we won’t be able to attend the picnic this year. :(

  8. Molly says:

    My head is pounding! The puppies have barked their fool little heads off this morning. They have barked at each other, at car doors slamming, at their reflections in the mirror, at the ceiling fan, everything! Now they are sound asleep and I have to go to work. Sure wish I could take the day off.

  9. parrotmom says:

    Oh!!! Molly so sorry for the yapping pups. You need to record them yapping on Kiddo’s phone and turn on for Kiddo to hear, LOL!!!! Hope you feel better soon.

    Thanks OB :)

  10. OldBopper says:

    Dogs tend to bark a lot when they are getting accustomed to a new location. Everything is strange to them. In a week or so it should settle down significantly.

  11. msblondie says:

    morning gang! I am not going in till later this morning. I have a doctor appointment.. oh joy.. wonder how badly he is going to fuse at me this time.

    Molly sorry about the puppies. Even with Moo almost 2 he still barks at things we dont even hear.

    PM glad to hear PD had a better night.
    Barb hope things go well with your mom.

    Everyone have a great day.

  12. Barb says:

    They admitted Mother. They still have no idea what is wrong. She sees the cardiologist later. Thanks for the prayers.
    PM, glad ya’ll had a better night.
    Everyone, have a great day. Stay out of the heat!!

  13. cardinallady says:

    Morning! The red streak is me. I’ve got lots to do today. Talk later. FIVE MORE DAYS!!!!!

  14. Airwolf says:

    Morning friends!

  15. CornPop says:

    Well, I hate to do this, but Orville and I will not be able to make the picnic after all! :-(

    SugarPop turns 2 years old this Thursday & the only day open for her party is Saturday, June 18th. The party is going to be at SIL’s mother’s condo & all the kids plan on hitting the swimming pool, too, so that’s where we will be. I’m sorry!

    Orville continues to do well. He & I have a trip to Vegas planned for the week of July 4th. We decided to celebrate our original wedding anniversary, July 7th, and go somewhere we’ve never been before to party! Viva Las Vegas…!

    Thoughts and prayers are with all those in need.

  16. charlie says:


    last Wed.Patsy decided to have a heart attack and did …we rushed to the
    ER and they did their thing,which was really good..after 5 days in the hospital she goes home today feeling just fine,but they tell her it will take a while to get back to being the old Patsy,,give her a call and she can tell you the long version……love to all Charlie

  17. msblondie says:

    finally made it to the office from the doctor. he didn’t fuss to bad. but told me i gotta watch my blood pressure. It has gone high again. So that means lots more water and playing with the Wii and watch being so much in the heat.

    well everyone have a great day.

  18. Molly says:

    Barb, I hope they figure out what’s wrong with your mom and fix her up ASAP!
    PM, are you surviving work today? I know you are worn out.
    AnnO, hope you feel better soon.

  19. Mrs. H says:

    Charlie, I’m not sure if you intended to post this on the blog, but if you’re a friend of MR’s then you’re a friend of ours, too. We’ll add your Patsy to the Prayer List (which currently has Barb’s mom, ParrotDad, MsBlondie, Orville, Clucky and I’m sure others that I’ve missed)

    It’s been a Monday today, especially after missing a good bit of last week due to VBS (which I wouldn’t miss for the WORLD!) And I’m out Tues, Wed, Thur on the bike ride to B’ham and all of next week due to youth camp. Don’t you love the fact that I’m 51 and still get to go to youth camp!

  20. OldBopper says:

    Had a nice 75 mile ride this afternoon. Interstate, US two lane highway, city, state 2 lane highway…..basically the works. Boule seems to be happy as long as he’s on pavement. 70-75 on the interstate and smooth as silk. 45-55 are the most pleasant speeds because they give me a chance to enjoy the scenery. So far I’ve logged 1,400 miles on Boule. I’m about ready to take a short trip.

  21. parrotmom says:

    Molly I barely made it through. I feel like I accomplished very little, but a little bit is better than nothing at all.

    I came home after work. Ready to go back to see PD, but feel will fill guilty if I put the parrot to bed to early?

  22. parrotmom says:

    OB you are sounding like a pro these days.

    MrsH I hope you MrH have a wonderful trip and stay safe. I think it is wonderful to be 51 and can still attend youth camp :)

  23. parrotmom says:

    We had some pretty strong winds at the house before coming up here to see PD. It actually tore out a couple of limbs from my persimmon tree.

  24. dhcoop says:


    Lots of high winds in south Hinds. Big Sis has no power down in Grown so Copiah got it too.

    Cornpop, I hate y’all can’t come, but I understand. PM, you too, but I’ll hold out hope that you can run down for a bit.

  25. Marshall Ramsey says:

    Charlie is why I am an editorial cartoonist. He is the long-time cartoonist at the Knoxville News Sentinel and allowed me to fill in for him when I was in college. He has provided me career advice for over 20 years. He and his wife Patsy are dear friends of my family. I spoke to her and she sounds great for someone who survived a heart attack.

  26. Barb says:

    Thanks for the prayers. They work because it is not her heart!! They don’t really know anything so far, but she seems stronger.

    CornPop, my daughter was born in 1975 on your original anniversary date!!

    Ya’ll all have a good and restful night.

  27. parrotmom says:

    Marshall thanks for the info regarding your friends. Prayers for them both. I think I am turning lites off where I am, but you never know if I may check back in. I would like to see if anyone received rain or just wind?

  28. dhcoop says:

    My service has been sketchy tonight, so I’ll just send love and hugs to all and good night. Looking forward to seeing everyone that can come this weekend.

    And I do have a prayer request for Friend. He’s having a heart cath tomorrow. Praying that all goes well.

    Good night, my friends.

  29. Barb says:

    Morning folks!
    Prayers for your friend, Coop.

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