Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning! How are you?

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80 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. Molly says:

    Mornin! Happy Birthday, AnnO. Uh, I mean…Hippo Birdie to Ewe!!

  2. dhcoop says:


    Happy Birthday to AnnO and Molly! Hope you both have great ones!

  3. Molly says:

    I was just the victim of a vicious puppy attack! I laid down on the floor and they jumped me. They bit my nose, pulled my hair, chewed my ears and licked my face! I was saved only when their attention was diverted and they attacked a defenseless tennis ball. That poor tennis ball never had a chance. Now they are outside preying on unsuspecting twigs and leaves that fell last night. Nothing is safe from those two!

  4. parrotmom says:

    Good Tuesday morning to everyone :)

    Happy Birthday to you Molly and AnnO. I hope you both have a wonderful day. Molly I bet you giggled like a school girl when those pups attacked you, PD has always said nothing like the smell of puppy breath :)
    AnnO I hope your voice has returned from it’s vacation and that you are better today!

    Prayers Coop for Friend I hope he passes his test with flying colors.

  5. LegalSec says:

    Happy Birthday Molly and AnnO! I’m looking forward to seeing everyone Saturday. Do we have a head count yet? I’m also bringing a friend with me this year. She too is an MR fan! I’m bringing watermelon. . . any food/supply suggestions for my friend? Is there anything missing from the food list that we can bring? I’ll check in later!Thanks!

  6. Ann Onimous says:

    Morning, everybody! Had to pop in real quick because, well…

    *LaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA!!!* *crash* Sorry!

    Hippo, Birdie, two Ewe:
    Hippo, Birdie, two Ewe!
    Hippo, Birdie, Deer…

    (begin up tempo music)
    Good golly, Miss Molly:
    They say it’s your day!

    (regains composure)

    Hippo, Birdie, two Ewe! :)

    Happy birthday, Molly!

  7. Mrs. H says:

    We’re off on a 2-wheeled adventure today. Keep us in your prayers!

    My girls hate it when I approach strangers and ask questions. Ex.: There was a young man wearing an MRA T-shirt checking into camp in front of us Sunday. Mr. H’s cousin teaches physics at a school in Madison county, but I wasn’t sure which one. The young man said their physics teacher was an old man (Mr. H’s cousin is the 40-something mother of a young child!) Em told me later to stop doing that. Last night she told me she had seen a girl wearing a PineLake shirt and asked her if she knew Rexi’s son, who also is a member there. She did know him and they are now friends. I asked Em what the difference was in what we had done, and told her there was none!! SHE’S TURNING INTO ME!!!!!!

  8. Ann Onimous says:

    Aaaaaaannd that’s the only singing I’ll do today. The voice is still gone and I feel like shredded cheese. I have 5 minutes before I have to leave for work and I’m still debating whether or not to go in. Bleah.

    • Molly says:

      I think I’m getting what you’ve got, AnnO. My voice is still intact, but my throat is scratchy and I feel kinda yucky. I’m gonna take some zinc and extra Vitamin C and maybe that will help fight it off.

  9. OldBopper says:

    Happy Birthday AnnO and Molly!! Wishing you both lots of smiles and hugs. Sounds like Molly is off to a good start.

    We didn’t have any rain yesterday but we did have a lot of wind. I get to pick up lots of small limbs, groups of leaves, and such from the surrounding trees.

    Sure is a nice temperature this morning.

  10. tank says:

    morning folks.
    barb, how’s your mom doing?
    happy flag day to ann and molly. ;)
    I’m in one of those I’mgoingonvacationanddontwantotwork moods. I’m working until 11:00. we will be heading out for jellystone around 1:00. just us girls. hubby said his vacation will be some quiet time alone. at least I don’t have to get my family to feed my animals since he’ll be home.
    y’all have fun today.

  11. Molly says:

    Thanks, Tank! Happy Flag Day to you to. And Happy Vacation! How long will you be gone? Enjoy yourself.

    • tank says:

      we are just staying two nights. I wouldn’t be doing this if it hadn’t been for groupon! it was an excellent deal. and everyone says it’s a great place to take the kids.
      anyway, since we are making this trip I won’t be turning around and driving back up for the picnic saturday. I’ll have to catch y’all next year. or maybe we could have a fall picnic. you know, like when it’s 65 degrees rather than 102!

  12. parrotmom says:

    Off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of oz!!! oh, no!!! wrong song for going to work.
    I hope everyone has a great day, Happy Flag day!!!

  13. parrotmom says:

    I looked out into the backyard and say a relative of CardinalLady’s, at least I don’t think it was her since her paper is not put to bed yet?

  14. blues4you says:

    Happy birthday AnnO & Molly!!!!

  15. tank says:

    hey blues.
    32 comments! I’m thinking no one is in a working mood today. heh.

    • blues4you says:

      Hey tank.

      I’m in working mode, but not mood. I’m working at a speed I haven’t worked at in many years. The things I used to do routinely seem to take twice as long . New applications of technology are not always helpful in my defined working parameters.

  16. Crystalbutterfly says:


    hey all!!
    I will bring some plates and flatware Saturday and other things—don’t know yet what kind of food I will bring.

  17. cardinallady says:

    Zipping through, gotta river of words to write I will be back later.
    *swooping back through, red wing salute* Happy Birthday tooo you Molly and AnnO! will have to sing later. Promise I will.

    Coop I’m not in the working mood either but I’ve GOTTA be or there won’t be any news for this paper.

  18. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks. I’ve been busy taking care of some legal stuff. Too hot to do any serious work outside. Still no rain and we’re under a water conservation notice. No lawn watering, washing cars etc.

    Happy birthday AnnO & Molly!!!!

    I trust PD is continuing to improve along with Barb’s Mom.

  19. OldBopper says:

    Tank, which Jellystone?

    • tank says:


      • OldBopper says:

        That’s a nice park. When I was acting supervisor before and during Katrina, I engineered the sale of that property to Jellystone with the provision that it can never be anything but a campground. It was part of my district. Theres a small one or two acre spot on the left as you go in that was developed using federal funds. That’s all that was there before the property was sold. It must always remain a camping spot and has different covenants than the remainder of the park.

        The people who own the park are really nice folks and have done everything and more that they promised to do.

        • tank says:

          I had two other friends that bought the groupon and have already went. They said it is a super nice place and will be going back. I’m looking forward to it.

  20. tank says:

    jimmy johns sold my daughter a car this weekend. he could be a millionaire in the nfl but he’s a car salesman. that’s what drugs will do for you. I think he has turned his life around thankfully.

  21. OldBopper says:

    The twigs and limbs that fell during the winds last evening have been picked up. Guess I ought to mow the weeds.

  22. msblondie says:

    happy birthday molly and anno.

    good morning. we dont have power at work. it has been out since last night about 6. one building has power but our main building with the computers is out.

    i will check in later. and catch up again.

  23. tank says:

    thirty more minutes!!! then it takes me forty minutes to get home.

  24. dhcoop says:

    Have a great time tank!

    I saw some real pretty sweet corn in the store this morning, so I bought some peas and am cooking veggies for lunch. :)

  25. OldBopper says:

    Grass is cut. Now to find something for lunch. PQ is out and about today.

  26. OldBopper says:

    Sardines, onion and coke for lunch. The cats think I am something special.

  27. dhcoop says:

    Sweet corn, field peas, crowder peas, tomatoes and cornbread. YUM!

    • blues4you says:

      That’s what I’m talkin’ about!
      I had peanut butter & ritz crackers and a diet mtn dew.
      /makes sad face
      //sighs and goes back to work

  28. cardinallady says:

    Alright, paper to bed. Am back for a moment while my editor is finishing up the last minute paper stuff.

    Alright, I promised somebody a song


    *red wing clap* And many many more bird years.

  29. msblondie says:

    well finally got power back at the office. now not really in mood to work. got everyone back up and running. just having to be sure no other ill effects from the outage.

    coop – i wish i had your lunch. i had chic fil a instead.

  30. Molly says:

    Kiddo finally called to check in and tell me happy birthday. (She probably only remembered my b’day because of Facebook!) She’s having a great time. She has a sunburn on her forehead, right at her hair line, that hurts every time she blinks her eyes. Sounds like they are at the beach or in the pool from the time they get up until they go to bed. Tonight is dinner at Lulu’s. She has no desire to come home!

  31. OldBopper says:

    Rode over to Jellystone. Our grandsons are going to be with us next week and I’m considering a day trip over there.

    Ran into Tank, the redheads, and her daughter. That was nice; hadn’t planned on that. The redheads are a cute pair.

  32. parrotmom says:

    How cool OB!! So glad you were able to see them. That maybe a good day trip for the grands next week.

  33. dhcoop says:


    Well, due to an appointment glich, Friend didn’t have the cath today. Now scheduled for tomorrow.

    Heading to Gtown to spend the evening with Big Sis.

  34. parrotmom says:

    Have fun Coop, prayers for friend tomorrow morning :)

  35. Barb says:

    Tank, I appreciate you asking about my mom. She has 2 nodules on 1 of her thyroid glands and 1 on her other 1. I did not know we had 2!! Clucky, if you see this, do you know what the options are in a situation like this?

  36. Airwolf says:

    had one on her thyroid.

  37. parrotmom says:

    prayers for yor mom Barb. I had a goiter on the right side of my thyroid back in about 1971 or 72. I still have the left portion of my thyroid. It has been mentioned in the past about nodules but other than taking my thyroid medication nothing else has been done, but I am rather strange like that.

  38. parrotmom says:

    I hope AnnO is feeling better. Being sick is no fun way to spend your birthday.

  39. msblondie says:

    prayers for all… time to turn in.. and find a cool place in the house.. So hot the a/c doesn’t seem to be keeping up.

  40. clucky says:

    I had a goiter, actually a HUGE one in my chest-you couldn’t even see it until they did the scan and WOW, it was a monster. Took a double dose a I-131, and have been on Synthroid ever since. Such a small dose, I have to get a higher dose and cut it in half because they don’t make it that low. I recovered. I like what AW said-that could easily be the culprit. There are a lot of lymph nodes around there too, and cat scratches really get them fired up. As many cats as I have (no comment from the peanut gallery), I am seriously allergic to them-especially the scratches. I have to immediately wash it with antibacterial soap and put caladryl on it and take a couple of Benadryl or it leaves a nasty spot that takes a while to heal. I’m sporting a 2″ long scratch on my left forearm now from two weeks ago that still hasn’t completely healed. Come to the picnic Saturday, and I’ll show you my scar. Heh. And yes, AW was right on about the thyroid and parathyroids. The thyroid gland is actually shaped kind of like a butterfly.

    Happy birthday, girls. I wish you lots of hot, buttery popcorn and squeaky clean air filters! (Somebody’s gotta get ’em….then again, both of you are on the sickly side. Nevermind. Raincheck!)

    Work is……*sigh*. Blues, need any help? I might take up logging to get a change of scenery. I can learn to drive a skidder :D

    Doc visits tomorrow (with my internal med doc) and I bet I get the annual “yourewheezingandnotusingyourinhaler speech that he gives me every year. If I wasn’t always scheduled during allergy season, he would never know that grass is BAD for me at this time of year. As in HAY, people. Don’t get too excited.

    Mr Fab has to hit the road at 430 in the morning headed south. He has no clue how to get where he’s going, and it’s the same trip I make sometimes 3 times in a week. I’m glad he has a Garmin, because my tail will still be in this bed until an hour after he arrives. Heh.

    Best wishes and hugs & stuff for the ill and infirmed. Chicklette told me tonight she is ready for school to start back….I almost fell out in the floor. The kid is leaving Sunday for Pensacola, and she JUST got back from Gulf Shores last night. Bless her heart. NOT. Would love to drive to Pelahatchie and visit with Tank…who knows, I may pop in tomorrow evening and surprise her and the girls. I would love to meet her daughter-she looks STUNNING in her pictures. And those red heads…oh my.

    Good night, folks.
    Love ya. Mean it.

    • Barb says:

      Thanks for the insight, Clucky. I wish I could attend the pick-a-nick, but I have to work.
      What is a Garmin? A GPS?

  41. clucky says:

    Yep. Like a Tom Tom.

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