It is the heat

Last night, WJTV TV reported that Carlton Melton had passed away.  He was 61. According to the story, his neighbors found him in his Madison yard,  an apparent victim of this current brutal heatwave we’ve been experiencing.  I knew Carlton.  Not well, but had met him a few times and know a few things about him. I know he was a good man. He was passionate for his neighborhood. He was the neighborhood homeowners’ association president — a job not for the weak or the timid.  He loved his wonderful family. Carlton worked hard and made a difference in his neighborhood, his community and in the world.  He’s gone now and that very same world has a big hole to  fill. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

Be careful out there.  It is the heat AND the humidity. Drink lots of water. Seek shade. Wear light colored clothing. Stay in A/C during the hottest parts of the day. The world doesn’t need to try to fill your shoes, too.

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