Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Today will be great.

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37 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:

    Mornin! Yes, Marshall, today WILL be great! We are in charge of making it so. :)

    Ok, folks, MrsH pointed this out last night, and I am grateful, because it reminded me I needed to repost it. Tonight, Attache is going to be on GMC and is in competition to win $10,000. My Bug is one of the keyboard players. I hope y’all will watch and vote!

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone. Coop I will get my vote in. thanks for the reminder.

    I hope everyone has a great and wonderful day :)

  3. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Hoping for some rain today.

  4. parrotmom says:

    Soon to be off to take PD for his CT scan. A shame we have to wait a week for the results, but that again is Murhphy’s law for us.

  5. blues4you says:

    G’day mates……

  6. OldBopper says:

    8:18 am, Mawnin’ y’all. Slept till a little past 7 this morning. Couldn’t get to sleep last night and finally succeeded at 4 am this morning.

    Having trouble getting my big laptop to connect to my wireless system. I’ll figure it out later.

    It feels a bit cooler this morning. Not quite as much humidity in the air.

  7. blues4you says:

    I just snuck across the street to the waffle house and got a cup of coffee. Nobody even missed me. I’m really liking this in town drilling location.

  8. parrotmom says:

    Blues—waffle house and only coffee? glad it is so convenient. I kept telling PD I was headed to the cafeteria here at CMMC but I have stuck with him, but sure was tempting.

  9. Legal Eagle says:

    I would llike a double order of scattered, smothered and covered and…knock, knock, knock….is anyone out there? (Feathers fluffed – humph, after I sent him coffee yesterday you would think that today….young whippersnapper).

    Whenever I’m disappointed with my spot
    in life, I stop and think about little Jamie Scott.

    Jamie was trying out for a part in the
    school play. His mother told me that he’d set his heart on being
    in it, though she feared he would not be chosen.

    On the day the parts were awarded, I went
    with her to collect him after school. Jamie rushed up to her,
    eyes shining with pride and excitement.. ‘Guess what, Mom,’ he
    shouted, and then said those words that will remain a lesson to
    me…’I’ve been chosen to clap and cheer.’

    • blues4you says:

      I’m sorry, LE. I was concentrating very hard on being stealthy. I was scared to take the time of ordering anything else. I’ll try to get us both some scattered, smothered, covered in love hashes tomorrow….promise.

  10. msblondie says:

    morning gang! A bit late this morning had to go get M’s car tag for her car. Not quite as bad as I was thinking, but still outrageous.

    USA plays France at 11 today for the Semis in the WWC. Should be a good game.. hoping I can stream it here at work.

    Everyone have a great day!

  11. Mrs. H says:

    Hooray! We have achieved connectivity after being stricken by lightning last night!

  12. Pncpnthr says:


  13. parrotmom says:

    yay!! for MrsH.
    Hi Pnc. PD is taken care of now back to work I go. I am very tired right now. The heat after being in A/C then in a car at 200 degrees and back in forth is a real drainer of energy especially when you have none.

  14. msblondie says:

    YES the USA made the World Cup Final.. We have not been here since 1999 when we won! Now to see who we played Sweden or Japan

  15. The Real JB says:

    One Son’s blood work came back ok…hmmm.

    back to work.

  16. OldBopper says:

    Just had a lot of thunder and lightning accompanied by a torrential rainfall. The thunder didn’t chase the cats off the screen porch, but the blowing rain did. It’s settled down to a good steady rain. Don’t know how long it will last but we’ll be happy for all that we get.

  17. Mrs. H says:

    We just got a letter from the new principal of the high school. It gave me chills as I read it. He asked us to pray for him and all the faculty at the school as they try to provide a moral example for the students they work with. He asked us to pray at our churches or on campus before school (7:00 to 7:15) or after school (3:00 to 3:30) walking down the hallways or driving through the parking lot. This man knows Who can handle any situation that may come up. I am so proud that this man is the leader of the school my daughters attend. Yes, I will pray for him and those on campus every day.

  18. cardinallady says:

    Afternoon! Red streak is me! Busy day. Anybody want to join me at the fair? We have a pretty decent midway this year. Tonight Steve McGranahan, the world’s strongest redneck will speak at Family night at the fair. The churches dismiss and we all worship together at the fair.

  19. msblondie says:

    USA will play Japan for the World Cup Final Sunday afternoon. It will be a very interesting game for sure.

  20. Barb says:


  21. Mrs. H says:

    I just got a refrigerator magnet from a realtor in Mobile with a football schedule attached. The schools whose schedules are included are Bama, Auburn, LSU, Florida, Georgia, and USC. USC??? Why put a South Carolina team on something going out to mostly Alabama residents? I can, however, get at least 5 of State’s games from this schedule. Apparently, we don’t play Florida this year.

  22. parrotmom says:

    We are having some thunder and some light rain now at 6:28 pm. Hope everyone has a nice evening.

  23. dhcoop says:


    I’ve got the autotune set to watch America Sings at 8. Vote for Attache!

  24. parrotmom says:

    thanks for the reminder Coop!!!.
    Ihave been updating the HP laptop in hopes internet explorer will work afterwards. I have written out my bills anticipating a payday, how fun is that for an evening.

  25. parrotmom says:

    I forgot to mention this morning when I had my kittie girls in. Itty Bitty the one I can pet inside or outside and even hold has been grabbing/swatting at my leg at times. this morning she swatted my pant leg then tried to take a bite out of the top of my foot. Not sure where that came from. She didn’t try and hurt me or make it bleed it was just sort of strange.

  26. dhcoop says:

    PM, that is a request for attention. I call them “love bites”. She is just wanting you to pay more attention to her. Then again, she could just be a crazy feral cat that is working out her “issues”. heh

    I got some photos today from an old friend that was in my wedding to my late husband back in 1983. Brought back some great memories. Howard was 5’1″ on crutches, and the biggest man I’ve ever known. He was born with spina bifida, so his legs didn’t develop normally. His mother was told when he was born that she should just let him go. She refused and he lived 32 years longer than most babies born with that issue back in the 50s. He died in 1990. I had him for 7 years and I was damn lucky to have him. He was a great father to my Baby Girl, even though she wasn’t his biological daughter. She adored him. He died 21 years ago last week. I still think of him all the time.

  27. parrotmom says:

    Thanks for the info Coop.

    I saw the pics of your wedding. You both looked like an awesome couple. I know he will always be so dear to your heart.

  28. dhcoop says:

    He was a special man, PM. I wish he could have lived longer, but… such is life.

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