Thursday Free-For-All

It’s not hump day.  Have a good one.

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51 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. Barb says:

    Good morning!! I have not been to bed yet. I guess I should at least take a nap, right?

  2. pncpnthr says:

    Morning. Just caught a toad in my dining room. It came in when the dogs went out. The cats thought they had a new toy.

    I’m going in early today. Got to get everything in order for me to be OFF FOR A WHOLE 5 DAYS STRAIGHT!! Just a little excited! :)

  3. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks. I’ve got to cut 8 acres of tall grass today in this heat.

    Enjoy those ten days Barb.

    pncpnthr I hope you get to get out of town for a break. Later, gotta run!

  4. parrotmom says:

    Good morning to everyone. PNC nothing like having a toad jump start your morning :)

  5. parrotmom says:

    ours yard is going to need cutting Saturday. I just don’t feel up to it and call it lazy, I just don’t have the energy to deal with this heat. Sometimes I think a care giver is more warn out than the patient. I wonder if his kids were backup here if they would be any help, based on previous years I would say not.

  6. parrotmom says:

    I hope everyone has a smile on there face waiting on the weekend.

  7. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    I’ve got the morning off while the rig does things that I don’t have to participate in. Breakfast awaits…..all the Shoney’s?…all the Shoney’s.

    It would be Mama’s birthday today. Man I sure do miss her.

  8. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Comcast is out of service in my neighborhood so I’m at Cups on Hwy 80.
    Lots of rain last night which is probably why the internet is down. Neighbors who have Comcast for TV say that is out too.

    Barb and PNC Panther, hope ya’ll enjoy your time off. I think the lady working here smokes, she is outside with several customers. I’m in here by myself. It’s nice living in a small town.

    Blues, enjoy that breakfast. Don’t forget about Legal Eagle.Hope everybody has a great day!

  9. dhcoop says:


  10. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    hope everyone has a great day.

  11. The Real JB says:

    Sup people.

    Underwriters! Yuck! Messing with my morning is not nice Miss Underwriter.

  12. Mrs. H says:

    I am sad because the only food in the church refrigerator is a huge jar of sliced jalapenos.

    I could have them with mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup, BBQ sauce, butter, or a variety of salad dressings; but alas, they would still only be sliced jalapenos. I’m hungrier than that.

  13. Legal Eagle says:

    Our monthly luncheon is today so I’m getting dressed in a minute because I will be on the go until late afternoon. Our bridge game is right after the luncheon and I have the second quarter scores added up. I won the highest total points and someone else won the highest average points. I played one more time last quarter than she did is the reason my total was higher than hers. Last quarter those two got Pearl senior t-shirts, so I may be adding to my summer wardrobe.

    This place has a tree service here cutting dead trees and limbs this morning and they are years late having them here. It’s a wonder someone hasn’t been seriously hurt by a falling limb before now.

    I’m going AFK.

  14. parrotmom says:

    Blues, I hope Shoney’s was good to you!!!! I haven’t been to one in a long time.

    JB sorry your Miss Underwriter upsetting your day.

    Mr Insurance has upset my day sayint we owe money when with BCBS and Medicare and overpaying this one company by $400 dollars last year wants another $300 this yr. I don’t think so BUD!!!!

  15. Airwolf says:

    Eight acres cut! I understand why there a severe heat advisory!

  16. tank says:

    stay cool aw.
    hey all.
    our friend deere gets married tonight! congrats to him and the future mrs. deere.

  17. parrotmom says:

    that’s great for MSUDeere. It appears I know the future Mrs. Deere from a previous employer. It’sa small world after all.

  18. The Real JB says:

    Guess Coop’s chances with Deer is going down drastically.

  19. msblondie says:

    people that complain about things not working right, but tie your hands in getting them to work right just makes me mad. The we need this piece of equipment at this location, but you can’t go there to set it up, we can have the sales team there do it. Said equipment doesn’t work right and you complain to me.. sorry should let me do my job. I can’t help you, I am not there and I didn’t set it up and can’t touch it remotely.

    Ok i get off my soap box now.. but I had two back to back phone calls like this .. and it just pissed me off. and i needed to vent a little. THANK YOU.

  20. OldBopper says:

    Good vent MsBlondie! Know you feel a bit better after that. The internet is back up and all the computers are running fine. It really was them and not me. After lunch, Boule and I went for a ride and just got in. I think PQ wants to go to DQ to get our two for one Blizzards. It’s a tough task, but goodness I love that woman!

  21. cardinallady says:

    *red streak flying through* got my next magazine to bed. Now going to the fair to mooo and neigh awhile. See yall in the morning. I’ll be in early so I will be chatty. Who wil have my coffee ready? :)

  22. Mrs. H says:

    Thanks to our youth pastor, it won’t be me, CLady. He said that since he’s already in Clinton with my youngest and her cohorts, he can hang around for a half hour or so and collect Em, too. No morning drive through the capital city for me. I can stay home ALONE. Ah . . . peace and quiet . . .

  23. parrotmom says:

    MrsH enjoy it while you can it sounds like it will be ending soon!!

  24. Barb says:

    Blues, replied to you above!

  25. parrotmom says:

    Barb I love you comment back to Blues about JB, too funny!!

  26. OldBopper says:

    A muggy night at the ballpark. Braves beating themselves. At this point due to errors. 2-1 bottom of fourth.

  27. parrotmom says:

    I just walked outside and it just smells musty outside. I am just wondering how I am going to manage doing my yard this Saturday. As usuall the leaves and weedeating will be the toughest part and mixed with the heat want be any fun :(

    • Barb says:

      In very short spurts with many water or Gatorade breaks!!

    • tank says:

      bless you pm. I did weed eating last night and tonight. I’ll cut grass saturday. yes, cut grass, not mow the lawn. I’m country. I’ll be glad when my hubby recovers. I’m not used to doing everything around the house.

  28. dhcoop says:


    LONG day! But good. Just drove through a terrible storm. Glad to be safe in the house.

  29. parrotmom says:

    Glad you made it home safely. I heard thunder but all the rains were to the south of us.

  30. tank says:

    the girls have confiscated our tv and are watching caillou. I totally despise that show. so now I’m bored. I could go to sleep I guess. I’ve been sleeping like a log. been hitting the snooze about 5 times and never remember. I think this blasted hot weather is getting to me.

    I’ve been watching expedition impossible just to keep up w/the ms boys. thought they would go home tonight. they were second to last though. I hope they don’t have any more mountain challenges. the big guy, chad, cannot handle the high altitudes. he makes them get behind every time.

  31. dhcoop says:

    It was a HECK of a storm.

    We had a little reception at the office tonight. I had to wear my big girl shoes and my feet were killing me! But, a good time was had by all and the food was awesome! We will be having major leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Crab stuffed mushrooms, tomato tartlets, beef medallions with soft rolls, cajun crab dip, peeled shrimp, fresh fruit, chocolate dipped strawberries… Yep. Lunch is covered. :)

  32. parrotmom says:

    Thanks for the update on the show Tank. I feel like you, ready for bed and hate getting up in the mornings. I so need a break and none in sight :(

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