Friday Free-For-All

Good morning. We’ve made it to the weekend.

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62 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. pncpnthr says:

    Morning! :) Today is my last day at work for a whole week! Sooooo ready for it to be over! Then, pack the car and be off in the morning! I’ve traveled with one of the friends before but never with the other two. It’s gonna get interesting. Can’t wait!

  2. dhcoop says:


    Hope you have a great time lil sis!

    I’m headed out. Hope everyone has a happy Friday!

  3. parrotmom says:

    Good morning and Happy Friday to all at 6:23 am. PNC I am so envious, I wished it were me :(

  4. parrotmom says:

    Barb I know you have a rough week but the end with 1o days off and trip to see your family will make it worth your while. I hope your back is doing alot better.

    Prayers to all and your families.

    • Barb says:

      Thanks, PM. My back is pretty good at the moment, but it is not looking forward to the 12 hours it takes to get to my grands!!

  5. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    If ya gotta be at work by 0700 you better be shakin’ it cause it’s 6:50am.

  6. parrotmom says:

    I’m still at home soon to be going out the door and taking a short drive.

    I wonder where AnnO is and how she and Msramona are doing? Has the Las Vegas folks(CornPop and Orville) made it back yet or did they get lost in Vegas?

  7. LegalSec says:

    Happy Friday to all!
    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  8. tank says:

    I am looking forward to the weekend. I have to buy groceries, cut grass, catch up on laundry, pull up the dead annuals and veggies that I just got tired of watering, cook, clean, mop, dust, wash dishes, … on second thought, I am looking forward to monday. at least it’s homecoming at church and I do have a wonderful family to spend time with somewhere in all that. oh, and I will watch (or record for later) “say yes to the dress: atlanta”. I love those southerners. they are so much more fun to watch than that new york bunch.

  9. OldBopper says:

    Happy Friday! Hope everybody has a good weekend.

    Went to the ballgame last night and left after 8 innings. Missed all the excitement of the bottom of the ninth but heard it on the radio on the way home. We still lost 5-4 doggone it. We skip Fridays because of the larger crowds and smaller parking lot due to the fireworks. They are worth seeing once or twice. Been there, done that, have the t-shirt.

  10. tank says:

    you know, if these people don’t come to an agreement and get something done this country is going to be in a mess. they have talked for long enough. it is time for action. there will have to be some compromise. I mean, we CANNOT make it without NFL football. get in there and come to an agreement and end this lockout NOW.

  11. tank says:

    and rumor has it that bush may end up in miami. can’t say I’ll miss him. I’ve got nothing against him but he gets paid too much and has done too little.

  12. tank says:

    I am so ready for some football!

  13. dhcoop says:

    Chocolate covered strawberries for breakfast. yummmmmmm

  14. Mrs. H says:

    Girls are coming home today. I’m wondering if I should start cutting the grass, but “tut, tut . . . it looks like rain…”

  15. msblondie says:

    morning gang! it is so quiet here at the office. Shipping is happening but all the sales team and management is gone to Atlanta for Show. But I still have lots to do.

    Everyone have a great day!

  16. tank says:

    I still can’t figure out why they don’t include school supplies in our tax holiday.

    • msblondie says:

      i know tank.. it would make so much sense. (this is probably why it isn’t)

      • OldBopper says:

        It took years to pass what is now the law. Even then is it optional by community. I think it is hoped to expand the program some day if it doesn’t cause a significant adverse hit on state tax income.

  17. blues4you says:

    I’m really diggin’ bein’ able to walk across the street to the “awful house” and get a cup of coffee. Much better than driller’s coffee anyday.

  18. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks. Seems a bit cooler this morning. We need rain very badly. After yesterday, I’m taking it easy today. I’m going up to the farmers market and see if they have any peaches.

  19. tank says:

    I was thinking outside the bun and then my bff called to see if I wanted to eat shrimp. hmmm, fast food tacos or spicy boiled shrimp…I think I have the answer.

  20. msblondie says:

    the office ordered lunch for us today.. since so few of us office people… doing Burgers and Blues (Stamps)

  21. The Real JB says:

    1. PNC: Don’t worry about getting eaten by a shark. I’m sure it will spit you out.
    2. Tank: Drink 1 less Mt. Dew in the morning. Too talkative.
    3. OB: You are still an old fart.

    Have a great day!

  22. OldBopper says:

    JB, maybe, but I smell better than you! ;~p

  23. Mrs. H says:

    Mr. H took me to lunch today. Still no rain, but it still looks like it might. And it’s remarkably not hot out there.

    • tank says:

      the rain seems to be encircling you. I left my windows down which means it will befinitely rain here before 3:30.

  24. parrotmom says:

    so glad to see everyone having fun today!!
    hey JB and your snarky self :)

  25. tank says:

    how did the shark video thing come out pm?

  26. msblondie says:

    I am full from lunch.. it is quiet in the office. I think shipping is even gone (they are right outside my office wall). I have the Cub baseball game playing.. now to try to stay awake this afternoon.

  27. parrotmom says:

    Tank on the shark video she said they have one more round that starts Monday and then it will be down to whoever wins that one and one other that someone with ths discovery channel will vote on, but I believe she said both will air. I will send the new voting site on Monday when I have it. I appreciate all of your help on helping them to succeed.

  28. parrotmom says:

    I hear thunder.

  29. The Real JB says:

    Old Farts smell worse than newer ones. So I would say you have that wrong.

  30. OldBopper says:

    I know I’m late to the game, but I just found out you can down a Kindle App to your computer or android phone. I’ve downloaded it to one computer and will probably do the others. Still prefer the actual book in my hands but this will be nice for vacations or trips that bore the hell out of me like the mountains of Arkansas.

  31. cardinallady says:

    Flitting in. Been a long hard day and it’s not done. Please pray for a family in my community. One of our most respected city aldermen had a brain aneurism this morning. They are keeping him on life support until his son can say goodbye. It is the family of Terry Chew. I will miss him terribly. *tears* Gotta go get this little magazine finished.

  32. dhcoop says:


    Had the pleasure of listening to the Boss play the harmonica on his show again today! He’s really good!

  33. dhcoop says:

    Just ate some leftover crab dip from last night for my night time snack. It was awesome.

    Sorry, Blues… Yes, spoiled, I am… But, danggit, I’m old enough to deserve to be spoiled!! I got 2 letters from AARP today!

  34. parrotmom says:

    Sorry I have been home just being too lazy to walk to the computer. Evening to everyone. Nite to all!!!

    I hope PNC has a great time :)

  35. OldBopper says:

    7:00 am, Saturday. Mawnin’ y’all. Think I’m going to take advantage of clear skies and cool temps to ride the Trace north to “K-Town” and back. Ya’ll be sweet!

  36. blues4you says:

    07:15 Good morning.

    Be careful on the road, OB.

    Give mrsblues/bullyduck a wave @ Ratliff Ferry.

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