Saturday Free-For-All

Good morning!  Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

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29 Responses to Saturday Free-For-All

  1. Barb says:

    Good morning!!

  2. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks. About time for breakfast.

  3. dhcoop says:


  4. Mrs. H says:

    Like OB, I don’t have a Kindle (but the eldest does!). I downloaded the Kindle ap for my PC and am currently reading The Red House Mystery which was written by A. A. Milne. I didn’t know he had ever written anything but children’s stories. I am very comfortable in the world of the English murder mystery.

  5. Barb says:

    Where do you get the Kindle app for the computer?

  6. Barb says:

    Found it!

  7. parrotmom says:

    Good morning to all at 9:48 am. I have been up just now saying high. I have PD, the cats, and the Parrot all fed and happy. Now to make a trip outside and rake up 1 million and 1 Magnolia leaves.

    I hope OB has a safe and wonderful ride today. Everyone have a lovely day too!!!

  8. parrotmom says:

    11:11 am it only took an hour to rake 1 million and 1 leaves. I now have a busted blister on my thumb. Now time to see if my weedeater remembers me. Oh joy!!!!! –

  9. Mrs. H says:

    Check out the radar for George County:
    We’ve had rain since sundown yesterday. And we’ve lost a tree (well, half a tree: Katrina took the first half) over on Mr. H’s mom’s property. It was a huge live oak that had a double trunk. When the first half went, we were wondering how long the remaining half would last. It seemed so unbalanced.

  10. Mrs. H says:

    If you’re a State fan, you may have seen some of the Golden Days videos. Each one is about a day in the life of the Golden Egg trophy. I saw the latest one this morning. It’s about community service. They are sort of buried on the MSU athletics website, but if you go to youtube and type in mstateathletics golden days (copy and paste if you want), it will let you see them all.

  11. Clucky says:

    Mornin’. Was up early to get Chicklette ( I gotta change that-she’s now 5′ nothin’ and growing like a WEED!) to the church at 630 for the GA trip to Alabama Adventures water park. They called to tell me she was having some GI issues and to ask what to give her. She texted me a little later and said she was feeling “good!” so it must have worked. Jessie J, a new pop singer, will be at the park tonight and she wouldn’t miss that! She and I sing her song “Price Tag” when she starts wanting something we can’t afford; it puts things in perspective.
    I had planned to paint her room this morning, but went back to bed. I was home Mon-Wed with (we think) a staph infection. I’m on 2 antibiotics that cause severe sun-sensitivity. I was out in the sun 5 minutes yesterday-no lie-and my arms are still red. I’m still feeling weak and run down-not sure how much is infection, antibiotics or just plain tired.
    Mr Fab’s not doing too well right now; it hurts to see his heart break every time he talks to Gran and Pop. Please keep the family in your prayers. Letting go is so, so hard to do. We are going down next Friday for the weekend, and I think he’s planning to spend the whole next week with them. I’m praying she lasts that long.
    God, it hurts so much to do this again.

  12. Clucky says:

    PM, I wish I could send my boy over there to help you in your yard. I know you need the help. Pray for strength-God DOES listen, and he does answer!

  13. OldBopper says:

    Afternoon folks. Boule and I had a great ride today. It has been overcast and cool. We left Brandon, turned off at Goshen Springs, up to the Trace and then north to Kosciusko. I was disappointed to find the visitor center there closed for parking lot repairs. Sooooo, rode around town a bit, then north on the Trace to Hurricane Creek. Turned around there and went back to Goshen Springs then on Hwy 43 to Pelahatchie and Hwy 80 back into Brandon. About 170 miles total. Averaged just over 59 mpg.

    Found a nice picnic area just north of Hwy 43 on the Trace. PQ and I may do a weekday picnic there soon. It’s right on the Pearl River and actually has sites for overnight camping as well as bathrooms.

    Get to cut grass this afternoon if it doesn’t rain.

  14. parrotmom says:

    Clucky prayers for Mr. Fab and his family. I have been there and done that. Prayers for you to Clucky, I hope you get to feeling better soon.

    Where is Coop, did she say anything about being out of pocket?

    Considering I haven’t done yard work since May I am handling the humidity pretty good. My arm is sore from the weedeater and have lots more to go. I know I make my yard sound huge it’s just time consuming. More so this time since a neighbor did cut it a few weeks ago but no other maintenance was completed, but I am not compaining he did what he could and it was a blessing.

  15. dhcoop says:

    I’m here, PM. Being generally lazy. Did get out and pick figs, but other than that, worthless.

  16. parrotmom says:

    all done. I am so smart. I knew to charge the battery on the mower, but it didn’t charge so I used the battery charger and cranked it up. The whole time I was mowing I could not figure out why it sounded so strange. DUH!!!! I forgot to put it on the Rabbit to run!!!!! LOL :)

  17. parrotmom says:

    Coop that may have been a chore with the humidity and if the sun started peaking out!!

  18. OldBopper says:

    Grass is cut! Now sitting in the airconditioning with a fan running to help me dry out.

    PM, go on line and see if you can find a “trickle charger” for a nominal price. Then you leave your mower hooked up to it until you get ready to cut grass. It will make those batteries last a long time. Another tip, if you accidentally have the headlight switch on, it will drain the battery. Make sure it is off. You can usually get a trickle charger for $25-35 and it will pay for itself rather quickly.

    • parrotmom says:

      Thanks for the info OB. We have a trickle charger. I just had not thought to use it. The mower had not been cranked up since the middle of May.

  19. Mrs. H says:

    It has been raining since I woke up this morning! I was going to go take a picture of the downed tree, but at this point I think it’s more like a drowned tree : )

  20. dhcoop says:

    I just had the best hot & sour soup EVER from Chopsticks in CS.

    Clucky, I’ll be praying for y’all. Give Mr Fab a hug for me please.

  21. dhcoop says:

    Oh, and OB, she PEELED your figs?? You are more spoiled than I thought! j/k :) bless your heart!

  22. Pncpnthr says:

    Evening! Loving this vacation thing!!! Beautiful place down here! Working on my pedicure walking in the sand!

  23. Barb says:

    Evening, all!! I am one tired lady!!!

    Clucky, prayers for you and Mr. Fab.

  24. parrotmom says:

    PNC glad you made it safely and enjoying yourself.

    Barb, hang in there not much longer then you will be on vacation!!!

  25. OldBopper says:

    6:35 am, SUNDAY. Mawnin’ gang. Early church in about an hour…..well we will be there by then it really doesn’t start until 8:00.

    Hope those on vacation are having fun. Hope those going on vacation stay well and enjoy the thrill of anticipation. And hope those who are sick will get well.

    Enjoy the day, the Lord created it just for you. Give thanks and be blessed.

  26. blues4you says:

    Good morning.

    Prayers for Mr.Fab & clucky.

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