Wednesday Free-for-All

Good morning! It’s off to the Neshoba County Fair.

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111 Responses to Wednesday Free-for-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    Have fun, Marshall!

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone. Marshall have a good time at the fair. I have always liked your drawings from this event.

    I feel like I have been hit by a Mack truck named PD. I guess it is the new meds. The new brace is either too lose or to tight. At one point last night he took it completely off because I was not able to fix it for him. I hope he is more use to the meds today and will be a lot calmer. Since the change last Thursday we have been rolling along with no anxiety features. Oh and did I mention the TMI his foley line came apart, luckily I had an extra one, but it is more clunky and it took him a while to get used to it. Although on top of being behind at work. Then no words of encouragement from freind or foe because you are told you do way too much for him so it is not worth telling anyone the bad days, because they just see there opinion and it doesn’t matter how much it hurts me. Ok off my soap box and will try to put a smile on today. Thanks for listening and not judging.

  3. Mrs. H says:

    PM, until they’ve walked in your shoes, they just don’t know. You lead an incredible double-job life. I suspect most of those that object to what you do, couldn’t do it themselves.

  4. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. ((((PM))))

    Boss, hope you enjoy the fair. It’s best experienced when you can stay through the evening. Never figured why so much emphasis is placed on the 10 minute speeches given in front of the candidate’s own supporters.

  5. parrotmom says:

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Hump day!!!!

  6. Legal Eagle says:

    After reporting to work at 6:15 a.m. yesterday, I popped up again this morning and have nothing to do until the 12:30 p.m. bridge game. “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”

  7. Crystalbutterfly says:

    hey alll!!!!!!!
    HAPPY WEDNESDAY!!!!! Friday hurry up an dget here.

  8. dhcoop says:

    I’m developing a fondness for white grape juice. :)

  9. The Real JB says:

    Morning. I hope if ever I’m disabled that I have loved ones who are as committed to me as some of you are to yours. No sarcasm intended.

    This morning I got to do the opening prayer for the National DARE convention being held here in Nashville. There were people from every state and several nations in attendance. I was asked because of my gig with the THP. It was cool.

    No, Tank, I did not thank God for my smoking hot wife this morning.

  10. bpman says:

    so I’ve heard about the fair my whole life, never been, unless I was too young to remember going. Funny, I was floating on a raft/canoe trip in Missouri just last weekend, met someone who said their mom was a “Bounds” that was originally from Philidelphia, MS area. haha, this girl, my age had grown up here in MO, yet she still ask “hey so I guess you’ve heard of this “county fair” down there near where my moms from?”
    I say, Yep, I’ve heard of it. Small world ya know.

    • tank says:

      small world indeed! I’ve never been to the fair there either.

    • dhcoop says:

      That’s like what Marshall wrote about in his post the other day

      • brian perry says:

        Excellente dhcoop! MR nailed it with that one.
        I made sure to inbox my new friend the link to The MR Show on the live online website. That way if her mom wanted to listen in about what was going on at the fair.
        She replied back saying thanks, & that she has great memories of the fairgrounds. She’d make the trip from STL down to family re-unions at the fairground cabins.
        Mississippians do have friends everywhere. Thankfully it does help keep those dark clouds of depression away when meeting good “people” like her on a fun filled raft/canoe/kayaking trip!

  11. The Real JB says:

    Tank…Titans signed Hassleback from Seattle. FYI

  12. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Got Bear with me, we just got back from Huddle House. He’s like trying to fill up a hollow log! He’s back in school on August 5.

    Prayers for PM and PD.

  13. tank says:

    so abc news is asking what’s the saddest movie seen ever.
    I’m still thinking but old yeller is at the top right now.

  14. Mrs. H says:

    Another story on Project Leakesville

    For all you band types out there: We’re taking the family to a DCI competition tonight in H’burg. I can’t wait. And we’re bringing some friends to indoctrinate!! They have a soon-to-be-7th-grade son who is thinking about playing the trumpet. This should make the decision for him. : )

    • The Real JB says:

      Band is so nonexistent in TN.
      My son was in the Pascagoula Middle School band when we moved up here. He was so advanced when he got up here from where the TN students were that it was boring…so he quit.

  15. Mrs. H says:

    Here’s the line-up for tonight:

    Blue Devils – Concord, CA
    Carolina Crown – Ft. Mill, SC
    Phantom Regiment – Rockford, IL
    Blue Stars – La Crosse, WI
    Blue Knights – Denver, CO
    Glassmen – Toledo, OH
    Spirit of Atlanta – Atlanta, GA
    Mandarins – Sacramento, CA
    Pioneer – Milwaukee, WI

    I had never heard of the Mandarins until last year. These are all GREAT and include several past national champions.

  16. parrotmom says:

    Thanks for the hugs and thoughts. Heading to Wendy’s for a large Chocolate Frosty.

    • Molly says:

      Maybe the Frosty will help, PM! {{{{{{{{{{PM}}}}}}}}}}}}}} sorry for all that you are going through. I was talking to a client today who is the primary caregiver for his wife (both mental and physical problems with her) and it is getting to him. He is retired now, so he doesn’t have the work headaches to go with it.

  17. tank says:

    does anyone remember “mask” with cher and sam elliot? I stayed depressed for weeks after watching that movie.

  18. Mrs. H says:

    I remember it. She had a son with a disfiguring . . . illness? genetic defect? something like that.

  19. Molly says:

    I went to DCI a couple of times. It was in Jackson years ago. I always enjoyed it. Most of the NWR band is going tonight.

  20. Molly says:

    We saw the thing on ABC about the saddest movie or movie scene. Hubby immediately said “ET”. He cried at that one and he NEVER cries!

  21. The Real JB says:

    I cry at every episode of Extreme Makeover Home Edition. I’m not ashamed.

  22. tank says:

    true sad story – a retired coworker lost her 12 year old granddaughter in a car wreck yesterday in hammond. two others were killed also. breaks my heart. I saw my coworker at the wedding last friday night and of course she was talking about her grandkids.

  23. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

    que Beach Boys…”I Get Around”……

    Greetings from Livonia, Point Coupee Ph., Louisiana.
    Finished in Laurel on friday evening. Was asked to come over here yesterday. Should be here a week to 10 days. A little tired but thankful to have some work.


  24. Mrs. H says:

    We lost a church member this morning. It was expected. In fact, it has been expected for the past several years. This man was amazing.

  25. Barb says:

    ((((((((((PM))))))))) Sorry you are having a rough time.
    Yes, Tank, grandkids ARE wonderful.
    The original “Brian’s Song” is so very sad!!

  26. cardinallady says:

    Afternoon. Busy day. Can you tell? I’ve got to get myself home. am hatching today. Two chickies as of this morning.

  27. parrotmom says:

    I have cried at so many movies can’t think of one in particular. I agree the original “Brian’s Song”, “Love Story”, and bunches of others. It also doesn’t matter how many times I have seen it either.

  28. msblondie says:

    evening. M and I made it to DSU and back no problems. then had a few errands to run.. just as we getting to Byram exit the bottom falls out. Walk in the house and power goes out. just heard the oven beep for supper.

    Looks like i am going to have a Fighting Okra next year.

    evertyone have a great evenig.

  29. dhcoop says:


    PM, I really don’t know how you do it. Hugs, dear!

    Blondie, I came through some of that, then got to CS and it was dry as a bone at Friend & Gs. Crazy MS weather.

  30. parrotmom says:

    MsB glad all went well and go “Fighting Okra”.

    I have a mewing cat at my heals. It must be supper time.

  31. parrotmom says:

    I just saw a quarter of a rainbow. I even walked outside and still couldn’t see the rest of it or the reflection.

  32. parrotmom says:

    nite lite is on. Thank goodness tomorrow is Thursday!!

  33. Clucky says:

    I left work at noon and taking the rest of the week off.
    Chicette saw Da Boss today at The Fair. Coop, will you be there tomorrow?

    • CornPop says:

      YES, I will be at The Fair this year – with my parents & Orville in tow! Mom & Dad have never been, but have heard me talk about it for years (every year lunch at boss’ cabin Wed. & Thurs.), so I told them that this is the year to go…political & all. Orville, on the other hand, has been ‘dragged’ there by me more times than he ever wanted. Looking forward to the mudfest, seeing the sights through newcomer’s eyes, sweating, introducing them to MR, and truly having a good time. Sure do hope to see you, Clucky, today. I will be around cabin #22 from 1030-1pm then we’ll be wandering.

  34. dhcoop says:

    Clucky, no. I’m holding down the fort in Jtown. CornPop will be, though. Maybe y’all will get to visit.

    I woke up early, so I’m going to get going early. yay me!

  35. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’. 6:40 am Thursday.

  36. dhcoop says:

    Checking in from CP’s station. All is well here.

    I wish I could be at the fair to see Marshall meet CornPop and Orville! They have become huge fans over the past couple of years. But I don’t know if CP’s parents know about the whole “popcorn” thing! LOL!

    • CornPop says:

      YES, as a matter of fact, my folks DO know about the “popcorn thing”! LOL! They think it’s hilarious!

      I want to thank MR for taking time out of his busy day to meet Orville & my parents and visit with them! It truly made their day. Mom & Dad want to know what their ‘names’ should be now? They greatly admire our Boss as much as Orville and I do.

      They had such a great time at The Fair and it was fun seeing it thru the eyes of someone who’s never been. Dad took all sorts of pictures…

  37. msblondie says:

    morning gang!

    hope all have a great day!

  38. Mrs. H says:

    Good morning! I saw a partial rainbow this morning. As soon as I got to the church the bottom fell out. I’m thinking they’ll lift the burn ban if they can row to the meeting this weekend!!

  39. Airwolf says:

    At the farm, two down one to do! Not too hot yet!

    Oh good morning. 9:26 am

  40. Legal Eagle says:

    Hey, y’all. Yesterday was so totally wild that I never did get back here. I received and made numerous phone calls and then had to go to Brandon for the game. My daughter in Oxford called and finally, about 9:30 one of the well preserved women I play bridge with called and was having trouble with her cable box and needed some help. I suggested everything I could think of and nothing worked so I referred her to Comcast. Imagine that! My head was spinning by the time it hit the pillow last night.

  41. blues4you says:

    Hey folks.

  42. cardinallady says:

    I have flown out to find myself, if you see me before I get back, please ask me to wait right here until I do.

  43. Barb says:

    Greetings from the turkey capitol of the world!!! Really enjoying time with my daughter and grands! Raeford has a big turkey festival every September. PM, I hope things are better for you today?

  44. parrotmom says:

    Coop I started to call you and run by to say hello, but could not remember what street you were on. I was across the street from the Collanades to get PD’s brace fixed. He popped one of the plastic rivets in the brace. Luckily it was fixable.

    Good morning to everyone.

    • dhcoop says:

      You’d have been welcome to come by PM, although I was not at my usual post. I was down in CP’s place today.

  45. OldBopper says:

    Grass is cut, mower is washed. Now to wash me.

    BTW, Old Yeller was voted the winner by the audience.

  46. Airwolf says:

    Finished! Had a nice breeze all morning!

  47. Clucky says:

    The scene in The Notebook at the end kills me every time.

    As much as I would love to go see Da Boss (I even have cute mud boots!), I’m saving that $$$.

  48. Legal Eagle says:

    Old Yellow and Dog of Flanders were my worst and saddest movies. I was horrified to see a few years ago that someone had made a new Dog of Flanders. In all the animal shows on TV or in the movies they put the animal in great danger and then we have to worry that they will get out of it ok, knowing that usually they do but there’s always that chance.

  49. Mrs. H says:

    I cried all through The Notebook. I read it first and then saw the movie. Loosing who I am is my worst fear. However, one of our staff members had grandmothers in both situations: one had all her mental faculties, but was completely incapable of physical stuff. The other was fine physically, but was gone in her mind. He votes for loosing the mind over the body, because that grandmother was happy with whoever she might be at the moment!

    • Clucky says:

      MrsH, when Chicklette and I are in need of “girl time” and need a good cry, we watch “The Notebook.” Coop, you need to watch it; it’s the quintessential love story.

  50. dhcoop says:

    Whataburger Pattymelt. YUUUUMMMMM!!!!

  51. The Real JB says:

    Got a call this morning. A church van had wrecked killing a 14 yr old girl and severely injurying several others this morning. Keep them in your prayers.

  52. The Real JB says:

    It happened outside of Nashville. The church was from Columbia, TN.

  53. CornPop says:

    Repost from above to Coop’s question about if my parents know about ‘popcorn’…

    YES, as a matter of fact, my folks DO know about the “popcorn thing”! LOL! They think it’s hilarious!

    I want to thank MR for taking time out of his busy day to meet Orville & my parents and visit with them! It truly made their day. Mom & Dad want to know what their ‘names’ should be now? They greatly admire our Boss as much as Orville and I do.

    They had such a great time at The Fair and it was fun seeing it thru the eyes of someone who’s never been. Dad took all sorts of pictures…

  54. dhcoop says:

    CP, considering your maiden name generated “CornPop”, I would think any number of cereals would be appropriate for your parents! Are they grey-haired? They could be the Frosted Flakes. Of course, I know they like to have fun, so they could be the Fruit Loops! The possibilities are endless! LOL!

    • CornPop says:

      LOL!! Those are great names & very appropriate, too! I’ll run those by them…
      Any other ideas?!?!

    • CornPop says:

      OK, Dad said that he wants to be Frosted Flakes. Mom said she likes Fruit Loops, but when she had a CB handle she was Special K because she’s special. I told her that either one is perfect. LOL!

  55. Mrs. H says:

    I vote for Special K, just because there seems to be a votable issue here.

    Speaking of voting (see what I did there!), the H household mailbox had 8 pushcards in it when I checked it this afternoon: 3 with Billy Hewes’ name (2 for and 1 against!), 2 for opposing Guv candidates, one for a state rep, one for state senate and one that almost got pitched out of hand until I saw that it was for Em from a university (and then when I saw WHICH university, I ripped it in two [actually 2 more times so I ripped it in 8] and pitched it with great gusto!)

    • CornPop says:

      Voting is a good idea! Other options are welcome, as well. :-) They have totally wrapped their arms around all MRBAers and, even though they will probably be lurkers for a while, they love all of us!

  56. Barb says:

    FrostedFlake with no s and SpecialK get my vote!!

  57. Barb says:

    I think FrostedFlake with no s and SpecialK sound great!!

  58. parrotmom says:

    I love the names for CP’s parents.

    I don’t read much but did read “The NoteBook”. I may have seen the movie, but not sure. I have tried to stay clear of it.

  59. dhcoop says:


    I thought about Special K, too, so I’m going to vote for Frosted Flake and Special K. When you mention them, though, it’s usually together, so you may need to come up with a hybrid name for them as a couple. Maybe the Frosted Special Ks :)

  60. parrotmom says:

    I like that Coop!

  61. parrotmom says:

    Good nite all. I think I have PD happy with his brace (I followed the instructions step by step) and all other stuff. Now to see if we will have a good, peaceful night of sleep.

  62. OldBopper says:

    Went to the ball game this evening. Great night, nice breeze and quite comfortable. MBraves lost 5-3.

  63. Airwolf says:

    FrostedFlake with no s and SpecialK get my vote also!

  64. Legal Eagle says:

    Frosted Flake (no s) and Special K get my vote. In fact, I’ve always liked the nickname Special K since I saw this movie, which contains Ice T in his film debut and a girl named Kelly, whose street name is Special K.

  65. dhcoop says:

    Well, CornPop, you can tell FrostedFlake (“FF”) and SpecialK (“SK”) (cause you KNOW we’ll abbreviate from time to time and are prone to acronyms), that the MRBA has spoken and it looks like the votes are unanimous. Your parents shall henceforth be known as FrostedFlake and SpecialK. WELCOME TO THE MRBA!! We needed a few more fruit loops in the bunch. heh.

    I’m about to head to bed. Y’all sleep well and I’ll talk to you in the morning.

    Porch light is on. :)

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