I’ve been discouraged watching our Federal Government lately. We’re drowning in joblessness and debt and both sides of the aisle act more like a bunch of teenagers interested in scoring political points for an upcoming popularity contest than statesmen.
I sat in my chair after the radio show yesterday watching the vote on the debt ceiling compromise. And then she appeared on the screen: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Yes, the same Gabrielle Giffords who was savagely struck in the brain by a mad man’s bullet. She stood, a little wobbly, and cast her vote.
Yes, our economy is in a hole. Yes, we have a debt problem. Yes, millions of Americans are discouraged. But Rep. Giffords was a very powerful reminder that mighty obstacles can be overcome. We’re the greatest nation on this Earth. Like the Congresswoman, we can comeback from the brink to triumph once again.
She really impressed me with that appearance and in general with the way she has reacted to such adversity. Unfortunately, her shining example hasn’t really improved my view of the government as a whole.