Wednesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Have a great day!

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58 Responses to Wednesday Free-For-All

  1. pncpnthr says:

    Morning. Cut my finger last night washing dishes & didn’t know it was bad until this morning. ;( Yeow!
    Everyone have a good day. Hubby will be home tonight & I’m ready for the weekend!

  2. parrotmom says:

    Good morning to everyone. happy HUMP day to you all . the last day of August. I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day, prayers and hugs to all :)

  3. Mrs. H says:

    It was a bad night in the kitchen for me, too, Pnc. I grabbed a plate that had been sitting too close to the burner and now have a blister on the inside of my thumb. Hint: those little plastic things made to freeze and go in children’s lunch boxes are excellent for cooling burns. They don’t make a mess when they melt.

  4. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks. Mom has a doctor’s appointment at 11. I’m the designated driver! Hope everyone has a great day!

  5. dhcoop says:


    Sounds like lil sis and MrsH both have bobos!

    Busy day today. Y’all behave!

    (I have boiled peanuts for later…)

  6. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a great day!

    i have peanuts also – but saving for this afternoon – got Penn’s for lunch today.

  7. blues4you says:

    Good morning.

    Wow..hivemind…I had boiled peanuts last night also. I have one small bag left. I’m saving it for the ballgame tomorrow night.

    Go Dawgs!

  8. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ again. Had a wonderful 4 mile walk on the beach at sunrise. Then PQ and I went to Another Broken Egg in Grayton Beach for breakfast. Knew of the two items we ordered last year, we wanted two of one of them this year. Couldn’t figure out what it was by the description on the menu. Sooooo, pulled out my trusty camera phone, and looked up pictures of our breakfast there last year and showed them to the waitress. She identified both dishes and we showed her the picture of the one we wanted. She said she had never had anybody show her pictures of what they ate last year to order this year. Hey! It worked and we had a fine breakfast.

    Absolutely nothing planned for today except where we will eat dinner this evening.

  9. Clucky says:

    I’m home again today-dr’s orders. Go back to work tomorrow. I DETEST bronchitis. I had some really, REALLY bizarre dreams last night. Decadron is awesome, but it gives me the strangest feeling of being exhausted and wired up at the same time.

    • Airwolf says:

      Did you get some Rocephin to go with it. Decadron and Rocephin together usually takes care of my problems. Plays havoc with my glucose levels tho!

  10. Clucky says:

    Nope, my WBC was normal range, so no Rocephin. Using the nebilizer is SO much better than just an inhaler. I do have an Rx for antibiotics, but with strict guidelines of when to get it filled.

  11. Clucky says:

    Decadron is what sends your sugar into orbit.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      I don’t take Decradron anymore. I’ve had a couple of shots of it in my life and it makes me feel goofy as all get out. The last time my doctor mentioned giving me one, I told him how it made me feel and he went with something else. On top of making me feel really goofy, it didn’t do anything for what was ailing me at the time.

  12. The Real JB says:

    Morning all.
    Saints vs. Titans coming up. Wished it was not just a preseason game.

    I so need a vacation.

  13. cardinallady says:

    Morning while it’s still here. Had a supervisors meeting after collecting money and updating our web.

    Bopper, I have a vacation coming up the last week of September. My first week off this year! I am SOOOOO ready for some beach time!!

    Clucky :( sorry you are not feeling well sister.

    Um … my sister will be singing go Saints.

  14. parrotmom says:

    Clucky hope you get better soon. I hope everyone enjoyed their boiled peanuts, they sound wonderful.

    OB that was very resourceful about the picture menu, smart thinking.

  15. The Real JB says:

    MrsH…and no, I don’t think like that…I was just scanning the posts to see if I needed to defend myself.

    Tank doesn’t like hanging with us anymore. I think some of you offended her. YOu should apologize.

  16. Mrs. H says:

    I went to the post office to mail off a 12-inch long ponytail of curly red hair. Em has a new do!

  17. msblondie says:

    i am so full – we had Penn’s cater our lunch today… this afternoon is going to be snooze time.

  18. The Real JB says:

    My first job was cleaning tables at Penn’s Fish House in Forest?

    What was your first job?

    • msblondie says:

      first job that wasn’t babysitting/taxi driver (for little sister and friends) – Lifeguard at Waterland WaterPark, in Ridgeland.

      • Mrs. H says:

        Zales Jewelers on Capitol Street in Jackson – a few doors down from the Elite Restaurant and a few doors up from Rufus Loan Company, the pawn shop that my dad managed.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      I had a job for the Easter rush at Grant’s in the candy department writing names with icing on chocolate rabbits. I did such an outstanding job that they hired me back for the Christmas season and had me man the bow making machine.

    • Barb says:

      Worked at Wilson’s,which became Service Merchandise, during Christmas when I was 18.

    • Ann Onimous says:

      First job was delivering the Danville Advocate-Messenger. It was afternoon delivery, M-F, and then early Sunday morning before dawn. I started at 9, added Grit at about 11-12, and then quit both when I went to college. So that job lasted from 1973-1984. A pretty good run, if I do say so.

  19. Clucky says:

    Bait getter at the local boat/marine dealer when I was 12. 1st OFFICIAL job-gift shop. Jelly Belly’s were the rage. How I waa still a size 3 when I graduated is a miracle, especially since I went to work at Pizza Inn at 16 amd stayed til graduation.

    jb, We have most of our work “feeds” at Penn’s. My baby girl will do just about any unpleasant chore with a promise of chicken on a stick, hush puppies and extra Comeback sauce.

  20. Clucky says:


    Ahh, better.

    This moment brought to you by Decadron, combivent nebulizer and Mucinex-D.

  21. OldBopper says:

    Relaxation: When you are on the beach in your swimsuit. It starts to rain and you casually stroll back to the condo. It’s araining!! These folks down here need it.

  22. OldBopper says:

    It quit raining. Guess I’ll put on a dry swimsuit and head back to the beach.

  23. The Real JB says:

    OB is too old to remember his first job.

    I bet it was deck hand for Noah’s Ark.

  24. Mrs. H says:

    Too close to time to leave to start a new task, so I’m having a cup of tea.

    I’m going to be a part of our Children’s Sunday School large group this weekend. I have made a huge orange growth chart (our verse is Luke 2:52 “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”) Now I’m supposed to find a picture of me at the age of 12. That was an unfortunate time for me. I’m not sure pictorial documentation still exists.

  25. Molly says:

    Sorry you feel so lousy, Clucky. Kiddo has a good old fashioned summer cold. Doc said for her to take Mucinex DM, but that keeps her from sleeping. I gave her a Benadryl last night. Then a Mucinex this morning and am hoping it will be out of her system tonight so she can sleep.

  26. parrotmom says:

    my first job was a cashier in the Cashier’s Dept. at Sears and Roebuck down on State Street in 1977.

  27. parrotmom says:

    JB I so wished OB would have had an opportunity to replay back to you today.

  28. dhcoop says:


    Jb, you are just BAD! LOL!

    Long day. But its all good.

    Hate to hear folks sharing the crud. It’s tough to be sick this time of year.

    I’m looking forward to a non-eventful weekend. Need a break.

  29. dhcoop says:

    I keep losing service. ..

  30. OldBopper says:

    JB, my first real job was as a paperboy. It was tough delivering those stone tablets.

    Had a marvelous sunset today. The clouds hung around long enough for God to accent them with royal colors.

  31. dhcoop says:

    My first real job was working at the library in KO. Loved it. Then I got pregnant and had to quit. Then went to work at the lamp factory. Made me determined I wouldn’t ever let my child have to work in a factory. I was 17. My child has never worked in those conditions. I did a few things right.

  32. Airwolf says:

    My first job was delivering Grit papers!

  33. parrotmom says:

    have any of you noticed that after Molly’s last post everything else has been on September 1st. I still wonder what time zone we are in?

    I know what a stone tablet is OB, but what is a grit paper? This reminds me of yesterday at the post office a person was mailing some catalogs. You receive a discount of sorts if it is educational/school books. The determined a catalog was not considered learning material. I did make the comment that catalogs at one time were learning material as per my Dad :)

    • Airwolf says:

      Grit is a magazine, formerly a weekly newspaper, popular in rural areas throughout the United States during much of the 20th century. It carried the subtitle America’s Greatest Family Newspaper. It had a circulation of 425,000 in 48 states, and 83% of its circulation was in towns of less than 10,000 population.

  34. Airwolf says:

    It looks like this site runs on GMT or Zulu Time. The zero meridian time is now 02:50:292011-09-01

  35. Legal Eagle says:

    I approved of the top 10 on America’s Got Talent, but I hated to see a few leave.

  36. OldBopper says:

    My Mother gives us a subscription to “Grit” every year. It’s still enjoyable to read.

    Looking outside, I see lightning again on the south sea horizon. Also counted 8 airplanes flying over the Gulf of Mexico.

    Got to see the other unit of interest in the condo’s today. It was funny because I asked the cleaning crew if I could quickly glance over the place. They were very nice to let me do it. When I asked them where the entrance was for the 3rd bathroom and attached bath, they said they had been cleaning the unit for a year and a half and it didn’t have a third bedroom. I opened what looked like a closet door and found some very steep steps. Went up them and there was the third bathroom. I called down and suggested they needed to come up and see it because it was apparently used by the folks who just left. How the heck can you clean a unit for that long and not know about a third bedroom and bath?

    Anyway, it is a unit of interest. The one we have is nicely appointed, but in need of some cosmetic upkeep. There appears to have been a water leak over the dining room table and no attempt has been made to cover up the water marks with paint. It’s easily done. Also one of the main light fixtures in the stairwell doesn’t work. Probably needs new bulbs, but the location makes the job exciting to say the least. Like I said, just a few cosmetic things that have occurred since we were here last year.

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