Labor Day Free-For-All

Good morning! Hope you didn’t flood.

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30 Responses to Labor Day Free-For-All

  1. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks! It’s a nice day to be inside.

  2. Barb says:

    Had to go to WalMart…nasty out!! Pearl Pres has water standing to just under the name on their sign!! Definitely a good day to stay in, AW!!
    Prayers for Clucky.

  3. dhcoop says:


    I haven’t ventured out yet. Anxious to see what the roads are like. Going to go visit my Baby Girl after while.

  4. tank says:

    internet. finally. it goes out when the rains get heavy. I think they have cleared us now. you folks up north will be getting it. the creek that runs behind the house is way up in the pasture and across the little gravel road that’s beside the house.

    y’all have a good day.

  5. dhcoop says:

    Still raining here. I am ready for it to quit! About to get ready to go visit my girls.

  6. bpman says:

    happy labor day! hope the sun comes out fir all the southern mrfans soon. its a beeeautiful day here in the STL. I srsly can’t remember how long it may have been since the temps were this cool. Woke up to temps in the 50’s & a fall like blue sky. Hi around 70. don’t float away down there.

  7. OldBopper says:

    Wow! Haven’t had a leak in our basement in months. About 10 pm last night my water alarm went off. I hooked up my wet vacs catching the water before it could get started good. Ran the vacs all night. Found out my sump pump has died. Will replace it after all the rains quit. I’m a tired boy.

  8. blues4you says:

    Good morning.

    Over 8″ of rain here. Watching the river closely. If it gets too high on the pier I’ll have to move the boat.

  9. Mrs. H says:

    still raining heavily here, too. In fact this morning was the only time I’ve heard thunder with this storm. But even with the 10 or so inches we’ve had the yard isn’t squishy. We really needed it.

    Have you read “Cut Flowers” yet? Check out MR’s latest story.

  10. Legal Eagle says:

    I did, MrsH, and I’m still trying to swallow this fried egg sandwich through the lump in my throat.

    Today is BE’s birthday and he’s gone fishing. His fishing buddy wanted to go last night and BE finally convinced him it was going to be too wet. Of course, knowing that guy’s lovely bride, I would do anything rather than stay at home.

    All by myself…and it’s been a looooonnnnggggg time coming. I’m washing clothes, dishes and playing computer games. I need to put together some salmon croquettes later for BE’s birthday since that’s his favorite food.

  11. OldBopper says:

    According to the weather folks we got 5.12 inches yesterday and another .8 inches today. Yesterday’s rain set a new record for that date.

  12. OldBopper says:

    Oh, my sump pump came back to life!! That’s a huge help.

  13. Mrs. H says:

    I just posted a bunch of hummingbird pictures on FB. They are still swarming my front porch. I may have to put sugar on my shopping list!

  14. parrotmom says:

    Hello everyone it is 3:25 pm. I was up most of the night due to my 1/2 horse power sump pump dying. I bought a new one that was galvanized on Friday, but was not able to install it by myself—so I returned it. Then I found one similar to the one that died, but still not able to install it by myself. I could not hold the PC pipes still to attach the new pump on Saturday in the rain. So all I could do was hook up the 1/4 horse pump that uses a water hose. Once the rains started getting heavy it could not keep up. So I was outside in the walkway using a push broom to help with the overflow of the water from about 10:20 pm for about an hour took a break and went back for about another hour then I knew there was no hope. The rain became it’s hardest about 1:30 the kittie girls were inside nice and dry and all I could do was watch and listen and hope the city sewer did not flood my house like it did twice before in 2008. At about 6:00 am I heard the gulp, gulp that the sink does and lucky no standing water in the master bath but did have backed up sewer in the tub. I do consider us lucky with the 10 plus inches of rain. I emptied the rain gauge when it had 4 1/4 inches, but this morning the orange ring is at the very top so at least 6 inches plus for the grand total of plus 10 inches.

    OB glad you pump started working again after the fact.

  15. parrotmom says:

    PD and I were up about 9:00 am then I went to sleep about 11:00 am then up again at 2:00 pm. I never looked at the temp outside but 66 degrees with wind and pumping gas was not much fun.

  16. Barb says:

    Kaylee’s First Two Days

    I am trying something…hope it works. My new little niece!

  17. Barb says:

    Does not work.

  18. dhcoop says:

    Well I commented and it disappeared!

  19. dhcoop says:

    Let me try again. ..

    Evenin! Got to meet my new great-grandturtle today. He is not much bigger than my thumbnail. Tail is about the size of an eyelash. Precious!

  20. dhcoop says:

    Hate to hear about the flooding and sump pump problems.

  21. parrotmom says:

    Is it possible for a cat to be a bit slow? Both girls did great both nights in the house until about 6 this morning one went out the other stayed. They both have used the litter box, but this time it was dark and the one that stayed in—peed and pooped on the floor next to the box?

  22. parrotmom says:

    Itty Bitty was funny she found a box that I put my recycable paper and plastics in. She fought with it a while, knocking it around a bit, but decided that was where she was sleeping. Last night she acturally slipped down inside the lid with her head and front paws on the outside. So she had some partial cover. I wanted to take a picture of her but did not want to disturb her.

  23. dhcoop says:

    Holy crap!! A cat just ran up and dropped a dead frog on my foot! !

  24. parrotmom says:

    AFter sleeping most of the day, I hope I sleep tonight. I work tomorrow and Wednesday the off till next Wednesday. Let’s see the plans are for us to have our eyes checked on Thursday, then that afternoon a doctor appointment for me, and just for fun we both get a haircut on Friday. I hope the lady who has done a terrific job on cutting PD’s hair in the past can do the same while he is wearing his brace. Then Monday 2 more minor appointments with doctors for PD and nothing planned for Tuesday yet. Doesn’t that sound like fun? Still on count down for 1 month away before next CT scan of his neck.

  25. parrotmom says:

    nite to all!!!

  26. Msblondie says:

    Finally got my iPad working. Mime is hubby’s iPad 1 he got a 2. Even got a Hello Kitty shell and sleeve for it?

    Well time for bed.. Do have work tomorrow.

  27. Legal Eagle says:

    I’m still waiting for the birthday fisherman. He called and they have all the fish cleaned and he’s on his way home. I know he’s had the birthday of his dreams.

    BE says he’s taking Hoodlum to the no kill animal shelter tomorrow, that he’s had all of her doing her business in places other than the litter pan that he can stand. If anyone knows of anyone who would like to have a loving solid black cat with green eyes, please let me know. She’s up here walking on the keyboard right now. I hope she isn’t reading this.

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