Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?

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32 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:


    Well, I guess it’s back to work time!

  2. Barb says:

    Morning all! Back to work today. Have a great day everyone!!

  3. Mrs. H says:

    I wore long sleeves for our morning walk today. But my legs are still cold.

  4. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. 58 degrees at our house. Wishing everybody a great day.

  5. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone, yes back to work for two days then off till next Wednesday the 14th.
    LegalE sorry to here about Hoodlum, but what else to do? I wouldn’t let Tinker back in last night for afraid of what she may do. Itty was no one to be found, but I did have 4 little beautiful eyes staring at me about 6:30 am.

    May you all have a wonderful day :) the time is 6:55 am.

  6. Airwolf says:

    Morning friends! 54 degrees on my hill. 6:57 am.

  7. pncpnthr says:

    Brrr, 50 degrees here. Hope everyone has a good day.

  8. msblondie says:

    morning gang! it was a bit brisk this morning when hubby left at 5 and still so when I left at 730, at which time I found a surprise in my car. Lee left water in my back floor boards – a seal on a window or around the top leaked again. So windows are down here at work to air it out.

    everyone have a great day!

  9. Legal Eagle says:

    8:49 a.m.

    It’s 56 in Pearl. I have to go pick up a ticket for our monthly luncheon this morning. The luncheon tickets are free, but they are limited so the tickets need to be picked up as soon as they are available, which is this morning. Then I was invited to play bridge with the Tuesday group and we’re going to be somewhere over toward the north shore of the reservoir today.

  10. Airwolf says:

    I received distressing news this morning. The elder sister of my late wife passed away in Berlin. She was such a sweet lady and friend.

  11. The Real JB says:

    Morning all. Hope you are having a great day.
    AW, so sorry about the loss…very sorry.

  12. parrotmom says:

    AW so sorry to hear of the loss. prayers for her family.

  13. dhcoop says:

    Airwolf, I’m so sorry, dear!

  14. msblondie says:

    AW so sorry – prayers for you.

  15. The Real JB says:

    Anybody wanna talk about the Saints final preseason game?

  16. Mrs. H says:

    Sounds like most of us have had a busy Monday/Tuesday…

  17. pncpnthr says:

    Evening. I seem to be at a loss for words. Anxious to hear Tribal election results but the polls don’t close until 8. It’s gonna be a long night.

  18. parrotmom says:

    PNC I did not know it was time for the re-election. Good luck to whom ever you are pulling for.

  19. dhcoop says:


  20. dhcoop says:

    Having trouble posting again.

  21. Legal Eagle says:

    AW, I’m so sorry about your sister-in-law. How long has it been since you have been able to see her?

    I got there to get my luncheon tickets at 10:30 this morning and they were all gone, so I’m on the waiting list. The fact that Pearl pays for our monthly luncheon and Brandon charges $7.00 for theirs has gotten around and people from all around are flocking to get tickets to ours. It may be about time to close ranks, but I don’t know if the powers that be see it that way. Brandon used to make their tickets available to Brandon residents first and then if there were any left, offer them to everyone else. They were using a caterer that was so bad every month that people quit going, so they started offering their tickets to everyone on the same day. It looks like it’s time for Pearl to make a change.

    Time to go make the hush puppies to go with BE’s fish and taters he’s cooking. I already made the slaw.

  22. parrotmom says:

    evening to everyone!!!!

  23. OldBopper says:

    Evening! Glad to get Boule out and about. We’ve been on a couple of rides today. Nothing long. Took my new tennis shoes out of the box and tried them on tonight. These will replace my others which are 8 years old. I’ll use the old ones for yard work. I noticed both pair say they are made in the USA!

    Trying to plan another lengthy day ride for one day this week. Need to add some more counties to my list.

  24. parrotmom says:

    Sounds like fun OB. I imagine the temp is a little more pleasurable for a ride too!!!

  25. Clucky says:

    Loooong day-it’s almost 4am and I am still awake.

    My day ended on a good note.

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