Recent stories

The Sunrise & The Alligator: A cyclist greets the day with the knowledge it could be his last.

The Orderly: Even an angel needs a miracle. A love story.

Battleship: Change isn’t a bad thing, unless you’re a battleship.

Cut Flowers: A man learns the value of cut flowers and time.

The Puppy: A boy and a dog train each other.

Rain: Grateful for the dry-spell and the blessings.

The Amazing Game: A father’s and son’s lives painted on the background of college football.

The Real Superman: A story of a real hero.

Changing Course: A woman sails out of a storm.

The Harvest: A farmer grows an amazing crop.

The Oak: A sentinel watches the Coast recover.

Landfall: A man struggles to recover from Katrina  as another storm blows in.

The Levee: A woman rebuilds her protection from the flood through running.

Monuments: Bigger isn’t always better.

Leaders: Why Pat Summitt’s and Steve Jobs’ bad news hurts so badly.

A Man of Few Words: Actions are louder than words.

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