Thursday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?

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52 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. pncpnthr says:


  2. dhcoop says:


    Hayfever. I haz it.

  3. Mrs. H says:

    Coop, I saw your comment about the lizard. Yesterday, I avoided 2 separate turtles crossing the road. One was slightly smaller than dinner plate sized. The other was more tea cup sized. I don’t know where they were headed but they were both determined.

  4. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Grass cutting day.

  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang! ya’ll missing lizards and turtles – I play squirrel miss nearly every morning.

  6. dhcoop says:

    Praying for CornPop today. Her knee surgury is this afternoon.

  7. Molly says:

    Mornin. I’m worn out. And it’s just 9:25. Kiddo’s BFF that has the abusive father called me at 7:00 in tears begging me to come get her. She’s living with her grandmother who drops her off at the father’s house early every morning to get ready for school and catch the bus. This morning the evil stepmother had one of her screaming fits and kicked BFF out of the house. She went to a neighbor’s house. In the meantime, dear ole dad, who was not at home this morning, called her screaming at her and told her he never wanted to see her again and that he did not want custody and for her never to come back to the house. Then she called me. Kiddo and I finished getting dressed and went to get her. I offered to let her hang out at my house all day, but she wanted to go to school. By the time we got there, we were late. I had to sign her in. Today is the day Kiddo goes to VoTech at Hinds, and she missed the bus to VoTech. So, then I had to go to Pearl and sign her in at Hinds. I finally got to work an hour late. I need a nap.

    • dhcoop says:

      Molly, that’s a truly awful situation for that child.

    • cardinallady says:

      The one thing I don’t understand is screaming at a kid. And the woman who married the man knew he had children and she’d have to live with them. Grrrr. Molly, I am so glad she has you to help give her some stability.

      • Molly says:

        She has 4 kids herself. Two live with them. Neither “adult” in the household has any parenting skills and both have anger management problems.

  8. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks. Haircut day for me then cut the grass here in town. Tomorrow to the farm and more grass!

  9. parrotmom says:

    Good morning! Eye appointments at 9:00 just finished paperwork. PD is first is his Birthday present for turning 55 today. I gave him his card and he swears he read it. I asked what did it say, He said Happy Birthday? Then I asked what was on it he said he culd not remembee.

  10. cardinallady says:

    Morning! flitting through. I just want y’all to know I was nice to my mayor today. I went to see him and he wasn’t there. Lo and behold on his desk was this beautifully shaped cup with postage stamp sized patterns on it and in each of those squares was a RED CARDINAL. I remembered the “Thou Shalt NOT Steal” commandment. Sighed, wrote him a note to the effect that I was nice and didn’t steal his cup, and left.

  11. dhcoop says:

    The sudafed I took this morning is making my nose drip and my head feel like things are crawling all over it.

  12. The Real JB says:

    My beautiful avatar has disappeared :\

  13. parrotmom says:

    Molly prayers for you and Kiddo’s BFF. People can be so cruel.

    PD was told he had some changes to his eyes–to be expected at 55. After our eyes were dilated we picked out our new frames and type progressive lenses. Then we both were put in the same exam room for one more test. She told me I had very healthy eyes. Then she checked PD and walked away. He said well what about mine. He has macular degeneration. They called us back and since he has medicare he will go back Monday to have baseline testing done and then 2 appointments yearly to check on the progression. Ok his health check card is getting mighty full of problems.

  14. parrotmom says:

    We both need haircuts not sure when and if that will be done. At least we know his hair has already thinned :)

    I go for my annual this afternoon first time since 2007 I hope all goes well with it.

  15. Mrs. H says:

    PM, you have more medical experience than some MDs I know!

  16. GrammarGirl says:

    PM, I hope all goes well, too, and that you will make this a yearly thing now, and not once every 4 or 5 years. I am a strong advocate for yearly mammograms–mine saved my life.

  17. parrotmom says:

    MrsH if I didn’t have to study and pass a test I could probably be a physcians assistant?

    Ok, that’s done should have results in a week, now they mentioned time for the other big word—- Colonoscopy? Hmmmm!!!! I can get there but no one to bring me home. I will have to wait until after PD’s CT scan in October to figure that one out.

  18. parrotmom says:

    GG I agree I should be more diligent I think it has to come from the teachings of your mother. My mom never went back as far as I know after she had her hysterectomy in her mid 20’s. She probably never had a mammogram. I think that mother’s that teach there daughters and start them in there teens proves to make them more serious about their follow ups.

  19. GrammarGirl says:

    PM, probably has a lot to do with it. However, my Mom was never good about going, either. When she finally went after many years, she had uterine cancer. Fortunately, it was easily treated with a hysterectomy and she has had no recurrence. I am just one of those people who believes in preventive medicine. I’m not a worry wart and I’m not a hypochondriac, but if something IS wrong with me, I want to know about it and all there is to treat it. There’s just no sense in being ignorant or apathetic where your health is concerned. You are your own best advocate. Most insurance plans cover a certain percentage of preventive office visits and screenings, so that’s not usually an excuse, either. So get off your duffs and take care of yourselves. And I’m not sorry if I stepped on any of your toes (looking at you, Tank!).

  20. dhcoop says:

    I just had a surprise visit from Clucky! It was great to see her and show off my digs!

  21. GrammarGirl says:

    I want a surprise visit from Clucky!!! Better yet, I want to eat Mexican with Clucky (Security!! Difficult order!!). Ha!!

  22. Mrs. H says:

    This evening, I’m driving a van full of choir members to FBC Gulfport for a Gulf Coast Associational choir rehersal. (Our church in George County is an honorary member because our minister of music came here from there.) Sunday, we’re presenting a musical memorial at the Biloxi Middle School: Let the Worshippers Arise.

  23. Mrs. H says:

    check out the sign on the Strange Brew Coffeehouse in Starkville:

    Mark is a good friend of the owner and saw it in on Twitter. The guy is getting hate calls from Auburn fans. It has made several Auburn blogs, too.

  24. parrotmom says:

    MrsH enjoy the evening.

    what a sing, I could imagine the comments.

    GG, I know insurance will pay for check ups and some cancer policies will pay you to have certain age related test done for safety sake.

  25. Legal Eagle says:

    I was having trouble with my mouse connection and couldn’t type anything, but BE fooled with it and got it working again.

    We went yesterday morning and got our free Chik-fil-A breakfast sandwich. We chose the bacon, cheese and egg biscuit and it was really good, especially since it was free. If you haven’t already done so, go to (or something like that) and reserve yours. They are doing this through Saturday morning.

    Then we went to the Wellness Fair and I got my flu shot with no waiting line when I walked over there, had my eyeglasses cleaned, aligned and new pads put on the nose piece for free, free chili and corn bread lunch and signed up for lots of door prizes. I got to meet Eb from Green Acres and got an autographed picture. They have this every year at the Trade Mart and I got to talk to Ethan Houston this year and ask about Sharita Erves, who is now in Atlanta working for CNN.

  26. dhcoop says:


    Just walked out on the porch and had a deer blow at me. I couldn’t see it, but the sound is unmistakable.

    Bet MrsH is having a blast!

    PM, when you get ready for THAT procedure, I have a few tips for you…

  27. dhcoop says:

    So, Leagle, how is Sharita doing? I miss her on the broadcast.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      I thought maybe since she had told me that she had a boyfriend in Atlanta and that she had moved to Atlanta, that maybe she was getting married, but Ethan said she hasn’t gotten married yet and that she is working for CNN, but I don’t know in what capacity. I guess I need to look her up on FB.

  28. parrotmom says:

    Thanks Coop, I’ll be in touch.

    I bought PD a move so off to the movies we go.

    His cousin bailed on the help I was needing, something I expected to happen anyway. Oh well, Happy Birthday PD!!!

  29. OldBopper says:

    PQ and I went to see The Help this afternoon. My first trip to the movie in years. The movie was well done and followed the book pretty closely. If you haven’t seen it, it’s well worth the time.

    PQ agrees with me that the picture on our TV is twice as good as that at the movie. I was honestly surprised at the quality of the picture at the theater.

  30. parrotmom says:

    oh well he is watching polictical stuff from the speech for now.

  31. parrotmom says:

    OB glad you had a good time out with PQ :)

  32. dhcoop says:

    Sorry I missed wishing PD a Happy Birthday.

    I miss AnnO singing on birthdays! Card used to sing too…

    CornPop had a successful surgery but will be on crutches a couple of weeks.

    Glad she will be getting some relief.

  33. Airwolf says:

    Happy birthday PD.

    CP prayers for a speedy recovery!

  34. Legal Eagle says:

    Happy Birthday, Parrotdad! I meant to tell you earlier, but then I forgot. But then I’m at an age where I can go in the kitchen to get something and forget what I went for. I hope you and PM have had a great day and are having a great movie night.

    I think I’m going to the movie at the Pearl Library tomorrow. They are showing Soul Surfer.

  35. dhcoop says:

    Clucky, you are on my mind was great seeing you today!

    Bought ready to go to sleep. Prayers and hugs to all in need.

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