9/11 Lady Liberty

The newsroom was scrambling.  The second tower had just crashed to Earth and I had to have an idea.  No dice. I wanted to be with my family, not stuck in a newsroom.  The world was ending — or so it seemed.  I said a quick plea for guidance and then the iconic shot of the Statue of Liberty standing in front of the smoke came on TV. I drew this cartoon in 3o minutes. But what I love about it 10 years later is the silver lining on the black cloud. I didn’t mean to draw it on that day — who could have seen the good that would happen. We came together as a country. Fireman and Police in NY showed us what true heroes really are.  We thought of others instead of ourselves. Pure evil brought out the good in us.  This is my third all-time favorite cartoon that I’ve done.

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4 Responses to 9/11 Lady Liberty

  1. Reed says:

    I’m sure I’ll get attacked for this and no disrespect is meant, but this looks like a copy of the famous Bill Mauldin cartoon of Lincoln crying after the Kennedy assassination.

  2. Barb says:

    This is a very powerful drawing, just as the Mauldin one was!!

  3. CJ Applewhite says:


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