Daily Log 9/10/11

Nine. Ten. Eleven.  Just noticed that.  I guess that means my brain is finally waking up.

Another project landed in my lap yesterday. Praise the Lord. Work is a blessing and I want all the blessings I can handle.  This will be a fun one — I will be doing 20 coloring sheets for my cousin’s childrens’ division.  I love drawing Junior.  I have a lot of love ahead of me.

Got a good lesson on forgiveness and letting go this morning.  It’s OK to be angry.  But to remain angry hurts no one but yourself. The more time you spend obsessing about a past hurt, the less time you have moving past it to something better.  As the old cliche says, “Success is the best revenge.” And no, I’m not preaching. I’m talking to myself.

It has been a very lazy morning so far. Read an interesting article.  Talked to a friend.  Updated my blog. And now I’m watching State vs. Auburn.  I’m trying to unwind after another very busy week.  By the time Friday rolls around, I’m ready for a day to recover.

The radio show is getting better.  Every day there are parts that are very, very good. The next trick is tie everything together. The bottom line? I’m learning something every day.  And that is a good thing.

Now to write something.  And watch a little football.

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