Daily Log 9/11/11

Ten years.

Ten years since the day that literarily changed the world.

For ten years I’ve not been able to process what happened on September 11, 2001. Yesterday I tried. I watched several programs on the attack. On the heroism. And on the pain.  I felt myself getting angry. I felt myself getting exhausted.  I felt nothing but pure sadness.  But at the end, I felt pride. I felt pride in our country. I felt pride in the first responders on that horrible day. I felt pride in the people who have pieced back their lives.  I just felt.

God bless the victims of that fateful day. God bless the families who are still dealing with the pain.  And God bless this great nation.  The terrorists knocked down the Towers. They punched a hole in the Pentagon. But they did not destroy our spirit.

As the brave passengers said as they overtook the terrorists on Flight 93, “Let’s roll.”

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One Response to Daily Log 9/11/11

  1. dhcoop says:

    I feel the same way. As I watched the footage, the dedication, then the movie, I really could’nt process it. But I remember it so well.

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