Running up the score

Epiphanies are cerebral lightning strikes.  They’re ideas that flash out of the blue and change lives by lighting fires underneath souls.

His epiphany occurred during an unexpected moment — while watching a football game.  It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and he was watching his favorite team play.  They were the underdog and were expected to get blown out by the young, exciting team with the high-powered offense. The whistle blew and the game was played.

His team took risks. They kicked onside kicks. They threw the ball deep. And they ran up the score. The defense played well — particularly since they had no pressure on it. Why? They had a three touchdown lead. His team completely dominated the other team with their game plan.  How? They faced a team with a good offense and beat them with a great offense.

Beating a good offense with a great offense. His epiphany struck.

He sat in his recliner and thought about his career.  He had worried about being laid off. He had fretted about pay cuts.  He had been focused on playing defense against a team with a good offense.  He had been trying to protect his comfort zone. No more.

He sat down and developed new plan — a great offense.  No more sitting back and waiting for things to happen to him. He was going to lean forward. To use his talent every way he could. He took risks and refused to rest.

He no longer played it safe. He played to win.

And from that point on in his life, he ran up the score.

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