Monday Free-For-All

Good morning! What’s up?

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36 Responses to Monday Free-For-All

  1. pncpnthr says:

    Morning. It’s going to warm up again today. I’m ready for long-sleeved weather.

  2. dhcoop says:


    I guess I’m ready for long sleeve weather, just not hunker-down, big coat weather.

  3. Mrs. H says:

    Good morning.

    The concert in Biloxi was great. About 10 Gulf Coast choirs combined in a huge worship offering.

  4. Ann Onimous says:

    Morning. Time to yell at kids again. Oi.

  5. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. MrsH sounds like a lovely time. Bet the audience enjoyed it immensely. Coop, I’m with you on the weather. Long sleeves are OK but coats are a hassle.

    Hope everybody has a good start to the week.

  6. tank says:

    hey y’all. I had a fantastic weekend. didn’t do much, just relaxed and enjoyed my family. the girls start school today. they were up at 6:00 they were so excited. they never get up that early. and they don’t have to be there until 8:30.
    my football teams didn’t do so well. hardy had a rough game w/usm. I felt so bad for him. hopefully next week will be better. what few minutes I was able to watch of state I saw wells on a couple of tackles. he’s having a good year so far. we love our LC boys.
    the colts got blasted without peyton. honestly, I felt bad for collins (I can’t even call him big ears I feel so bad for him).
    we had 142 in ss yesterday. the choir didn’t even come down out of the loft for service. our little country church has been overflowing lately, PTL.
    it’s a lovely day. y’all enjoy.

  7. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a great day!

  8. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone!! Trying to get PD, myself and the parrot ready to leave for couple more doctor appointments for PD. Appears after finally cutting my backyard I have poison ivy again. Supprisingly enough I did not see any!!!!

    MrsH your event yesterday sounds awesome. Amazing to hear that many groups to sing to the glory of God all in one setting.

  9. Airwolf says:

    Morning folks. I don’t like coat weather either. I need to trim some bushes, looking for motivation!

  10. pncpnthr says:

    At home. Hope it’s not stomach virus that’s been going around. Ugh!

  11. parrotmom says:

    Back from taking PD to have blood drawn for his coumadin level and testing done for his macular degeneration. It is both eyes and the beginning stages but does already have symptoms. There is no way to really know how fast or slow that it will progress so he will be followed twice a year to keep tabs.

    I think I may be going to Roosters up at fondren for lunch today. I want a really good hamburger although a roast beef panini from Basil’s would also be terrific. Decisions, decisions….

  12. parrotmom says:

    LOL at JB, back to himself again.

    I went to Roosters and had a cheeseburger and onion rings. Of course PD had to call and hearing the background noises I had to tell him where I was. So now he is having fun with me over my burger so I told him that I would not tell him how good the onion rings were!!! LOL :)

  13. The Real JB says:

    We just had a cheeburger cheeburger open up close to us. Yall ever heard of that? Great burgers..fries…onion rings.

  14. Airwolf says:

    Afternoon folks. I got about half of my bushes/shrubs trimmed. I let some of them go to long. They were trying to be trees. I’ll try to finish up tomorrow!

  15. OldBopper says:

    Afternoon, started working on last year’s taxes this morning. Should finish up in a couple of days. Then to the accountant.

    Hope to get started on the main floor flooring next week. Got to tear out a half bath first.

  16. parrotmom says:

    OB I don’t envy you at all. AW I know what you mean about the shrubs almost trees. I cut down several in my backyard this past Saturday.

  17. CornPop says:

    I realize that physical therapists spend a lot of time in school learning their specialized skill, but today I learned that part of that skill is having a little sadism in their souls. Today was my 1st day in the torture chamber after knee surgery on Thursday. I, literally, was brought to tears by the young man that was my physical therpist this afternoon. As Ken says, “No pain, no gain!” (I guess). And now I am scheduled to go back to the torture chamber on Wednesday and Friday! :( I’ll know when I can go back to work after I see my doctor for a f/u appt next Wednesday (21st). Prayers are in need for Coop.

  18. Ann Onimous says:

    Long day at work, and just about to go home. Yay!

  19. dhcoop says:


    It’s getting dark earlier. Boo

    CP, I’m sorry therapy is so tough, but it will get better and you MUST werk it girl!

  20. Clucky says:

    Werk it.

  21. parrotmom says:

    I love the “Werk” it comment.

    CornPop hopefully you will get better with the torture treatment.

    Coop, My kittie girls and parrot both know what time it is even though the sun is going down sooner. They are doing there best to keep my on schedule.

  22. parrotmom says:

    Where did everyone go?? I have been busy doing busy work. Tomorrow is my last day off the back to work on Wednesday. I wonder what that will be like.

  23. parrotmom says:

    Since all by myself I will say good nite to you all, Sweet Dreams!!!!

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