Thursday Free-For-All

The Leonard E. Warren Melanoma Foundation (the foundation that we started to put on the Run from the Sun) will be presenting $15,000 to UMC today to buy a tissue freezer for the Cancer Center.

Hope you have a great day.

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35 Responses to Thursday Free-For-All

  1. pncpnthr says:

    Morning! That is great news, Marshall! And I look forward to improving my time in next years run!
    Busy day ahead. Hubby will be home this evening. Good day to all! :)

  2. Mrs. H says:

    What a wonderful legacy!

    Good morning, everyone. My eldest was not feeling well when I got home yesterday. She missed church last night. She’s on the Th-Fr-Sa schedule at work this month, so she’s got to work 12 hours today. :( Yes, she’s grown up, but I’m still her momma and I want to write a note.

  3. dhcoop says:


    That’s great Marshall! I hope I do better next year, too!

    MrsH, my Baby Girl will always be just that, even though she’s a grown woman with children of her own.

  4. Barb says:

    I will be glad to put this week behind me!! We have inventory tomorrow and it has been a rough week!! And, I am not off until Monday!!
    Ya’ll all have a great day!!

  5. parrotmom says:

    Good morning everyone. Barb so sorry for the inventory stuff and long week before being off. PNC so glad you will have company from your hubby this evening.

    Marshall that is wonderful news and a great gift to be given.

    I have my test here shortly plan to be there about 8:00 even though they said 8:30.

    MrsH, you always want to protect your young not matter what there age, Love and hugs to all.

  6. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ y’all. Great news Marshall!

    Doesn’t matter how old they are, you always want to do for your children…relieve them from the pressures of the day, and keep them safe. I found that even when my girls are grown, when the stay here over night, I always listen for them to come in just to make sure they are OK before they go to sleep.

    Barb, I can empathize with you . When I was in college, I had a job working with a man who inventoried drug stores associated with food stores. We would start about 6 pm and finish around mid-night. There’s a mint in those drug bins. He paid me $20 a night plus supper and I worked three nights a week. That added up to $3,100 a year. In addition, I had a part time job working from 2-5 every day for the employment service, was in the Naval Reserve, and was drawing GI benefits to go to school. I honestly had to take a cut in pay to go to work when I finished college. BTW, PQ was a school teacher and was making $3,600 a year at that time.

    Got to work today. With luck it will only take a couple of hours of intense listening. Then write a report.

    Hope everybody has a good day.

  7. Molly says:

    Mornin. Puppy Nicky is still hobbling about, but he can get around. He wimpers once in a while when he puts the sore foot down wrong.
    Co-worker with the brown recluse bite is having a rough time. Between the effects of the bite and the powerful antibiotic, she’s wiped out. She said everything hurts. She came in yesterday but probably shouldn’t have. She’s home in bed today.

  8. msblondie says:

    morning gang! hope all have a great day!

    Marshall that is great news!

    Tonight is the MSU-LSU game…. it shall be interesting.

  9. Clucky says:

    Started the day off with a bang. In the ER w/Mr Fab-chest pain. Getting ready to transfer to Meridian for cardiology.

  10. Mrs. H says:

    Oh, Clucky! Praying for you and Mr. Fab and the ones taking care of him.

  11. Legal Eagle says:

    We’re having our monthly luncheon at 11:30 and our entertainment today is a fashion show. After that, the bridge game is at 1:00 and I just got the numbers even for that. I will be AFK until late this afternoon, so y’all play nice.

    MrsH, they are still your babies even when they are grown. Both of my daughters are going through divorces right now and I am not one to get up in the middle of anything or Heaven forbid, say anything to the sons-in-law, but I am concerned about both of my “little ones” even though one is 42 now and the other one is 29.

  12. Airwolf says:

    Morning! Prayers for Mr. Fab and Clucky.

    We got a good rain last night and it’s still drizzling. I’m at Huddle House while the cleaning lady cleans our house.

  13. Legal Eagle says:

    I love finding authors who are new to me, especially when they have written a lot of books before being “discovered” by me. I just finished reading two Terri Gerritsen novels, “Harvest” and “The Bone Garden.” I have a couple more checked out and I’m on the request list at the library for more. Her books are great.

  14. parrotmom says:

    prayers for Mr. Fab and Clucky. I hope all turns out well.

    I am still waiting the first spot disappeared with the spot compression, but it created another spot

  15. parrotmom says:

    good news all the spots disappeared. Home free.

  16. parrotmom says:

    good news all the spots disappeared. Home free. time to go.

  17. dhcoop says:

    Leftover Newks. I love their chicken salad as much as I love the pimento cheese.

  18. Legal Eagle says:

    We had a good lunch catered by V.I.P. Catering, a fun fashion show which included male models as well as female and a good bridge game.

  19. parrotmom says:

    Evening, feels really nice outside. Very nice change.

  20. dhcoop says:

    Evenin! It does feel good outside.

    Anyone heard from Clucky?

  21. Barb says:

    Prayers for Clucky and Mr Fab.

  22. parrotmom says:

    PD wanted to go to Walmart, now he wishes he hadn’t. Poor boy is going to hurt no matter what. Three weeks to go before his next CT scan.

    I hope all is better with Mr. Fab and Clucky?

  23. dhcoop says:

    Just been texting with Clucky. Mr Fab is stable. For details, you can email Clucky at

  24. Clucky says:

    Sorry I havent checked in. BP is much better, as is chest pain. Labs are okay, stress tests tomorrow morning. He’s resting well. And I am about to try to do the same.

    Dawgs put up a good fight.

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