Friday Free-For-All

Good morning! TGIF.

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34 Responses to Friday Free-For-All

  1. dhcoop says:

    Mornin TGIF is right!

    Trying to get moving this morning. Feel like poopy doodoo. I think I have Fridayitis.

  2. Mrs. H says:

    back from a 3 mile walk. no moon, no stars, just high clouds and a nice temperature

  3. parrotmom says:

    Good morning and Happy Friday!!!

  4. Airwolf says:

    Morning friends! I hope things go well for Mr. Fab today.

    Since my birthday is next week and my DL expires going to renew today! I dread the lines.

    • dhcoop says:

      I’ve got the same issue, AW. I dread going. My boss’s birthday is today and he went last week and it took HOURS!

      • Molly says:

        When I got my last renewal, I went around 2:00 or 2:30. I was out of there in 30 minutes. BTW, if you didn’t renew it online last time, you can renew it online in a matter minutes.

        • dhcoop says:

          I’ve already checked that, and since my home address has changed, I can’t do it online!

          • OldBopper says:

            Coop, go to the station across from the penitentary in Rankin County. I-20 to airport road south to the end (by Whitfield). Take a left, turn right, over the RR tracks and continue south for a couple of miles. It will be on your left. You should not have any lines.

        • Airwolf says:

          Unless you use a PO Box which I do.

    • msblondie says:

      when i renewed mine last month, I did it through the little Kiosk thingy. It was really quick. I just had to keep the receipt with me until my new license arrived – about a week. I did mine out at Metrocenter since I pass it every day going and leaving work.

      M went did hers around the 2-230 time same place and was in and out in 10 minutes or so.

  5. msblondie says:

    morning gang! – I am with you coop. I didn’t want to get up this morning.

    It felt like I just laid down when hubby got up for work. Went back to sleep after he left and could have stayed. Heard M moving before the clocks went off – unusual but does happen.

    Everyone have a great Friday.

  6. Molly says:

    Mornin! So glad it’s Friday. Kiddo is going to the USM game tomorrow with friends. I have a date with Hubby tomorrow night. (Monday is our anniversary.) Otherwise, there’s not much on our agenda.

  7. Legal Eagle says:

    When I had to renew my DL a few years ago, I went out to the office across from the prison and I was the only one in there. It took me maybe 10 minutes, picture taking and all.

    I’m not signed up to play bridge today. They are having baggo (throwing beanbags through little holes in a board a long way away) at 10:00, but I haven’t worked up enough enthusiasm about it to get dressed.

  8. Crystalbutterfly says:


  9. Crystalbutterfly says:

    My parent’s birthdays are today if they were still living my Dad would have been 89 and Mom would have been 87.

  10. OldBopper says:

    Mawnin’ gang. Went to hear my future son-in-law deliver a homily at the local Episcopal elementary school. He did a splendid job and had the attention of the students all the way through.

    PQ and I going to a quilt show in a few.

    Any word on Mr. Fab?

  11. Clucky says:

    Mr. Fab is at the heart station having his stress testes (heh) right now. Grabbing a shower then going to check on him. He had a good night, blood pressure still down, chest pain minimal. Thanks for the prayers, y’all.

    • msblondie says:

      That is good news Clucky – still praying for y’all.

    • Legal Eagle says:

      That is good news, Clucky. Do you think they would count walking into the stands at the game tonight to see the sweet young lady playing in her uniform for the first time part of the stress test?

  12. The Real JB says:

    I’ve done nothing this morning that will make me money. The client I helped is thankful for my service.

    I’m wondering who is the heck books Auburn and LSU within 5 days of each other. Our team is so beat up right now. Still proud of them.

  13. Airwolf says:

    Got my DL, took 15 minutes. I was very pleased!

  14. cardinallady says:

    Afernoon. Red lightning streak is me. Very busy with homecoming and juggling cameras and going to meetings and … and … and … I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad it is Friday!

  15. OldBopper says:

    PF Chang’s for lunch. Then to the quilt show. We found the show starts tomorrow, but they were nice enough to let us in and allow us to see the quilts on display. Some very pretty quilts on display. None of them had the award ribbons on them, but a lady told us of a few of the winners. The vendor booths are still being set up.

    If you are into quilts, it’s a nice show. It’s at the Mississippi Craft Center on Rice Road.

  16. dhcoop says:


    This weather is awesome!

  17. dhcoop says:

    Looking forward to the season premier of Fringe.

  18. dhcoop says:

    Well, shoot! It’s not till next week. This is the season finale. Oh well…it will help refresh my memory of the madness.

  19. parrotmom says:

    Evening, just doing the same old, same old. Nothing new with me. I need to take the parrot for a wing trimming tomorrow. I need to work both days at the office. Gee, taking vacation time off makes the weekends so enjoyable—NOT!!!!!!

  20. OldBopper says:

    Happy Saturday Morning! Headed out for a semi-long ride. Want to be back for football games. Don’t exactly know where I’m going. Want to add some new counties and want to ride the trace. May just do the trace.

  21. dhcoop says:


    Being lazy.

  22. dhcoop says:

    Heads up! Attache’ is having their annual car wash today at the Hurricane Bay Carwash at the corner of Northside Drive and Old Vicksburg Road next to the fire station in Clinton. My beautiful Bug will be there working hard! So, if you are in the Clinton area, go support Attache!

  23. Airwolf says:

    Headed to the Mantachie Fest and possibly the New Albany Pioneer days! I hope everyone has a great day!

  24. Clucky says:

    Mr Fab was discharged at 5pm yesterday Did well on stress tests-YAY! Went to the game-oops, no uniforms, but we played Leake Central, formerly known as Carthage/Edinburg/Thomastown. They are 4A-we are 2A! We STILL spanked tbem 29-0!! We remain UNDEFEATED!! Their band is pretty good-but would you believe our band is bigger? Ours only did the first two songs of our show, and still got a standing ovation! They are working on the closer, and our first contest is next weekend at West Lauderdale. We play Madison-St Joe next Friday night, but the band isn’t going.
    We are on our way to see Poppy. Perfect topless weather :D
    Oh, they put Mr Fab bqck on home meds, so since he wasn’t having a heart attack, they ignored his BP. He will be seeing his regular doc next week to get meds adjusted. Sheesh. They did start bim on Prilosec with an appt for GI, so reflux may be an issue too.
    OK, now to enjoy the ride. Mr Fab sends hugs and a big THANK YOU! for your prayers. Love y’all.

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