Tuesday Free-For-All

Good morning! Big storms about to roll through here.

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37 Responses to Tuesday Free-For-All

  1. pncpnthr says:

    Good morning! I slept like a log! Hubby & Cub were both home last night. I always sleep better when they are here. Hunting season is about to start so Cub wont be coming home very often. Guess I’ll have to make trips to V’burg.
    Hugs to Clucky, giggles to Tank, OB, I’d send a hug but it might be painful..Hope you are recovering well.
    Still thundering here. Better get ready to hit the road.

  2. dhcoop says:


    Looks like I’m going to be driving into a mess this morning. Radar looks nasty. Stay safe y’all!

  3. Barb says:

    Morning! Noisy outside!! Did not know we were supposed to get a storm today.

  4. Mrs. H says:

    It was just foggy here. I’ll have to check and see what’s ahead. Even though we have a resident meteorologist, Mr. H is the one who reports the Wx to us and he’s in Montgomery.

  5. parrotmom says:

    Good morning!! I let the kittie girls in before 6:00 and before the really ruff stuff started. I could get one out and had to chase Tinker Bell, finally she went out and in comes Itty bitty. Oh well for getting to work early. My parrot is finally having his breakfast. I hope all have a good day.

    Barb, we are in for more scattered showers today. It will be my luck at lunch time when I have to run home again. Everyone besafe and OB I hope you are feeling the same if not better, but definitely no worse.

    Prayers and hugs Clucky ((((((())))))))!! I thinke we all need some right now with end of month and end of the quarter. It just isn’t right to start crying in front of a computer :(

  6. OldBopper says:

    mawnin’ shock and awe here a good old fashioned t-storm guess nws has 42 kajillion warnings and watches activated for the blind and deaf

  7. Airwolf says:


  8. dhcoop says:

    LONG drive in this morning since the bottleneck on I55 gets even worse with weather, even though there was no accident I could see.

    Got here right at 8. Hope everyone has a great day!

  9. Mrs. H says:

    One of our members passed away about an hour ago. He knew it was coming. He had fought the same dragon MR did, but this time the dragon got the upper hand. He also knew Where he was headed when the time came and did all he could to make sure everyone he came into contact with knew the Way. RIP, Mr. Bill.

  10. msblondie says:

    morning gang! drive in was horrible.

    lot to do today!

    Everyone stay safe!

  11. OldBopper says:

    woo hoo! got my brace on. it lifts and separates. hmmmm, maybe a bisexual version of the playtex living bra.

  12. tank says:

    no rain here in days. and not even many clouds. it has stayed north.

    if you live in the metro area todays living social deal sounds like an excellent one for pest control if you are in need of that. $39 for a regular $125 treatment. check it out.

    I love picking out baby names! I like the old family names better than the trendy names. they have a boy’s middle name picked out but that’s it. and yes, I know I said “name(s)” a whole lot in this paragraph. :P

  13. tank says:

    we’ll be fighting that early morning traffic in the morn. it is just 55 south that has all the construction going on, right? we’re gonna head home afterwards. I’m afraid hubby won’t feel like socializing or killing time between the procedure and lunch. I may even come on in to work if we get home in time.

    • msblondie says:

      The road work is all being done at night 7 pm to 6 am. It goes from McDowell to Byram and from Byram to McDowell (So both sides of 55 South of 20). But everyone slows down to see what was done over night instead of just driving.

  14. dhcoop says:

    It took me 30 minutes to get from Byram to Savannah Street this morning. Got to Byram about 7:20. There was no accident, just a huge bottleneck.

  15. OldBopper says:

    somethings i’ve learned.
    1. it’s easier get out of a solid chair than an upholstered one.
    2. when you know it’s going hurt standing up or sitting down you tend to procrastionate doing either.
    3. full face motorcycle helmets are worth their weight in gold, even at todays prices.
    4. freeway bars ought to be mandatory for all cruisers. they are much more than a footrest.
    5. armored jackets don’t work if they are hanging in a closet when you need them.
    6. people who call those who wear full face helmuts and armored jackets ‘sissies’ are full of crap.
    7. the pavement is an unforgiving surface.

  16. parrotmom says:

    Evening everyone!!!

    OB, I liked your list it reminded my of my young bicycle days and not to mention the skating rink floor was unforgiven too!!!

  17. dhcoop says:


    Long, but good day!

    Time for a corndog. :)

  18. parrotmom says:

    Coop you sound like you like corndogs. Earlier this year I was hooked on cold bologna sandwiches and I never liked it cold, but fried.

  19. Legal Eagle says:

    I read Tess Garritson’s “The Sinner” and then Davis Bunn’s “Elixer” and I’m starting Davis Bunn’s “Imposter.”

    I’m going AFK in a few minutes to watch Unforgettable. I liked it last week and I also enjoyed Revenge and Pan Am. I’m still not completely sold on The Playboy Club, but it has possibilities.

  20. parrotmom says:

    Enjoy LegalE.

    I hope CardinalLady is having a good time. Thursday is Cardinalson’s birthday.

  21. Ann Onimous says:

    Be in prayer for all of our children attending See You At The Pole gatherings tomorrow morning.

    Good night, all.

  22. Clucky says:

    Lifts and separates? ROFLOL!! Gave me the best laugh I’ve had all day! Glad you didn’t lose your sense of humor!

    Well, at last, a diagnosis! WNV-induced fibromyalgia. Not delving into details, but relieved to know I’m not just lazy. Tomorrow I go to UMC to find out if I’m crazy or just insane. I’ll check in. Promise.

  23. dhcoop says:

    Clucky, glad to hear the results so far… maybe you can drop by?? Oh, and who SAYS you can’t be crazy and insane at the same time?!?? DUH! Someone who’s living under a rock, maybe! heh

    Watched DWTS results. I can just hear Cher saying to Chas with her big ol lips and deep voice…, “Son, you suck…you are lucky you didn’t get voted off tonight…”

    I don’t figure I’m up much longer. Gonna be another busy day tomorrow. My boys need me! I love my job!

    OB, I’m just glad you are ok, but I get a little sick in the stomach every time I see something about a motorcycle accident…between you and my nephew (Cub), it just makes me nervous. I try not to think about it, though, since I know y’all enjoy it so much.

    Headed to sleepy town soon!

    Sleep well, y’all. Porch light is off cause the skeeters are too bad.

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